Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 353 Chen Wenjie Can't Sit Still!

Chapter 353 Chen Wenjie Can't Sit Still!
"We must make our contribution to the cause of environmental protection." A CEO of an energy company said, "We will actively promote the development of the company, and at the same time, we will pay more attention to environmental protection issues."

Ye Fei also knows that some traditional energy companies may be affected by the promotion of environmental protection.

However, he believes that only by firmly promoting the cause of environmental protection can we truly protect our earth and the future of the next generation.

"We cannot sacrifice the environment for economic development," Ye Fei said at an environmental protection forum. "Only when the environment is healthy can human beings develop healthily."

Ye Fei's words aroused enthusiastic responses, and many people expressed their support and approval of his environmental protection philosophy and pursuit.

Now, more and more people are participating in the cause of environmental protection and contributing to the construction of our beautiful earth.

"We must believe that the promotion of environmental protection will change our future." A young man said, "Only through collective efforts can we leave a better environment for the next generation."

With the promotion of environmental protection, more and more people start to pay attention to environmental protection issues and take action to contribute to the protection of our environment.

In this new era, environmental protection has become a social responsibility that everyone must undertake.

The promotion of environmental protection has made Chen Wenjie of New Atlantic Group feel uneasy and nervous.This time, the investigation and punishment of traditional energy companies affected their chambers of commerce, and many small companies were forced to seek help from them.

"What's going on?!" Chen Wenjie shouted loudly in his office.

During the phone call, a traditional steelmaking plant was directly shut down due to the problem of sewage discharge.

Suspended for three months.

For businesses that are already hard to sustain, this is a risk of bankruptcy!
But it's not over yet.

In just one week, he received requests for help from ten companies, which made him feel very angry and stressed.

He felt that these things did not happen by accident, but that Ye Fei's new energy industry was declaring war with his own chamber of commerce.

"This is our challenge!" he thought to himself.

Chen Wenjie feels powerless. Although his group is strong, it still lacks in environmental protection.

Ye Fei's new energy industry is rising rapidly, but his own chamber of commerce has not received effective countermeasures.

"We must find a way out, otherwise our chamber of commerce will be eliminated!" Chen Wenjie thought to himself.

He took a deep breath and looked at the documents in front of him anxiously.

Now he needs to find someone who can hold Ye Fei down!

Chen Wenjie came to Huaneng Group to find Mr. Hua, hoping to mediate the competition of new energy.

He directly asked Mr. Hua if he wanted to confront his energy chamber of commerce.

Mr. Hua seemed a little wronged. He said that he had no reason to do it against the Energy Chamber of Commerce.

He also admitted that the development of new energy is more environmentally friendly and sustainable than traditional energy, but he does not intend to oppose traditional energy.

"Mr. Hua, you should be very clear that the development of new energy is having a great impact on our traditional energy industry." Chen Wenjie said, "If you don't stop, it will be difficult for our energy chamber of commerce to survive."

President Hua took a deep look at Chen Wenjie, but did not respond immediately.

Chen Wenjie felt a little impatient, he hoped to find a solution to the problem instead of continuing to talk.

"Mr. Hua, I hope you can talk to Ye Fei so that he will stop confronting us." Chen Wenjie said, "We don't want to see more conflicts and competition in this industry."

Mr. Hua listened to Chen Wenjie's request, but directly rejected him.He believes that Ye Fei's new energy industry is developed based on environmental protection, and should not be blocked, let alone give up its own development opportunities.

"You don't need to talk to me and Ye Fei, you can find it yourself." Mr. Hua said coldly.

Chen Wenjie felt disappointed and angry. He felt that Mr. Hua's answer was unacceptable.

He knew that his chamber of commerce would be affected by Ye Fei's new energy industry. If there was no solution to the problem, the survival and development of the chamber of commerce would not be guaranteed.

He questioned President Hua.

"Hua Chengmao! Just tell me a word! Are you going to let Ye Fei do anything wrong!"

Mr. Hua did not answer his question, but directly stated a fact: "The company of the Energy Chamber of Commerce has encountered environmental problems, and the heavily polluting enterprises have had a great impact on the city and society."

"Mr. Hua, are you kidding?" Chen Wenjie said angrily, "You also know that we have many companies that need to be protected."

"I mean, the problem of sewage discharge has been like this for decades!"

"When the country was developing, it didn't lack our factories!"

Mr. Hua ignored Chen Wenjie's emotion and continued to reason with him.

He said that for new energy and traditional energy, environmental protection is a common task, and complaining and blaming cannot help solve the problem.

After hearing these words, Chen Wenjie felt very unbalanced in his heart, but he also knew that he was irrational on this issue.

He could only slam the door and leave.

"Hwaseongmao, remember it!"

Watching Chen Wenjie leave, Hua Chengmao knew that Ye Fei might be in trouble again.

But he couldn't openly inform Ye Fei.

While thinking about what to do.

Hwaseong Mao saw Ye Fei's email inviting him to the company.

"This kid!"

"What are you talking about!"

Hua Chengmao saw that the other party was a personal invitation, and agreed.

But Hua Chengmao has a request, that is, this meeting should not be known!
When Hua Chengmao arrived at the gate of Shenying Company, he saw a tall man welcoming him at the gate.

The man was wearing a black suit, his hair was combed neatly, and he looked very elegant.

"President Hua." Ye Fei said to Hua Chengmao with a smile.

He nodded to Ye Fei and said, "Hello, Ye Fei, nice to meet you."

Ye Fei enthusiastically brought Hwaseong Mao to his office.

The interior of the office is very simple, but very tasteful.

Ye Fei asked Hwaseong Mao to sit down, and then poured him a cup of tea.

"Hwaseong Mao, I invited you here because I have an important matter to discuss with you." Ye Fei said, "I hope you can join the Environmental Protection Alliance."

After hearing this, Hua Chengmao hesitated.

He knows that the Environmental Protection Alliance is a very influential organization, but as a pioneer of new energy, he cannot take sides.

"Ye Fei, I am very grateful for your invitation, but I cannot join the Environmental Protection Alliance." Hua Chengmao said.

After hearing this, Ye Fei was a little disappointed.

(End of this chapter)

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