Chapter 374 The layout begins!
"But we can't forget that these cosmic octopuses may be our unknown friends." Another news anchor expressed a different opinion, "We should study them as soon as possible to understand their characteristics and habits."

"I agree with that too," replied another news anchor. "We should act as soon as possible to let the world know the truth about these cosmic octopuses."

With the deepening of the discussion, more and more people began to pay attention to this cosmic octopus.

However, as time went by, more and more people started to panic.

They began to worry that the cosmic octopus would threaten the safety of human beings, and some even began to spread rumors that the cosmic octopus was sent by aliens to invade the earth.

"This cosmic octopus must have been sent by aliens to invade Earth!" one netizen posted on the forum. "We must take measures to protect our planet."

"I also think this cosmic octopus is scary." Another netizen replied, "We must act as soon as possible to prevent them from threatening our safety."

As the panic intensified, more and more people began to call on the government to take action to protect human safety.The top leaders of Yingjiang Country also began to feel the pressure, and they had to take measures to prevent the further expansion of the panic.

With the appearance of that strange-looking cosmic creature, more and more people began to pay attention to its origin and name.In Yingjiang Country, the mystery of this unknown creature has become a hot topic of concern.

"To me, this creature looks like an octopus, except that its body is much larger than the average octopus." A netizen expressed his opinion on the forum.

"Then the question is, if it's a real octopus, how can it survive in space?" another netizen followed up.

"Some scientists say that it may be an alien creature that came to our space." A netizen who is concerned about space exploration entered the discussion.

"It makes sense. Maybe we are not the smartest species in space. Maybe the Condor Company has developed so many powerful space technologies because of the discovery of some extraterrestrial materials." Another netizen followed up and analyzed.

"So, what we need to pay attention to now is not only the creature itself, but also a lot of unknown information about it. This mystery is worth exploring together." A netizen summed up this discussion.

In Eagle Sauce Country, more and more netizens began to pay attention to the appearance of this unknown creature.

Some people are afraid that it may cause harm to the earth, while others are curious about what this cosmic creature looks like.This topic has become the focus of everyone's attention, and it has also led to more scientists and space explorers joining in to explore this mysterious mystery together.

But only Yingjiangguo knows in his heart that this is an oolong incident!
Ye Fei was in the Shenying company's office and saw that the people of Yingjiang Country were so panicked about the cosmic octopus, he knew the time had come.

He informed his assistant, Chu Hanshuang, to start preparing for the live broadcast room now.Chu Hanshuang hurried to notify the Commerce Department and the Logistics Department to prepare for the live broadcast room.

"Chu Hanshuang, I need you to go to the Commerce Department and the Logistics Department to prepare things for the live broadcast room." Ye Fei said.

"Okay, Mr. Ye." Chu Hanshuang replied, "What kind of preparation do you need?"

"I need a large live broadcast room that can accommodate millions of people watching online." Ye Fei said, "I also need some high-tech equipment to allow the audience to see the actual effect of the light sail propulsion."

"Okay, I will prepare as soon as possible." Chu Hanshuang replied, "Do you need me to do anything else?"

"No need, go get busy." Ye Fei said.

Chu Hanshuang walked out of Ye Fei's office and began to prepare for the live broadcast room.He knows that this live broadcast is very important and must be well prepared.

A few hours later, the studio was ready.

Chu Hanshuang walked into the live broadcast room and saw that the staff of the Commerce Department and the Logistics Department were busy.He walked up to them and asked how they were going.

"We have prepared all the equipment in the live broadcast room." The staff of the Ministry of Commerce replied, "You can start the live broadcast at any time."

"Very good." Chu Hanshuang replied, "I will notify Mr. Ye to get him ready."

He walked out of the studio and returned to Ye Fei's office.He reported to Ye Fei the preparations for the live broadcast room.

"Very good, we can start." Ye Fei said, "I will prepare the content of the live broadcast."

Chu Hanshuang knows that this live broadcast is very important and must be well prepared.He walked out of Ye Fei's office and returned to the live broadcast room.

He saw that the staff of the Commerce Department and the Logistics Department were busy, and he knew that this live broadcast would be very successful.

The live broadcast room opened, and Ye Fei stood in the center with a huge light sail thruster behind him.He greeted the audience with a smile, and then began to introduce the principle and practical effect of the light sail thruster.

"Hi everyone, welcome to the live broadcast room of Condor Company." Ye Fei said, "Today, I would like to introduce a brand new technology to you—the light sail thruster."

Netizens in the live broadcast room were stunned when they saw the huge light sail thruster, and they were all asking Ye Fei what it was.With an answer, Ye Fei began to introduce the light sail thruster.

"This huge light sail propeller is the latest propulsion method developed by our Shenying company." Ye Fei said, "It uses the pressure of sunlight to propel the spacecraft forward."

He began to show the shape of the light sail thruster, so that people can see its hugeness and beauty.He explained that the shape of the lightsail thruster is composed of a series of membranes that reflect sunlight and use the pressure of sunlight to propel the spacecraft forward.

"This propulsion method is not only fast, but also very environmentally friendly." Ye Fei said, "It can allow us to reach our destination faster, while also protecting our planet."

He set out to demonstrate the lightsail thruster in action, allowing people to see its speed and stability.The audience was amazed, and they began to see hope again.

"We believe that technology is the driving force for human progress." Ye Fei said, "Only by continuous innovation and development can we better face the future."

Just as he was giving a detailed introduction from technical principles to various aspects of application scenarios, a piece of news that had nothing to do with the light sail thruster suddenly appeared in the live barrage.This news drew responses from other netizens, and the scene became somewhat chaotic for a while.

"Hey, don't you think this light sail thruster is very similar to the cosmic octopus on the Internet before?"

This is a message from a netizen, and it seems to have nothing to do with the topic of discussing light sail thrusters.

However, this message aroused the response and attention of other netizens in a short period of time.

"What you said is not false, is it?" Someone asked suspiciously.

(End of this chapter)

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