Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 362 Xia Ke Academy has something to ask.

Chapter 362 Xia Ke Academy has something to ask.

But these twenty people were stunned for a moment, completely unaware that they had just stepped into this brand new world, which meant that they were about to be infiltrated in a completely different workplace, full of high-tech Dreams and vibes.They lingered in the laboratory and saw various sparks of inspiration.

You know, there is no such a special cosmic laboratory in Charcot Academy.

A team member named Lin Tian couldn't help asking: "Where do all these resources and funds come from? This is too amazing."

The people on the side laughed directly.


"He's Ye Fei!"

"He is the light of Xia Guo's technology. Isn't it easy to want these devices?"

"That is to say! Ye Fei is like a boss in the scientific research world, isn't that why you bother to join Shenying Company?"

Everyone said a word without saying a word.

Ye Fei replied with a smile, "We have many great investors. They believe in the vision of our company, which also allows us to have the best experimental equipment in the industry and sufficient financial resources to support our actions."

In this place full of wisdom and technology, the hearts of twenty people were particularly surging, and countless inspirations converged into a powerful force, which injected determination and motivation into their continued hard work.

Ye Fei divided the 20 people into several groups, and each group was assigned to a different laboratory.

He told them that there were no restrictions on their experiments, that they had all the necessary resources, and that they could conduct experiments of their own accord.

But daily reports from the experimental phase are required, allowing companies to carefully track their progress.

"I'm proud of you, and I look forward to seeing you exceed my expectations and give full play to your potential. Go for it!" Ye Fei walked out of the laboratory, leaving behind the Mars experiment team who aspires to excellence.

"Imagine we could make a world on Earth that resembles the mysterious Mars. Let's work on it." The lab was filled with laughter and constant inspiration from researchers.

But Mars' gravity, pressure, and temperature all require extreme consideration.

In the laboratory, a researcher said with excitement and enthusiasm. "The laboratory can provide us with infinite possibilities, where we can try more new technologies and methods to create new history. Boss Ye has expressed his trust in us, and now it is time to add value to the company. "

Everyone on the team appeared more dynamic than before, and they added more value to Condor while satisfying their own creative desires.

Ye Fei's trust encouraged them to let go of their imagination and creativity, which also made them eager to show their experiments to the world.

Without hesitation, the team at this Mars lab ventures into the unknown ahead, pursuing the hopes and opportunities of a new day.

Through their research and development, Condor will further become a technological giant.

Ye Fei returned to his office, Chu Hanshuang was waiting for him.Chu Han and Ye Fei reported the recent production status of the moon factory, and Ye Fei was very satisfied with it.

Then, Chu Hanshuang asked about the Mars experiment.

"Regarding the Mars experiment, why do we give them such an open management? Is it really good?" Chu Hanshuang was a little worried, after all, such a management method is very risky.

"This is the decision I made for their experiments." Ye Fei said, "They need space for exploration, research, discovery and experimentation. We need to give them full trust to do the experiments they think are necessary."

Chu Hanshuang seemed convinced, but she still emphasized: "We will face some unforeseen challenges and risks."

"I know it's obviously going to be a challenge, but we have to give them a chance to trial and error and fix what's wrong. Let them try anything that comes up, and over the course of a month, their experiments will show us whether It’s worth our continued investment.”

Chu Hanshuang nodded and praised Ye Fei: "Boss Ye, you are really great. I believe this is a wise and justifiable decision."

Ye Fei smiled, and responded: "There are many smart and creative people in the team of the Mars experiment. I believe they will bring more miracles to Condor."

Ye Fei knew that if companies were to become leaders in the technology field, they needed to allow their employees to reflect their talents.This is also the source of his confidence in the company.

Ye Fei came to the Summer Science Institute in the morning and went to the dean's office to thank him for the scientific researchers provided by the Summer Science Institute.

"Dean, Xia Ke Academy has provided so many excellent scientific researchers, without their help, Shenying Company would not be able to become such a successful technological innovation company."

The dean smiled and said: "Mr. Ye is too polite, and I am also very happy that we can cooperate."

"I hope you can tell me what you need at any time. If there is anything that needs my help, I will definitely do my best." Ye Fei said.

There was a surprised expression on the dean's face: "You are too polite. Actually, I can't think of anything I need to ask you for. You have made a lot of contributions to us in the field of future technology, and I am very grateful. "

Ye Fei smiled and said, "That's great, but I still want to contribute as much as possible to society."

The dean suddenly remembered something: "Uh...Actually, there are some things I want to ask you for help.

Ye Fei said without hesitation: "Of course. I am very happy to be able to help such a meeting."

"Actually, we also hope to obtain the right to use your lunar satellite system. This is a research topic of our Xia Ke Academy, which is very important. At present, no domestic or international research team has this key technology." Dean Said urgently to Ye Fei.

Ye Fei thought about it and agreed to the request. "I appreciate your capabilities and reputation very much. I believe this satellite system will give birth to more new technologies and breakthroughs," Ye Fei said.

The dean said very gratefully: "Thank you, Mr. Ye. You are so generous. I assure you that we will use this satellite system as much as possible to make more contributions to the future of mankind."

(End of this chapter)

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