Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 333 Brand new development, brand new plan.

Chapter 333 Brand new development, brand new plan.

After some seemingly simple introductions to lunar soil.

Ye Fei ushered in the real importance of knowledge sharing.

That is to use lunar soil to deduce the entire solar system!

"Thank you for your support, now I will continue to share some dry goods knowledge with you. Through our mineralogical analysis, we found that the lunar soil is composed of a complex mineral mixture, including feldspar, pyroxene and olivine, etc. These minerals It not only provides important clues about the formation and surface-making process of the moon, but also shows that liquid lava once existed on the moon, and the lunar soil may be formed by the solidification of this lava."

Hearing this, many netizens in the live broadcast room became very interested and curious about Ye Fei's research.

Ye Fei continued to share: "At the same time, our geochemical analysis has revealed many interesting characteristics of the lunar soil. For example, we found that the lunar soil contains high levels of certain elements, such as titanium and aluminum, which indicates that these elements were formed in the early moon. The material was collected. We also found signs of water in the lunar soil, which may have been injected by the solar wind."

Netizens in the live broadcast room expressed their surprise and excitement in the barrage after hearing these new discoveries.

Ye Fei went on to say: "Our age and internal structure analysis revealed important clues about the history of the moon. By using radioactive techniques to date the lunar soil, we determined that the age of the moon is about 45 billion years, which is the same as the age of the solar system." Consistent. We also found that the lunar regolith contains evidence for both primary and secondary effects, suggesting that multiple geological processes are at work on the lunar surface."

These new research results have once again inspired the netizens in the live broadcast room, and they all expressed that they have a new understanding of the study of lunar soil.

Ye Fei stretched out his hand, smiled and said to the audience and the barrage: "Sounds incredible, right? Until now, we really understand the 45 billion-year evolution history of the moon as a celestial body."

Someone started to ask in the barrage: "45 billion years, how is this calculated?"

Ye Fei's smile deepened: "This is a good question. We used radioactive techniques to date the lunar soil. Specifically, by studying the radioactive isotopes in the rocks, determining their half-lives and the content of decay products , so as to deduce the ages of uranium, thorium, uranium series and potassium-thorium-aluminum radioactive samples."

Hearing Ye Fei's explanation, some expressions of admiration appeared in the barrage.

"Okay, now, let me share with you the 45 billion-year evolution history of the moon." With that, Ye Fei began to get into the topic.

"About 45 billion years ago, in the early days of the solar system, many rocks and dust gathered together to form the ancient moon. In the early days, the surface of the moon was hot and covered with extensive lava. On this nascent moon , life cannot exist, or will not exist in the future. This process is called the first phase of the moon."

Ye Fei continued: "As time goes on, the temperature of the moon begins to decrease, and most of the lava on the surface gradually solidifies. At this stage, the moon has gained enough heat and momentum through impact events to maintain the heat. This stage is called Second phase of the Moon."

"In the third stage, the flow of lava on the lunar surface gradually decreased, the lunar crust gradually thickened, and the properties and composition of the moon also changed. During this process, the temperature of the moon gradually decreased and stabilized, and the structure and composition of the moon gradually decreased. The landform is basically formed."

"However, the lunar surface suffered numerous impacts, so the last world was the fourth phase of the moon. During this period, the moon's surface was covered with more material from comets and asteroids, while some mountains and minerals Potholes of scientific diversity are also starting to take shape.”

The audience and barrage in the live broadcast room, listening to Ye Fei's explanation, gave out admiration and admiration from time to time. They felt the magic of the moon's evolution, and also felt Ye Fei's love and understanding of scientific research and the moon.

"The above is the 45 billion-year evolution history of the moon. Although we have made many discoveries and explanations about the moon, our journey of exploration is far from over. In the days to come, we will continue to explore the relationship between the moon and space. Mysteries, discover more beauty of science." Finally, Ye Fei ended his explanation with a heartfelt sentence.

Hearing this, many netizens in the barrage made voices of admiration and emotion.

Ye Fei concluded: "The above are some of our research results on lunar soil. Thank you for your listening and support. If you have any questions or ideas, please feel free to interact with us in the comment area below."

Hearing Ye Fei's summary, the netizens in the live broadcast room burst into applause and admiration. They said that this is a popular science live broadcast full of enlightenment and inspiration. Ye Fei's seriousness and enthusiasm perfectly demonstrated the beauty of science and the power of knowledge , Let people pay more attention to and love science more sincerely.

Ye Fei discussed the evolution history of the moon in the live broadcast room, and explained impassionedly how the long time has left its imprint on this celestial body.He demonstrated to viewers and listeners various fossils and integrated circuits that provide evidence of past life on the Moon and how they could impact future technology.

His voice was steady, but with a subtle tension, like he was saying something important.

Three-dimensional images appeared on the screen in the live broadcast room, showing detailed images of the solar system and Mars.

Mars shines with a unique red light, and it seems to be full of mysterious and unknown powers.

“Mars,” he said, “will be the future of Condor. The surface of Mars is full of potential resources and scientific value, opportunities that we can only realize there.”

Ye Fei's words caused commotion in the live broadcast room.Many viewers started talking about his idea in the chat room, and many scientists became excited.

There were boos in the studio,

The 3D image of Mars displayed by Fei shines on the screen, and the unique red light makes people feel that it is full of infinite temptation and mystery.

Everyone was stunned, even the scientists were dancing with excitement.

They knew that Ye Fei was about to build a Mars base, which would be the pinnacle of future technology and a real milestone.

There was admiration in the eyes of some young people.

They were full of respect and admiration for Ye Fei.

Thanks to the light of technology, Ye Fei's current realm is beyond everyone's imagination.

Immediately, Ye Fei turned off the live broadcast amidst the cheers of the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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