Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 406 Ye Fei releases power!Military products.

Chapter 406 Ye Fei releases power!Military products.

Ye Fei was immersed in thinking about the solution to the public opinion turmoil when he received a call from Bai Ming.

"Mr. Ye, the senior leaders have recently received pressure from many private companies. These companies have claimed that they are facing huge difficulties due to the non-supply of superconductor materials, and some have even gone bankrupt."

"Let me ask, how can the sound company start the production line of superconductors, do you need our help?"

Ye Fei was very surprised when he heard this. He didn't expect that Bai Ming didn't come to question his decision, but to help.

He thought about it carefully, and then replied directly: "Member Bai Ming, the situation is very urgent now, and I really don't have time to deal with the supply of superconductor materials. But I have a suggestion, and I hope the senior leaders can accept it." .I suggest that superconductor materials be classified as military controlled products, and be managed and distributed by high-level officials.”

Bai Ming couldn't help but smile when he heard Ye Fei's suggestion.

He knew that this was a very good idea. In this way, the supply of superconductor materials would become orderly and would no longer be controlled by individual companies, and would be able to better serve the country's magnetic levitation industry.

"This is a really good idea! Ye Fei, I will try my best to promote this proposal and let the senior leaders consider your proposal. In this way, the supply of superconductor materials will be more stable, and some private companies will no longer be allowed to unilaterally influence our Make a decision." Bai Ming said expectantly.

Ye Fei replied with a smile: "Thank you for your support, member. I believe that only if we continue to consider the interests of the country and adopt more sensible decisions, can we better promote the development of the aerospace industry. The supply of superconductor materials is only a problem for many of us One of the challenges, we have to keep pace with the times and find the optimal solution."

They encouraged each other and looked forward to the future.

No matter what difficulties they face, they firmly believe that as long as they work together and make wise decisions, the aerospace industry will continue to flourish with their efforts.

Bai Ming walked into the office of the senior leader, and he couldn't wait to tell the leader Ye Fei's thoughts.

The leaders were very surprised, they didn't expect Ye Fei to be willing to put the management and control of superconductor materials in their hands!
He remembered very clearly that when superconductor materials came out, Ye Fei had strictly controlled them himself.

At the beginning, when building the subway, Ye Fei had extremely strict control over superconducting materials, and the senior leaders were well aware of this.

He knew that this was due to concerns about national security, and he admired Ye Fei's ability and sense of responsibility, but because of this, they did not dare to easily propose to make the superconductor material public.

Now, the situation has suddenly changed, and superconductors have become military-controlled products. This is a good thing for senior leaders!
He immediately understood the significance of Ye Fei's willingness to let go of control and the far-reaching influence behind it.

The leader thought about it again and again, and finally said: "Bai Ming, you are immediately going to submit a formal application document to the district. Based on Ye Fei's suggestion, we classify superconducting materials as military controlled products. And, we will invite invitations at the appropriate time. Ye Fei came to discuss this matter further."

Bai Ming felt very excited. He quickly took the order and prepared to draft the application documents.

He knows that this decision will provide greater protection for the country's technological development and will also make the supply of superconductor materials more orderly.

At this moment, the senior leaders are both delighted and emotional.

He is well aware that superconductor materials represent great technological progress and national strength.And Ye Fei is willing to let go of his personal control and classify it as a military control product. This is a very bold and beneficial decision.

All the unhappiness and controversy in the past have become insignificant at this moment.

They are sincerely grateful to Ye Fei for his change of concept. His decision will bring huge benefits and development opportunities to the country and the field of science and technology.

Leaders began to imagine the possibilities after superconducting materials became military controls.

They are full of hope for the future, and they also feel that with more in-depth research and application of superconductors, they will have more resources and means to promote the development of science and technology.

During this active interaction with Ye Fei, the senior leaders realized that only by cooperating with outstanding talents can they achieve greater breakthroughs.

Ye Fei's decision made them full of confidence and expectations for the future of him and Shenying Company.

After Bai Ming prepared the application documents, he left the office of the senior leaders with excitement.

He is also fully aware that the current decision will bring about huge changes in the aerospace industry and the field of science and technology, and will also add a ray of light to the reputation and status of Ye Fei and Shenying Company.

The news that superconductor materials have become military controlled products has spread throughout the entire domestic and foreign scientific and technological circles.

For a while, all private companies were shocked. Whether it was because the production line relying on superconductor materials was blocked or because of the overwhelming pressure of public opinion, they fell into silence.

In the international market, the voices that once questioned Ye Fei's company also fell silent.

Who would dare to openly complain about Ye Fei's decision?

Superconductor materials have become military-controlled products. This is a national decision and the result of careful consideration by high-level leaders.

Under the strict control of the military region, no one dares to challenge national interests and decisions.

At this time, the voice of public opinion at home and abroad began to change.

The once skeptical media began to turn to positive reports, applauding the decision of Ye Fei and Shenying Company.

They believe that this decision will ensure the country's scientific and technological development and international competitiveness, and means better control and application of the potential of superconducting materials.

At the same time, those private enterprises that had suffered from the shortage of superconductor materials began to apply to the military region for cooperation, hoping to obtain a part of the supply of superconductor materials to maintain their normal operations.

They understand that personal interests are insignificant in the face of national interests, and they are more willing to follow official management and distribution.

Under the leadership of Ye Fei and Shenying Company, the military region quickly established a supply system for superconductor materials.

They conduct in-depth research on the production, applications and potential of superconductors and integrate their development into national strategies.

Various technical departments quickly formed professional teams to strengthen the research and development of superconductor materials, and promote the combination of scientific and technological progress and practical applications.

The country's investment and support in the field of superconductors has also increased significantly.

Major research institutions and universities have successively launched a series of cooperative projects to strengthen research on new technologies related to superconductor materials.High-level policy and financial support have also given enough tilt to encourage innovation and competition, and promote the vigorous development of the superconductor material industry.

Ye Fei has always maintained a good relationship with the Pakistan Railway State partner and some other partners.

When superconductor materials became military-controlled products, Ye Fei took the initiative to play the role of matchmaker and helped them apply to the military region for permission to use superconductors.

With Ye Fei's support, these partners reached a cooperation agreement with the military region, and the cooperation went smoothly without hindrance.

As a friendly partner with Ye Fei in the early days, Ba Tiieguo
With Ye Fei's matchmaking, the Pakistan Railway State partner and other partners applied to the military region for the use of superconductors smoothly and without obstacles.

Ye Fei's reputation and Shenying Company's influence in the field of science and technology have won them the favor and support of the military region.

Seeing that these partners maintain close contact with Ye Fei, the military region is naturally willing to provide them with access to superconductors.

These partners were full of gratitude and admiration for Ye Fei after they obtained the permission to use superconductors.

They knew that without Ye Fei's support and help, it would be difficult for them to obtain approval and resource allocation from the military region.

Behind Ye Fei is the strength and practical operation ability of Shenying Company, which is the reason why they were able to successfully apply for superconductors.

The partners of Pakistan Railway and other partners gave full play to their technical strength and resource advantages and launched in-depth cooperation with Ye Fei and Shenying Company.

Ye Fei's decision triggered a huge chain reaction.

Countless private companies have directly closed down because of the strict control of the military region, and they can no longer obtain superconductor materials from them.

This situation has left many business owners feeling hopeless, realizing that they can no longer exploit the loopholes and have to deal with irreparable difficulties.

The public opinion was once again full of talk about Ye Fei's plan to build a military factory, this time it was even more intense.

Countless people have speculated that the purpose of Condor Corporation to assign superconductor materials to the military area is to build military factories.

Such a decision caused a strong dissatisfaction and concern.People began to discuss whether this means that Condor's future development path will be closely linked with the military industry.

There are various voices in the public opinion. Some people think that Ye Fei is seeking more political resources and interests for himself, while others worry that this decision will make Shenying overly dependent on the military industry and limit its innovation and development in the civilian field.

There is a lot of discussion, ready to go.

Regarding these comments, Ye Fei felt calm in his heart.

He knows very well that his decision-making is not to seek more personal interests, but to better develop the country's technological and military strength.

As a key military resource, superconductor materials will inevitably bring huge threats and security risks to the country if they fall into the hands of private companies.

Ye Fei is not surprised by the doubts of public opinion. On the contrary, he looks forward to explaining the intention behind his decision to the public in a transparent way.

He plans to hold a press conference at an appropriate time to clearly point out to the public that Shenying did not assign superconductor materials to the military region for the purpose of building a military factory, but for the sake of national security and technological development.

In Ye Fei's plan, holding a press conference became a key part.

He felt the need to make clear to the public what Condor really wanted.

This press conference will become a stage for him to show his leadership style and send a clear and positive message to the world.

After the press conference started.

Everyone gathered in the conference room, and Ye Fei stood upright in front of the big table.

Countless flashing lights are flashing here.

Standing on the podium, Ye Fei cast his eyes on everyone and said, "What lies ahead is a new path, an opportunity for us to make continuous progress."

The team members focused on Ye Fei, looking forward to the message he was about to convey.

Ye Fei took a deep breath and began to introduce the company's development plan.

"Our decision is not to build a military factory, nor to seek more personal interests." Ye Fei's voice was firm but gentle.

He continued to explain: "We put superconductor materials in the military area because of the consideration of technological security."

His words caused a burst of discussion, and it seemed that some people expressed doubts about Ye Fei's explanation.

However, Ye Fei remained calm. He continued: "We are committed to developing technology, not building weapons! We promise to maintain investment and innovation in the civilian field, and make greater contributions to the development of the country and society."

His firm statement refocused the team members.

"We must firmly believe that the development of science and technology is to benefit all mankind." Ye Fei's voice is full of passion, "We should not limit ourselves to specific fields, but should strive for the progress of human society. Through technology, we can change the world."

Ye Fei paused.

His eyes scanned the audience full of expectations and doubts.

He frowned slightly, feeling an unprecedented tension.

The same crisis of public opinion came again, and this time it was hard for him not to suspect that someone had deliberately arranged it.

What follows is Ye Fei's counterattack against the perpetrator!

"Dear friends from the media, industry colleagues and partners, thank you for your attention and support to Shenying Factory." Ye Fei's voice resounded throughout the hall, calm and confident.

"Before I end today's press conference, I want to give everyone a reminder. When the Shenying Factory was founded, we faced countless rumors and accusations. Some people spread the news that we were building a military factory." Ye Fei said in a tone said firmly.

"At that time, we chose to stick to our original intention and firmly believed that the power of technology could bring more real changes to society. We focused on R&D and innovation, and worked hard for the well-being of mankind. However, such accusations never stopped, even in this A comeback in the crisis of public opinion."

Ye Fei's voice gradually increased, showing his inner anger and struggle.

"I can't help but start to wonder, is there someone behind all this deliberately? Who wants to hinder our development? Who wants to kill the possibility of technology?" Ye Fei's eyes became more determined, and he faced everyone without fear. .

"As a scientific and technological worker, our mission is to promote the progress of mankind and contribute to society. I dare to assure you that the products developed and produced by Shenying Factory all adhere to such principles and goals. What we pursue What is more important is the win-win situation of innovation, technology and human well-being.”

There was silence in the audience, it seemed that everyone was moved by Ye Fei's words, and a strong resonance surged in their hearts.

They began to think that maybe those rumors were just fabricated out of thin air, just to hinder the development and progress of the Condor Factory.

Ye Fei's expression gradually relaxed, and he continued: "Today, I once again promise everyone that the Shenying Factory will unswervingly advance and overcome all obstacles. No matter what the outside world rumors, we will focus on technological innovation and always devote ourselves to serving the society and society. Human beings bring more well-being."

There was a burst of applause, and the entire press conference was filled with support and encouragement.

A firm and confident smile appeared on Ye Fei's face, and he knew that he was not alone.

After the press conference, Ye Fei stood backstage contentedly, feeling the applause and encouragement from his team members.He knew that with this launch, they had established a clear image and purpose for the company.At the same time, the public also has a clearer understanding of the development direction of Shenying Company.

(End of this chapter)

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