Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 376 They Are Asking For Trouble

Chapter 376 They Are Asking For Trouble
Chu Hanshuang picked up the news release and read it several times, but he was still not reconciled.Chuan Bo is really too cunning, and he can always do something before he reacts.But this time he was very sure that the cosmic octopus he saw must not be fake.He showed the press release to Ye Fei beside him.

Ye Fei glanced at it, then put it down.

He said calmly, "Don't worry about it, it's like the crocodile effect."

Chu Hanshuang didn't understand what Ye Fei was talking about, so he asked in a drawn out voice, "The crocodile effect?"

"Yes, a lie needs to be covered up with bigger and more lies. Chuan Bo used rumors to create a non-existing cosmic octopus, and now he has to use bigger lies to cover up the lie. There is no need for us to take action on such things. "

After Ye Fei finished speaking, Chu Hanshuang suddenly realized.Original
In this way, one of his reports can be easily denied by Chuan Bo, because they used all lies.

Only by continuously strengthening a lie can it become the truth in the minds of the world.

He secretly made up his mind that Chuanbo must not be allowed to escape this report

.At the same time, he decided to make the truth of the crocodile effect public.

In order to tear the veil of this lie as soon as possible, he began to investigate the relevant information of the cosmic octopus.

He wants to do everything possible to prove its existence and completely defeat Chuanbo.He believes that as long as evidence is found, he can turn the tide in public opinion.

He knows it's not going to be easy, but he won't give up easily.

Because he believes that he is right, and there really is a cosmic octopus in this world.

When Ye Fei walked into the laboratory, a sense of technology came to his face.

The brand-new equipment is running, the numbers on the green screen of various data and indicators are constantly refreshing, and the Mars team is busy everywhere.

He walked to Huo Dekai, the project leader, and asked about the progress of the light sail thruster.

"It will enter Mars in three days. We have made all the preparations and everything is under control." Huo Dekai said with confidence, "This interstellar journey is better than the moon can reach on the same day." For a long time, we need to constantly monitor the problems encountered by the thrusters in space travel."

Ye Fei nodded after hearing this, he knew that the task this time was more difficult than before.

Mars is one of the farthest planets explored by humans. There are many dangers and unknowns to be faced on the way to Mars. Any small problem may lead to the failure of the entire mission.

"Everyone should be more vigilant." Ye Fei said, "Any small problem needs to be taken seriously. We must ensure that the thruster can enter Mars orbit smoothly, and then consider the next step."

The team members nodded in agreement after hearing this, obviously Ye Fei's words made them more vigilant and cautious.

Ye Fei stared at the constantly changing numbers and data on the screen with firm and focused eyes.

He knows that the success of this mission requires the joint efforts of the entire team and careful attention to every detail.

Ye Fei reminded them again that they should always be careful about the problems encountered by the thrusters during space travel.

This is very important and is related to the completion of the entire task.

He believes that as long as every member of the team can devote themselves to this mission with the highest state, the thruster will eventually be able to enter the orbit of Mars smoothly, pushing human interstellar exploration to a new peak.

Ye Fei's words aroused the enthusiasm of the team members. They were full of confidence and believed that this mission would be a success.

There is a strong working atmosphere in the laboratory, and everyone is always waiting for the instruction of the next action, striving to complete the task.

At this moment, one of the inspectors in the team exclaimed: "The thruster entered an interstellar storm!"

The whole team was in panic and extremely nervous.

Ye Fei quickly ran to the computer, and was stunned to see the picture sent back by the thruster.

He saw: fragments of meteorites were floating in mid-air everywhere, they were densely packed, almost covering the sky, and the thrusters were passing through them, struggling to move forward.

"What's going on?" Ye Fei asked in surprise.

Huo Dekai said: "I encountered an interstellar storm! There is a problem with the control system of the brakes, and I cannot avoid it in time."

"Then what should we do?" the researcher on the side asked nervously.

The other team members were discussing one after another, and no one dared to jump to conclusions.

Ye Fei took a deep breath and cheered himself up: "First, we need to see if we can solve the brake problem. Then, we need to find a way to escape the interstellar storm."

Ye Fei's words made the team members feel a little calmer.

On the computer, they watched the thrusters struggling through the interstellar storm, trying to find a way to escape.

The sound of collisions sounded from time to time, which made people extremely worried.

After a while, Ye Fei finally shouted: "We can get out of the interstellar storm through this channel! Go and operate!"

The Mars exploration team began to operate nervously. They watched the thruster pass through the dangerous interstellar storm and finally jumped out of the danger zone.The members of the team breathed a sigh of relief, and their faces were filled with the joy of victory.

Ye Fei has been staring at the computer screen silently. He took a deep breath and watched the propeller gradually disappear into the dark night sky.

He secretly made up his mind that in the future he would do everything possible to protect the thruster so that it could successfully complete the trip to Mars.

Because in this dark universe, no one can show a stronger tenacity than him.

As the technician began to change course, let the light sail thrusters follow his original propulsion.

This reduces the chance of being hit.

After half an hour of intense operation.

The interstellar storm was finally resolved, the team in the lab breathed a sigh of relief, and a relaxed atmosphere filled the air.

Ye Fei couldn't wait to talk about the purpose of coming to the laboratory this time.

"It can be seen that everyone's division of labor and cooperation are very good."

"However, I am here this time because I want to set up a laser matrix research team." He said, "This is a very challenging task that requires the joint efforts of all of us to complete."

Huo Dekai knows that this is the next research direction of light sail propulsion.

This is an inevitable project experiment.

"Sounds good." Huo Dekai nodded, and he was about to start assigning work, "But we can't forget the Martian light sail thruster, and we can't have no staff on duty."

"This issue has been considered in advance." Ye Fei said, "I sent the technicians from Shenying Company to help."

Hearing the news, Huo Dekai showed a satisfied smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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