Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 387 The bottleneck of the laser experiment.

Chapter 387 The bottleneck of the laser experiment.

Ye Fei sat in front of the console in the laboratory, concentrating on checking the data of the light sail thruster.

His brows were slightly frowned, and there was a hint of worry in his eyes.

"This problem is a bit big!" Ye Fei said.

Everyone present was stunned.

Knowing that even Ye Fei said this, one can imagine how big this matter is!
Standing behind him, Huo Dekai didn't dare to take a breath.

Ye Fei knew that now was the time to show his role as the backbone.

He went into focus mode.

Ye Fei took a deep breath and began to analyze the data carefully.He adjusted the parameters on the console and watched the real-time feedback on the screen.However, no matter how he adjusts, the energy distribution of the laser matrix is ​​not uniform enough, and there are obvious deviations.

A big challenge they are currently facing is how to control the energy distribution and direction of the laser matrix to ensure uniform acceleration of the light sail.

He frowned, thinking of a solution.A high-precision laser control system and precise adjustment of the laser matrix are the keys to solving this problem.He began checking the various components of the laser control system to make sure they were functioning properly.

Ye Fei carefully observed the emission of the laser matrix, and found that the output power of one of the laser emitters had decreased.

He immediately turned his attention to the transmitter to check its working status.

After some careful debugging, he successfully repaired the transmitter and got it back to working normally.

However, the problem is not completely solved.

Ye Fei continued to observe the data and found that there were some deviations in the direction control of the laser matrix.

He realized that this could be caused by a slight shift in the position of the optics.

He carefully adjusted the position of the optics, just a little at a time, and watched the data change again.

After many attempts, he finally found a relatively ideal position, which made the direction control of the laser matrix more accurate.

Ye Fei breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the data on the screen with satisfaction.

While the problem has not been fully resolved, he has made some progress.

He knows that this is just a small fragment, but it represents the result of their team's continuous efforts.

He realized that much more experimentation and debugging was needed to solve this problem.

He decided to continue to work hard, continuously optimize the laser control system, and precisely adjust the laser matrix to ensure that the light sail can obtain uniform acceleration.

Ye Fei deeply understands that the significance of this research goes far beyond personal accomplishment.

If they can successfully solve this problem, it will bring a huge breakthrough for human space exploration.

Their efforts will be a small step for mankind to explore the universe, but it is the beginning of a big step.

Ye Fei readjusted the parameters on the console, preparing for the next round of experiments.

Ye Fei sat in front of the console in the laboratory, thinking about how to solve the problem of the accuracy of the laser matrix.

He realized that it would take a series of experiments to fine-tune the data to find the perfect experimental result.

He decided to hand over this task to Huo Dekai, and asked him to organize personnel to start the precision fine-tuning experiment of the laser matrix.

Ye Fei turned his head and said to Huo Dekai.

"Huo Dekai, come here."

"Of course, Mr. Ye, what's the matter?" Huo Dekai's voice revealed a hint of curiosity.

Ye Fei pulled him aside.

Explained: "We need to start the precision fine-tuning experiment of the laser matrix. I hope you can organize the team, conduct experiments on different data in groups, and finally debug the most perfect experimental data."

Huo Dekai thought for a moment.

This is not an easy job.

Huo Dekai is the team leader who participated in the laser matrix all the way, and he can realize how difficult the work is.

He replied: "Ye Fei, what a heavy workload! Currently our team only has 20 people, but this experiment needs to be carried out at least tens of thousands of times! 20 people have to do it for at least one year. I think we need to increase manpower to complete it." This mission."

Ye Fei took a deep breath and understood Huo Dekai's worries.

He knows the importance of this task and understands that more human resources are needed to complete it.

"This task does require more manpower. I will communicate with the company's senior management as soon as possible to seek additional staff support. We cannot compromise because of insufficient manpower. This experiment is crucial to our research."

Huo Dekai heaved a sigh of relief when he heard Ye Fei's answer.

He knows that Ye Fei is a very responsible leader and can always get the best resources for the team.

"Actually, the School of Optics of the Xia Ke Academy has enough staff."

"Of course, I don't know if the dean is willing to let people go for this kind of outsourcing project!"

What Ye Fei is worried about now is that it is easy to mislead people by looking at the increase in manpower.

"Our Shenying company also has Guan Peisheng, just to deal with this situation."

"Don't worry, I will contact the higher-ups."

"Thank you for your support, Mr. Ye. I believe you will try your best to get more people. Our team will definitely go all out to complete this task."

Huo Dekai nodded gratefully, expressing his trust and support for Ye Fei.

Ye Fei and Huo Dekai encouraged each other. They knew the importance of this task and understood that only teamwork and hard work can overcome difficulties and achieve breakthroughs.

After the discussion between the two, Ye Fei left the laboratory and went to the senior management of Shenying Company.

His heart was full of determination.

He knew that as long as the team worked together, they would be able to complete this difficult task.

Ye Fei also started Guan Peisheng's training program.

In the laboratory, Huo Dekai stood in front of the computer of the laser experiment, his eyes fixed on the frantically sliding data on the screen.

He is well aware that a lot of research and development is required to break through these technical difficulties.

These technical problems are not easy to solve, but Huo Dekai is confident.

He knew that to realize the perfect design of the light sail propulsion, it is necessary to develop a higher precision laser control system, improve the design and energy distribution of the laser matrix, find more suitable materials to make the light sail, and develop a more advanced light sail propulsion device to resist the effects of solar radiation and cosmic dust.

These experimental projects are huge challenges, but Huo Dekai believes that as long as there is a leader like Ye Fei, they will be able to overcome difficulties and make breakthroughs.

Ye Fei is a leader with vision and innovative thinking.He is always able to find solutions to problems in difficult situations, and encourages the team to continue to explore and innovate.

Ye Fei entered the administration office and met with an administrator. "I now need 50 Guan Peisheng to help our laboratory improve the design and energy distribution of the laser matrix." Ye Fei explained to the administrative staff seriously.

The administrative staff nodded, and immediately started calling the Guan Peisheng students on campus.They invited some students with good grades in basic courses and interested in technology and laboratory work to interview.

(End of this chapter)

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