Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 378 The experiment was successful!Powertrain hope.

Chapter 378 The experiment was successful!Powertrain hope.

Ye Fei began to study the construction of the future Mars base in the laboratory through the data sent back from Mars.

He looked at the data collected over and over again, and wanted to better realize the construction of the Mars base. He decided to discuss with the team whether a lunar base circulation system, gravity system, and oxygen system could be used on the Mars base.

Ye Fei took out the experimental results of the original construction of the moon base, and began to check carefully.

He found that the circulatory system, gravity system and oxygen system need to be changed and upgraded according to the environment and characteristics of Mars in order to be more suitable for working and living on Mars.

"Here we need to focus on optimization, improving the system from a model in the lunar environment to a model connected to the Martian ecosystem." Ye Fei said.

"We need to readjust our system plan according to the physical characteristics and ecological habits of Mars." Sun Xiaolong said scientifically, "Among them, the gravity system is a key issue. We need to solve how to create the gravity in the Martian environment."

Can gravity be created in the Martian environment?
This is a critical problem, because a suitable earth's gravity cannot be created in a short time.

The team members continued to research and discuss, and through simulation experiments, they finally found that electrified magnetic biomaterials can establish a stable magnetic field and chemical reaction under the gravity of Mars, which is expected to be used to generate gravity of sufficient strength and frequency.

"This is the direction of our exploration. By adjusting the system of our moon base, we can improve the construction efficiency of our Mars base and promote the self-circulation of the base." They agreed.They set out to experiment.

They need to conduct many experiments on this system, and improve and perfect it in a step-by-step process.

The team spent months on everything from technology development to skim projects to clean the buffer area.

They conducted many simulation experiments and small-scale experimental design to determine the specific scheme, and summarized lessons learned and improved methods from specific experiments.

With their hard work and thinking, the program has been gradually improved and integrated into practical applications.

In the end, they successfully established and simulated an ecosystem compatible with the Martian environment in the laboratory and successfully operated for a period of time.

Team members are constantly tweaking the system, trying to push it to perfection.After various experiments, they gradually solved the system scheme and technical problems, and achieved the desired effect.

Through this process, Ye Fei and his team continued to learn and innovate, and gradually overcome technical and practical challenges.They effectively applied the system of the moon base to the Mars base, and made a significant contribution to the future exploration of human beings in the universe.

Ye Fei has made good progress in the preliminary simulation of the Mars base model, which makes him and his team full of confidence, but the problems that plague them are not conclusive, and they still need to continue to improve and improve.

Huo Dekai found Ye Fei after sorting out a lot of experimental data.

He happily reported a good thing to Ye Fei: "Mr. Ye, I have good news for you! Our laser matrix experiment has finally succeeded!"

This surprised Ye Fei: "Wow! That's great!"

Huo Dekai then showed the complete and successfully realized laser matrix experiment data.His results show that through the action of the laser matrix, the speed of the light sail propeller can be rapidly increased in a short period of time.

"This is a perfect success story!" Huo Dekai said confidently. "Our research is of great significance to the development of space travel in the future. If we can successfully apply it, we can speed up the spacecraft during the space journey, shortening the time and flight distance."

Ye Fei is satisfied and excited about the technical results.

For this achievement, he intends to combine it with the planning of the base, and gradually carry out actual testing and application.The maturity of their technology means they can start to put it into practice, using it as a new breakthrough to advance the future of space exploration and travel.

Ye Fei and Huo Dekai discussed more application methods.They plan to speed up the lightsail thrusters on future missions.

In addition to greatly increasing the speed of the aircraft, this will also provide a broader application space and development prospects for future Mars development plans and other space technologies.

All in all, this achievement is the result of the joint efforts of the whole team, who are constantly exploring new directions and innovating new technologies to move towards a better future.

Ye Fei came to the laboratory of the laser matrix experiment team.In this busy laboratory, people are passionate about their research, they have encountered countless problems, but never give up.They responded wonderfully to his arrival and gave him a warm welcome.

"I heard that our laser matrix experiment has made good progress?" Ye Fei asked, he was excited to hear the results.

"Yes, this is the result of our hard work, and we will soon be able to apply technology and practice to our mission." The engineers replied with full expectation.

"I'm here to express my sincere gratitude. You are all excellent. Your dedication and contribution are the key to the success of me and the whole project." Ye Fei said affectionately.

After listening to these words, the team members were very encouraged. They felt that their work and efforts had been highly recognized, and they added more confidence to carry out the next stage of research and tasks.

"Our goal is to continue to innovate and strive for excellence. I hope we can maintain this state so that we can solve bigger problems and achieve more achievements in the future." Ye Fei gave an impassioned speech.

Words of encouragement were uplifting, and people started cheering in the office.They feel that the career they are engaged in is very meaningful, as if they are exploring a maze that has never been seen before, and they are always advancing to new heights.

"Ye Fei, it is your belief and the role of leadership that make you remarkable. We feel honored to be a member of your team, and we will definitely do our best to find a better way for you and our team to bring us More contributions." The engineers said one after another.

Ye Fei gets along very well with these people, and they are full of confidence and expectations for the future.He hoped that they could have more in-depth exchanges at work, form a close team, and work together to solve more difficult problems.

He decided to hold the first Condor Scientific Research Conference, so that everyone can exchange their research results with each other under this opportunity, and learn lessons from this process to continue to develop the new generation of scientific and technological fields.

In short, Ye Fei's visit has doubled the confidence of the team. They will use technology to solve major problems caused by technological progress, and steadily promote the development of science and technology and the dream of human beings to explore the universe.

(End of this chapter)

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