Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 394 Ye Fei makes a move!Turn the tide!

Chapter 394 Ye Fei makes a move!Turn the tide!
Facing the global disaster and nuclear radiation crisis caused by the double explosion of Fusang nuclear power plant, Ye Fei can feel the seriousness and impact of this disaster. While keeping an eye on the international situation, he also clearly understands the The threat and consequences of the disaster to the coastal ecology of the Xia Kingdom.

When Ye Fei was thinking about how to deal with this global crisis, Lao Zhao walked into his office and handed over the latest news while reporting: "The current international situation is not optimistic. There are some plans to donate materials, but the actual actions are far less positive than imagined, let alone solve the fundamental problems of this disaster."

Ye Fei nodded heavily. He knew that this disaster was not caused by small-scale assistance and assistance from a few countries, but by the cooperation of the international community to carry out large-scale and effective governance and restoration projects in an all-round way.He clearly understands his responsibilities and obligations as a senator of Xia Guo, and also realizes that at this time, Xia Guo should display his international responsibilities and language rights.

Seeing this situation, Ye Fei held a high-level meeting of the company.

He believes that, as a technological enterprise with social responsibility and a sense of mission, Condor should have the obligation and responsibility to provide its own scientific and technological strength and equipment resources to support Fusang country through this disaster.

However, other top executives have a different attitude to this.

"Mr. Ye, do you mean to ask us to support the Fusang Kingdom? I don't think it is necessary. After all, the Fusang Kingdom has always been at odds with us. It may not be a good thing for us to give you a free ride when you get into trouble." A manager said. complained.

"That's right, we have always had some unpleasant pasts with Fusang Kingdom. They have made themselves like this. If we help them, wouldn't we let them enjoy the benefits? Our technology and resources should be used in more suitable places, not Wasted in a scourge,” added another VP.

Faced with these doubts and opposition, Ye Fei felt disappointed and worried.

He understands that Fusang is a country with a large population, scarce resources, and diverse and complex cultural and social structures. Disasters have brought huge impact and pressure on the production and life of local residents and social stability.

The scientific and technological resources and transformation technology owned by Shenying Company are fully capable and potential to restore and rebuild the disaster-stricken areas, restore the environment and stabilize the social order.

"I admit that we have some historical grievances with Fusang, but this does not mean that we cannot help them. The focus now should be on how to unite and cooperate to complete the post-disaster reconstruction work, so that those affected by the disaster can get out of crisis and plight as soon as possible. We have the ability and responsibility to support them, and we cannot make them helpless in distress because of our personal prejudice." Ye Fei said resolutely.

"Besides, this matter will not only affect Fusang Kingdom in the end, but our coastal area will also be affected."

"At that time, if you want to govern, there will be no way!"

After Ye Fei finished speaking, everyone fell silent.

At this time, one person expressed his opinion.

"I agree with Mr. Ye. We are an enterprise that actively undertakes social responsibilities and obligations. We need to recognize our greater responsibilities and obligations and make aiding Fusang our top priority. This task is not simple. We It is necessary to devote ourselves to technological upgrading and the promotion of next-generation technology in order to achieve the fundamental purpose of getting rid of this crisis." Lao Zhao echoed.

"I think Mr. Zhao is right." A senior executive echoed.

"Yes, we should make it our mission to assist Fusang. Now, we need to formulate and implement a long-term assistance plan to provide comprehensive, professional and sustainable scientific and technical support for rehabilitation and reconstruction projects. This is a This is a combat mission of great strategic significance and far-reaching influence, and we must work together to meet this challenge." Ye Fei said unequivocally.

In the end, under the advocacy of Ye Fei and Lao Zhao, the high-level meeting decided to introduce a comprehensive assistance plan to provide comprehensive technical and material support and lay a solid foundation for the reconstruction and restoration of Fusang Country.

Ye Fei sat in front of the computer and opened the official platform.He took a deep breath and started his live broadcast.

"Hi everyone, I'm Ye Fei." He greeted the audience on the screen seriously, "Today I want to talk to you about Fusang Kingdom."

On the screen, the audience's messages kept swiping, and they expressed their concerns and worries about the nuclear power plant accident in Fusang country.

"I know everyone is worried, but as entrepreneurs, we have the responsibility to help human society overcome this difficulty." Ye Fei said, "I will provide the latest radiation protection suits, and artificial intelligence robots to remotely control the implementation of nuclear power plants. relief measures."

In the comments from the audience, some people expressed doubts, "This is nuclear radiation, are you sure your technology can solve this problem?"

"I can assure you that our technology has gone through many experiments and verifications." Ye Fei replied, "Our protective clothing can effectively block radiation, and our artificial intelligence robot can be controlled remotely to reduce human exposure to radiation." risks of."

The audience's messages became more enthusiastic, "Ye Fei, you are amazing!"

"You are our hero!"

"Thank you for your contribution to human security!"

Ye Fei smiled and looked at the message on the screen. He knew that this was not only a compliment to him personally, but also recognition and support for scientists.He deeply felt that his work was meaningful.

"I believe that as long as we work together, we will be able to overcome this difficulty." Ye Fei said, "Let us pray for Fusang and work hard for the future of mankind."

The audience on the screen liked and left messages one after another. They felt Ye Fei's enthusiasm and confidence, as well as the power of science.At this challenging and difficult moment, Ye Fei's words gave them confidence and hope.

"Thank you for your support and attention." Ye Fei said, "I will continue to work hard and make more contributions to the future of mankind."

After the live broadcast, Ye Fei felt happy.He knew that this was only a small step forward in their work, and that there was more work to be done.However, he believes that as long as they continue to work hard, they will be able to achieve more results.

In the face of the disaster, Ye Fei dared to take social responsibility, and provided Fusang with the latest radiation protection clothing and artificial intelligence robot remote control to implement nuclear power plant relief measures, which immediately caused a sensation on the official platform.

The news spread quickly and aroused heated discussions on the Internet. Everyone expressed their praise for Ye Fei's national responsibility and moral feelings.Some netizens praised Ye Fei as a true son of technology, and some netizens said: "At this moment, we need such a Chinese character even more! Thank you Ye Fei!"

(End of this chapter)

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