Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 364 Eagle Sauce's Big Move

Chapter 364 Eagle Sauce's Big Move

At the international scientific research exchange meeting, the scientific research representatives of Yingjiang country showed their hypersonic weapons, which attracted everyone's attention.

Doctors and representatives of scientific research from all over the world came forward to watch one after another, and one of the representatives of professors from the Eagle Sauce Country looked particularly proud.

Pointing to a hypersonic technology vehicle "HTV", he said confidently: "This vehicle uses the most advanced supersonic technology and can conquer any region of the world in less than 10 minutes."

He paused, looked at the delegations of other countries, and continued: "Our eagle sauce country is not like other countries. We have been constantly improving our technological level and combining various technologies and technologies to create such an advanced country. hypersonic weapons."

Hearing these words, the representatives of the delegations of other countries put smiles on their faces, but everyone still had doubts in their hearts.

At this time, the representative of the professor of Yingjiang Country once again showed the advanced hypersonic weapon "AHW".

The representative of the professor continued: "The instant acceleration of this hypersonic weapon is unmatched by any country's weapons."

After hearing these words, the representatives of the delegations of other countries began to feel fearful. They finally understood that the technological level of the Eagle Sauce Country had quietly surpassed most countries.

The representative of the professor from the Eagle Sauce Country looked at the other delegations, and their arrogance could be seen from his eyes. They were proud of what they had done and demonstrated the hypersonic cruise vehicle "X-51A" again, giving people Left a deep impression.

The people present were deeply shocked by these advanced technologies. The technology representatives of Eagle Sauce seem to believe that they can thoroughly understand all technologies. This confidence and pride made the delegations of other countries feel awed, but it cannot be denied that Eagle Sauce The level of science and technology in China is indeed very high, which is overwhelming.

The representatives of the professors from the Eagle Sauce Country demonstrated their hypersonic weapons to the fullest, demonstrating their great strength and outstanding technological level.

At the international scientific research exchange meeting, representatives of the eagle sauce country have successfully demonstrated their country's latest technology.At this time, Madeleine appeared. She officially welcomed the scientific research representatives from various countries to come here, and explained the purpose of this scientific and technological exchange.

"Ladies and gentlemen, hello everyone." Madeleine's voice was loud and confident, "Today, I am very honored to host this international science and technology exchange meeting. To build a platform for communication and cooperation among scientific research institutions to exchange innovative technologies and promote scientific and technological progress.”

Madeleine's voice was gentle and powerful, and the aura on her body made everyone present involuntarily attracted.

"As the organizer, we should not only provide opportunities for communication and sharing, but also make full preparations and plans for these opportunities. Our goal is to improve the scientific and technological level of each country, and enhance the grasp and leadership of the world's technological development."

"Today, the science and technology representatives of our Eagle Sauce Country have shared with you some successful cases of our latest technology. This also shows the development potential of our Eagle Sauce Country in terms of technological innovation and our positive attitude towards international scientific and technological cooperation. "

Madeleine walked slowly to the front of the stage, smiled and said to the people present, "We hope to take this opportunity to cooperate more deeply with other national science and technology institutions to jointly discuss and study technological innovation in various fields."

Her tone contained infinite confidence and expectation, which made people feel very cordial.

She won applause from all over the world and became the star guest of this exchange meeting.

People felt her strong social skills and admired her extensive knowledge and deep understanding of the technology field as the head of state.Madeleine showed all the characteristics of a leader and wise man on the stage, and called on representatives of all countries to work hard for the common progress of world science and technology.

At the international scientific research exchange meeting, Madeleine, as the organizer, visited various booths and inspected the technology demonstrations of various countries.When she came to the booth of Xia Ke Academy, she took a special look around to confirm that Ye Fei was not here, so she was relieved.

Madeleine took a closer look at the technology display of the Xia Ke Academy, but did not see any admirable innovations from it.She frowned slightly, and then laughed at the technology of the Xia Ke Academy in front of the representatives of these countries.This made the president of the Xia Ke Academy very uncomfortable, because they had to admit that their technology had indeed not reached a very high level.

"How dare you come to the International Science and Technology Exchange Conference with such technology?" Madeleine said to the people around without hiding her ridicule.

"The research and application of quantum cryptography communication, quantum computing, quantum security imaging, etc., which of these things is not such a technology in the field of science and technology in various countries?"

"Our industry exchange meeting this time is going to show our real skills!"

After all, the dean of the Xia Ke Academy is only a public official, and he really dare not argue with Madeleine on such an occasion.

At that time, not only will my job be difficult to secure, but my reputation may also be ruined.

The dean's face was ashen, and he had to lower his head in someone else's territory.

"Our technology does need more breakthroughs, and we are trying to keep exploring."

When Madeleine heard this, she smiled and said, "Don't use exploration to prevaricate us. The technology of your Xia Ke Academy is obviously very backward. This technology exchange meeting will only make you realize your own shortcomings more clearly."

At this time, the eyes of the representatives from all the countries present were focused on the booth of the Charcot Institute.

None of them spoke, but they showed obvious contempt and whispering towards Xia Ke Academy's technology.

The dean was very dissatisfied and said under suppressed anger: "We are well aware of our limitations and have been working on solving problems and making progress. However, everything we can do is based on what we have accumulated over the past few years." Experience, it's not an easy thing."

After hearing these words, Madeleine shook her head contemptuously.

"You Xia Kingdom's ability is more than that."

"Could it be that your Xia Ke Academy deliberately hid all the good things?"

"Like Ye Fei?"

The dean wants to say something else

Madeleine turned and left the booth of Xia Ke Academy.

The dean felt very powerless, and felt that Madeleine had dealt such a huge blow to him.

"Wait a moment!"

"Quantum science is just something we're working on right now."

"We also hope to develop this industry reasonably together with other countries."

"If you want to say how broad is our current real technology field?"

As he spoke, the dean took out the satellite system of Condor.

"This is a satellite system and ground base station jointly developed by our Xia Ke Institute and Shenying Company."

"ET industrial brain!"

(End of this chapter)

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