Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 372 Cosmic creature?Giant octopus.

Chapter 372 Cosmic creature?Giant octopus.

After the dean came, he told Ye Fei immediately that he needed to borrow a powerful satellite system to upgrade the industrial brain base station.

"Considering the importance of the entire project, we need to use a powerful satellite system to solve the communication problem, otherwise it will be difficult for us to contact the Mars base station," said the dean.

"Don't worry, I've already considered this. In fact, I'm planning to build a brand new apex base station on Mars to strengthen the communication connection between Blue Star and Mars." Ye Fei responded.

Everyone was very surprised when they heard these words. They couldn't believe that Ye Fei could come up with such a unique solution.However, when Ye Fei showed them the solar light sail thruster, their horror and shock reached their highest point.

"This is—solar light sail thruster?" One of the two old professors asked, his eyes full of shock.

"That's right, this is a brand new thruster I developed. It doesn't need fuel to use, and it can complete interstellar travel only by sunlight." Ye Fei said proudly.

The faces of the dean and the two old professors gradually turned to appreciation and recognition.Ye Fei's solar light sail thruster not only aroused their amazement, but they also showed great respect and achievement to Ye Fei.

"I believe you can go up, we need your talent and leadership to help us complete this project." The dean broke the embarrassing situation.

"Thank you for your support and trust, I will do my best to achieve our goal." Ye Fei responded.

The cooperation project between Xia Ke Academy and Ye Fei officially started with the upgrade of the industrial brain.

From the initial ideas and discussions to the final experiments and tests, the entire project was completed with the joint efforts of all the technical experts in the team.

However, the upgraded industrial brain can realize smooth communication between Bluestar and Mars, and can better support the construction and maintenance of Mars base stations.

The president of the Xia Ke Academy and Ye Fei planned the upgrade of the industrial brain together.

They decided to completely renovate the existing system and improve all the details that could cause communication failures.

This experiment is very complicated, requires the use of many advanced technologies, and puts forward higher requirements on the research and innovation capabilities of the team.

During the whole process, the cooperation between the Xia Ke Academy team and the Shenying company development team was very close.

They conducted the first experiments using broadband satellite communications and drone exploration technology.

First, they tried to determine what type of satellite network would provide the best communication quality.

Using their own proprietary methods and tests to find the best way, the Shark scientists found that longer-distance communications could be achieved using a network of satellites called the FAR system, through which they could transfer data to 30% faster transmit and receive speeds.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Fei's group conducted an airtightness test on the industrial brain.

Their goal is to minimize the risk of communication disruption.During the test, they found that the solar radiation and temperature changes in space could easily damage the machine, so they needed to make a series of improvements and designs to the machine.

The entire team then proceeded to install and test the latest communication equipment and conduct data transmission tests.

In the process, they utilized solar light sail thrusters.

They use this thruster to fly the device in space, to ensure the device remains in communication in different environments, and to determine how different space conditions affect the device.

During the whole process of the experiment, the dean of Xiake Academy constantly strives to improve his professional quality of science and technology, uses his top knowledge and professional quality to help promote the realization of the project, and at the same time leads his own technology research and development team to collaborate within the team It has also achieved remarkable results in terms of close cooperation.

Just when everything was going in a good direction, the Eagle Sauce National Academy of Sciences saw Ye Fei's solar light sail propeller in the image sent back by the satellite.This made them very angry. They thought they were the leaders in this field, but they didn't expect that someone had already developed a light sail thruster!
People from the scientific research institute gathered to discuss this matter, and they all pointed their finger at Ye Fei without exception.

"This kid has always researched some unexpected technologies, and most of them belong to him! It's really strange, where did he get so many technologies?" said a senior scientist from a scientific research institute.

"But we don't have the technology to compete with it, so what should we do?" A young engineer from another research institute asked helplessly.

"What's the point? Let's report this news to our new leader, Chuan Bo, and let him decide." The senior scientist proposed a simple plan.

After Chuan Bo learned about it, he knew that Ye Fei was a difficult person to deal with.

So he slanted his sword!
Directly on the social platform, they said that their satellites are aligned with cosmic creatures, which are shaped like octopuses.

Still put a very blurry photo.

The next step is to send the news and photos to other newspapers and social platform news departments through gossip.

Now the media is blowing up, and everyone is forwarding the news about the discovery of unknown creatures in space.

"Unidentified creatures found in the universe? A creature shaped like an octopus was photographed by a satellite"

A stunning new discovery has shocked the universe research field.

Recently, the satellite of Yingjiang country captured an unknown creature through image monitoring.

The photos show that the creature is shaped like an octopus, with a slender body and a distinct head and body.

According to relevant sources, the discovery of this unknown creature will be of great significance to the study of life in the universe and the origin of the universe.

As the news fermented, social media began to set off an upsurge.

People are full of curiosity and imagination to explore the unknown.

Some scientists began to study and explore this unknown creature, hoping to find some mysteries of the universe.Others began to doubt its authenticity, saying that it was just a hype news that was false to the public.

This incident has also attracted the attention of some international organizations.

They all expressed that they would send experts to the Eagle Sauce Country to conduct investigations and research in order to gain a deeper understanding of this unknown creature.

Whether the unknown creature is real or not, it has become the focus of the world.

People have also shown greater enthusiasm and enthusiasm for space exploration and technological innovation.

Perhaps, one day in the future, human beings can really uncover the secrets in the universe and discover wonderful creatures that have never been discovered before.

This news gradually reached the leaders of Condor Company.Ye Fei also learned the news, and he was very angry.

"Isn't this our light sail thruster? They also said it looks like an octopus!" said the professor of the Mars team.

"There are eyes and noses in the talk!"

"They never thought that this kind of deception would only discredit the entire scientific research field!" Ye Fei said angrily.

"I completely agree with you. This kind of deceit is not only irresponsible to the public, but also a great stigma to the entire scientific research field." The technical director of Shenying Company also echoed Ye Fei.

(End of this chapter)

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