Chapter 413 A perfect experience.

One month later, the Soul Garden project entered the testing stage, and Ye Fei was naturally the first person to experience it.

Before the test, Huo Dekai showed Ye Fei the letter of cooperation with the flow team.

Ye Fei was very satisfied after reading it. The Xinliu team is indeed a professional team.

Considering long-term interstellar travel, creating a realistic virtual reality scene may create a sense of disconnection from the real environment inside the spacecraft.

What the flow team provides is a whole-body meditation therapy.

"Huo Dekai, I believe in your ability!"

"I also believe in the results of the flow team."

"How about I become the first guinea pig!"

Naturally, before Huo Dekai took out this project book, they had already experimented countless times.

They are very comfortable with this technology.

"Mr. Ye, you can experience this wonderful journey to the fullest!"

Ye Fei came to the experimental sleeping chamber and gently put on the VR glasses.

As he put on the glasses, he gradually felt a soft music playing.

The music is melodic and has a soothing power.

Following the guidance of the music, he gradually entered a state of deep meditation.

At the beginning, Ye Fei felt as if he was immersed in a peaceful forest.

He clearly saw beautiful trees and flowers dancing in the surrounding environment.

The breeze blew, bringing with it the fragrance of flowers, making him feel extremely relaxed and happy.

Then, Ye Fei's vision gradually became blurred, as if immersed in soft clouds.

He felt that he was floating slowly, and as the clouds drifted, he experienced a feeling of lightness, as if his body and the air were one.

Under the voice guidance of the flow team, Ye Fei's consciousness began to enter a deeper level of meditation.

He was suddenly on the shore of a peaceful lake.

The lake is crystal clear and as calm as a mirror.

Reflected on the lake are the beautiful mountains and blue sky.

He felt the coolness brought by the lake water, and under the sunshine, he seemed to be wrapped in a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere.

Next, Ye Fei seemed to have entered a time tunnel in his heart, passing through the dark night, as if traveling through the starry sky.

He saw the twinkling stars, the little stars, shining brightly.

He felt the infinite vastness and infinite beauty of the universe, as if he was resonating with the universe, and he himself became extremely grand and profound.

In a state of deep meditation, Ye Fei felt that his heart had gained true peace and balance.

His mind has been purified and healed, and worries and stress have gradually left him.

Every breath made him feel the breath of life blending and resonating with the power of the universe.

When the deep meditation gradually ended, Ye Fei slowly came out of the state of virtual reality.

He gently took off the VR glasses and returned to reality.

He felt light all over him, calm and serene inside.

This meditation experience made him feel very happy and relaxed, as if immersed in a harmonious realm.

Ye Fei is full of expectations for the technology of the flow team and the potential of the soul garden project.

This whole-body meditation therapy can not only provide spiritual support for interstellar travel, but also help people find balance and healing in the midst of stress and distress.

The desire to think and explore surges in his heart, and he looks forward to the Soul Garden project giving him deeper experiences and revelations.

Ye Fei is determined to bring the Soul Garden project to more people and bring greater happiness and joy to everyone.

As he slowly walked out of the sleeping cabin.

Ye Fei praised the achievements of the flow team. He thought it was the most comfortable sleep he had ever slept in in his life, and he felt relaxed.

.The person in charge of the heart flow team was very happy about this, and said to Ye Fei: "Mr. Ye, we also have a deep relief mode, which uses a water bed, and people can float on the water surface. Of course, this requires professional people. operate."

After hearing this, Ye Fei replied directly: "You don't have to worry about this. I will incorporate this professional operation mode into the astronaut training plan."

He is well aware that long-term interstellar travel will bring enormous physical and mental stress to astronauts, so deep relief mode is crucial to their health and psychological state.

The person in charge of the heart flow team thanked Ye Fei for his decision and told him that in the deep relief mode, the temperature and fluidity of the water can be adjusted to suit different needs.

They have gone through repeated trials and optimizations to ensure this technology brings the most comfortable and relaxing experience.

"After all, it is very difficult for our staff to be able to participate in the trip to Mars."

"So the maintenance and use of the equipment can only be left to Mr. Ye."

Ye Fei is full of confidence in the professional ability of the flow team. He knows that only through this all-round experience can astronauts maintain physical and mental health and fully adapt to the unknown environment and pressure during long-term space travel.

"Don't worry, I will supervise the training."

In the next few months, Ye Fei worked closely with the Flow team, and they jointly promoted the development of the Soul Garden project.Heart
The stream team is constantly exploring and innovating to provide more practical technological solutions for interstellar travel.

After a period of hard work, the flow team successfully integrated the deep relief model with the soul garden project.

Now, testers can float under the stars late at night, enjoy a comfortable water bed experience, relax their minds and stretch their bodies.

The success of the Soul Garden project is not only Ye Fei’s personal achievement, but also the result of the entire team’s efforts and innovation.

Ye Fei firmly believes that this scientific and technological project will provide important support for future interstellar exploration, helping human beings navigate in the universe and explore broader unknown areas.The interstellar journey is full of countless unknowns and challenges, but with the existence of the Soul Garden project, astronauts will be able to obtain better physical and mental healing and adjustment.

Ye Fei and the Xinliu team are determined to promote this technology to all human beings, so that everyone can enjoy the peace and joy of mind and body.

They believe that the power of technology can bring more possibilities and happiness to the future of mankind.

The flow team finally completed the development of their technology, and Ye Fei knew it was time to show their results to the National Astronautics Team.He immediately contacted Captain Chen, the leader of the National Astronautics Team, and agreed to meet at the Shenying Company for an interview.

When the appointed day came, Ye Fei waited for Captain Chen and the ten astronauts he brought.

Soon, a space shuttle landed at a nearby airport, and Captain Chen led the astronauts out of the plane.

Ye Fei went up to greet him, shook hands with Captain Chen and exchanged greetings.

He felt the majesty and authority of Captain Chen, and he was full of respect for these astronauts.

Captain Chen introduced to Ye Fei the ten astronauts he brought with him. Each of them is an elite in the national space team. After strict selection and training, they have excellent skills and courage.

Ye Fei welcomed these astronauts with a smile, and led them into the conference room of Condor Company.This is a spacious and bright meeting room, surrounded by the most advanced technological equipment, and the walls are covered with honorary medals of Condor and certificates of partners.

Ye Fei invited everyone to sit down and began to introduce the achievements of the flow team and the concept of the soul garden project.

"Captain Chen, I am very glad to show our latest scientific and technological achievements to the top astronauts of the national space team. This is the result of our team's hard work, and I believe these technologies will be of great help to the physical and mental health of astronauts. ’ he said with a smile.

Captain Chen nodded solemnly, expressing his expectation for the results of the Soul Garden sleep cabin.

He said: "This is the best ten astronauts in the national space team, they are our pride. We seek the help of Condor, hoping to keep them in the best condition during the long space exploration, Adapt to a variety of pressures and circumstances."

Ye Fei felt very honored and welcomed the ten astronauts with a smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you, and as the founder of Condor, I send you my sincere greetings. The Flow team is ready to show you our latest technology to help you overcome physical and mental challenges on your space adventures."

The astronauts showed great interest in the flow team's technology.

An astronaut asked: "Mr. Ye, how does your technology help us relieve stress? I have experienced a long space mission, and the physical and mental pressure is very high."

Ye Fei answered patiently: "Our technology is designed based on the principles of deep meditation and mind-body harmony. Through virtual reality technology, we have created a spiritual garden for astronauts and created an immersive experience for you. You It’s a place where you can feel peace and harmony and balance your mind and body. In addition, we have a deep relief mode, using floating beds and water spiritual guidance, so that you can completely relax.”

Another astronaut pressed: "Have these technologies been proven to work? I am concerned that they actually work."

Ye Fei replied confidently: "Our technology has been tested and verified many times, and has been successfully applied to ground tests. We are ready to cooperate with the National Space Force for further experiments and training to ensure that these technologies can play the best role in the space environment." Good effect."

Captain Chen was satisfied with Ye Fei's answer, and said: "Mr. Ye, we believe in the strength and professionalism of you and Shenying Company. We are willing to cooperate with you so that astronauts can have better mental and physical health in space. status. It's very important to our space exploration program."

Ye Fei was well prepared, answered their questions one by one, and showed them the technical achievements of the flow team.

They were deeply shocked when they saw the virtual reality scene and deep relief mode carefully designed by the flow team.

Captain Chen expressed his appreciation for the flow team, saying: "Mr. Ye, you and your team are amazing. The Soul Garden project will undoubtedly provide our astronauts with a new method of psychological adjustment. This is very important for our astronauts. vital to the space exploration program."

Ye Fei said: "What we say now is just talk on paper."

"It's better to let them feel it! It's clear at a glance what kind of feeling it is!"

Captain Chen nodded.

Ye Fei led Captain Chen and the astronauts to the side of the latest sleep chamber developed by Shenying Company.

Several astronauts entered the sleep cabin excitedly and began to experience this new technology.

Ye Fei watched their reactions carefully from the sidelines.

He knows that the research and development of the sleep cabin is not only to provide a comfortable rest environment, but also to help astronauts decompress, restore physical strength and mental state.

Half an hour later, the astronauts walked out of the sleeping chamber one by one refreshed.

The exhaustion on their faces was swept away, replaced by a radiant glow.

Captain Chen looked at this scene in amazement. He said to Ye Fei: "Mr. Ye, your technology is amazing! The decompression effect of this sleep cabin is great. The mental state of the astronauts has obviously been improved."

The astronauts were also very excited. They all said that the sleep cabin really brought them great relaxation and decompression.

An astronaut said excitedly: "In the sleeping cabin, I feel as if I am in a peaceful and serene environment, and my body and mind are completely relaxed."

Ye Fei smiled and looked at everything with satisfaction.

He said: "Sleep cabin is an innovative technology designed by Flow team for astronauts. It can not only provide a comfortable rest environment, but also help astronauts quickly enter a deep sleep state through carefully adjusted music, light and atmosphere , so that they can get the most abundant rest in a short period of time."

Captain Chen praised: "This will play a very important role in keeping our astronauts in the best condition during space exploration. Your technology can make our mission smoother and safer."

Ye Fei replied modestly: "This is all the efforts and creations of all members of the XinFlow team. We will continue to be committed to innovative research and development in the field of aerospace science and technology, and hope to have deeper cooperation with the National Astronautics Team."

After the meeting, the astronauts were full of praise for the effectiveness of the sleep chamber.

They are deeply grateful to Ye Fei and Shenying Company for providing them with the tools to decompress and relax.

When Captain Chen shook hands with Ye Fei and said goodbye, he said with emotion: "Mr. Ye, your technology has given us greater confidence in future space exploration. Thank you for your contributions to the National Aerospace Corps."

Ye Fei replied with a smile: "It is our honor to be able to contribute to the national space team. I hope our cooperation can achieve more results and make more contributions to the aerospace industry."

With the successful conclusion of this meeting, the cooperation between Condor and the National Aerospace Corps has come to fruition.

Ye Fei happily shook hands with Captain Chen. He felt that his efforts and the achievements of the team had finally been recognized.

Ye Fei looked expectantly at the sleeping cabin in front of him, which was the latest development result of the flow team.

After continuous optimization and improvement, the sleep chamber now fully meets the needs of the spacecraft and can be completely installed in it.

He said to Huo Dekai beside him: "Huo Dekai, are our design drawings ready? I hope to install these sleeping cabins on the spacecraft as soon as possible."

Huo Dekai nodded, and handed Ye Fei a thick design drawing: "Mr. Ye Fei, this is the design drawing of the sleep chamber, which shows the specifications and installation methods of each part in detail. I have contacted the factory and they are preparing Implement that part."

Ye Fei took the design drawings and looked at every detail carefully.He thought about the drawings for a while, and then nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, Huo Dekai. Let the factory start implementation as soon as possible. We can't wait to see these sleep cabins installed on the spacecraft."

Huo Dekai replied with a smile: "I have arranged for the factory to carry out production and assembly, and they will complete the task according to the requirements of the design drawings. I believe that in the near future, we will be able to see these spacecraft equipped with advanced sleeping cabins and set off on a new journey. adventure journey."

(End of this chapter)

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