Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 422 Controllable nuclear fusion!The predecessor of artificial sun

Chapter 422 Controllable nuclear fusion!The predecessor of artificial sun
Officials quickly contacted Bai Gong, but the result of the communication surprised them and was completely different from their previous expectations.

Senior officials of Yingjiang Country informed Chuanbo of the news.
They realize that no matter how hard they try to communicate, the other person has already formed a fixed point of view
This makes solving the problem more complex and difficult.

They understand that communication and phone calls alone cannot change Chuanbo's position, and more powerful and effective methods are needed to promote resolution.

They decided to use this failed communication as a lesson to analyze the situation more deeply and seek other possible solutions.

After receiving the news, Bai Ming immediately conveyed the news to Ye Fei.

He told Ye Fei that Yingjiang Country's lunar spacecraft would no longer talk to them, and they refused to accept the question.

"Baigong is still very repulsive. I think what we can do is enough!"

"I understand!"

This answer made Ye Fei feel confident.

Since Yingjiang Country chose to ignore them, there was no need for them to bother with it anymore.

They should continue to focus on their work and do their own thing well.

Ye Fei has been in the laboratory during this time, thinking about how to further optimize the production of energy storage systems.

Currently, the spacecraft relies on a nuclear power system and a solar system to operate together, but Ye Fei has been wondering if there is a better way to optimize this system.

He sat at the experimental table and stared intently at the data scrolling on the screen.

He was thinking about how to improve energy efficiency and reduce energy waste while ensuring energy supply.

This is particularly important for spacecraft, as long-duration voyages require reliable and efficient energy systems.

Ye Fei constantly consults various technical information, reviews past research results, and looks for inspiration and breakthroughs.

He deeply discussed various emerging energy technologies, such as hydrogen energy and energy storage technology, hoping to find more efficient and stable solutions.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind.

As if he had just woken up from a dream, he excitedly began to deduce and calculate.

He came up with an innovative solution that combined the advantages of solar and nuclear energy.

By more effectively capturing and converting solar energy, as well as using nuclear energy more efficiently, he believes that the energy performance and service life of spacecraft can be greatly improved.

Ye Fei passionately shared his ideas on more effectively capturing and converting solar energy and efficient use of nuclear energy with the Mars team.

He believes that through these methods, the energy performance and service life of spacecraft will be greatly improved.

The team members gathered together and faced Ye Fei's imagination, but their conclusions were mixed.

The nuclear energy expert in the team was the first to express his opinion. "

"Mr. Ye, your idea is very forward-looking, but if we want to use nuclear energy more efficiently, we face considerable difficulties. Nuclear fusion is an extremely difficult technology, and it is even more difficult to achieve it in a space environment. Less powerful than controlled nuclear fusion."

"I understand the complexity of nuclear fusion technology." Ye Fei said.

"But we can draw on the concept of controllable nuclear fusion and the results of some nuclear energy research to develop an energy system more suitable for spacecrafts."

"We can use advanced technical means and materials to improve the conversion efficiency of solar cells and apply nuclear energy to the power propulsion system of spacecraft."

Team members who specialize in aerospace engineering then gave their perspective.

"Mr. Ye, your idea is very creative, but we have to consider practical application issues. In the space environment, the challenges faced in terms of material durability, energy storage and supply are huge."

"You are right. But it is these practical application problems that inspire me to seek more optimized solutions. If we can overcome these difficulties, we will be able to greatly improve the performance of spacecraft and explore wider areas for mankind. To pave the way for the universe." Ye Fei returned.

Afterwards, team members began to speak enthusiastically and put forward their own ideas and concerns.

They spoke freely, discussed the feasibility of technical implementation, and jointly solved problems they may encounter.

The solar experts on the team expressed support for the idea.

"Ye Fei, the improvement of solar energy conversion efficiency you mentioned is indeed an important direction. We can study new solar cell materials and designs to improve the capture and conversion efficiency of electrical energy. In addition, we can also consider how to effectively store and harnessing those energies.”

With the joint efforts of the team, some preliminary solutions were proposed.

As the discussion progressed, team members became more aware that achieving the coordinated conversion of solar and nuclear energy was not an easy task.

The complexity and difficulty of technology force them to face reality.

With regret, they finally agreed that the feasibility of this idea was not high and that it was no less difficult than controlled nuclear fusion.

At the end of the discussion, a slight silence filled the room.

After everyone pondered for a moment, Ye Fei announced the end of the meeting.

"This is just an idea for now!"

“With everyone’s brainstorming, I finally have an idea.”

"That's it for today's discussion!"

"You all go and do your own thing!"

Ye Fei felt a little disappointed, but he knew that this decision was prudent and wise.

After the meeting, the team members dispersed in a relaxed mood and returned to their own work areas.

However, this discussion was not a failure for them, but an accumulation of experience and inspiration for future work.

They use this challenge as a catalyst to continue to advance the field of science.

He knows that the road to science is not always smooth, and failures and setbacks cannot stop them from pursuing knowledge and innovation.

Although the discussion ended in failure, it left a legacy of determination and curiosity about the unknown.

Like the Mars team, they will continue to move forward and write new chapters of history on the scientific stage.

Back in the office, Ye Fei was immersed in the discussion and thinking just now.He began to think about his new ideas and turned his attention to the development of controllable nuclear fusion.

Although he encountered difficulties with his ideas for converting solar and nuclear energy, Ye Fei realized that controlled nuclear fusion might be a more worthy goal.

Although he has made breakthrough technological progress in the development of nuclear energy in the past, achieving controllable nuclear fusion still requires simulated solar experiments, which is a huge challenge.

However, Ye Fei is well aware of the importance and potential of controllable nuclear fusion.

If this technology is successfully developed, it will mean that mankind has its own artificial sun, which will have a revolutionary impact on energy, science, and even the future development of mankind.

Ye Fei realized that the research and development of controllable nuclear fusion not only required a large amount of capital investment, but also required the construction of advanced experimental equipment and the ability to simulate the sun.

This is a huge challenge for him personally, but he believes that it is this challenge that inspires the greatest innovations and breakthroughs.

Determined, Ye Fei began to carry out a more in-depth research plan.

He added to his schedule the experiments and research he was going to do.Through his own efforts, Ye Fei hopes to achieve key breakthroughs and make remarkable achievements in the field of controllable nuclear fusion.

He firmly believes that only through this kind of highly innovative and adventurous research can mankind usher in a new era of energy revolution.

Ye Fei sat at the desk in the office, looking at his plan with longing.

Today, his light-sail thrusters require massive amounts of electricity to power.

However, he knew in his heart that controllable nuclear fusion was the most ideal source of power.

Controlled nuclear fusion is a technology that uses fusion reactions under high temperature and high pressure conditions to generate energy to overcome the mutual repulsion between atomic nuclei.

Common controllable nuclear fusion technologies include magnetic confinement fusion and inertial confinement fusion.

In magnetic confinement fusion, the fusion reaction needs to be carried out in a plasma confined by a strong magnetic field.

The representative of this technology is the tokamak device.

However, in his case, light sail thrusters were not suitable for magnetic confinement fusion technology.

In contrast, inertial confinement fusion is more suitable for his light sail thrusters and laser matrix.

Inertial confinement fusion works by using an energy source such as a laser or particle beam to rapidly heat and compress a fusion material, such as a deuterium-tritium plasma.

Make it reach a high enough temperature and density to achieve nuclear fusion reaction.Laser inertial confinement fusion (ICF) is a representative device of inertial confinement fusion.

This gave him a new idea.

The characteristics of controllable nuclear fusion fit perfectly with his light sail thrusters and laser matrix.

In fact, controllable nuclear fusion experiments need to simulate the fusion reaction inside the sun, fusing light elements such as hydrogen into heavy elements, and releasing huge amounts of energy.

Such a simulation experiment scale is not simple.

He began to study various controllable nuclear fusion technologies all night long.

He found that ICF technology is very suitable for driving light sail thrusters.

However, challenges also arise.

Inertial confinement fusion experiments are large-scale and require huge energy investment and the support of high-tech equipment.

Ye Fei was immersed in the research of controllable nuclear fusion technology and worked hard for several days.

He was thinking about experiments to simulate solar explosions.He has developed a detailed experimental plan and conducted preliminary tests through simulation software.

If the data can be simulated on the computer.

Then everything is possible!

At the same time, on the other side, Chuanbo is preparing to start their trip to the moon in Yingjiang Country.

The scale of this moon landing mission is unprecedentedly large and majestic.Chuanbo carefully planned and invited official media and mainstream media from all over the world to participate in this historic moon landing trip.

When news of the moon mission broke, the media was in an uproar.

Major media outlets sent their reporters and photographers to cover this high-profile event.

From domestic to international media, countless media rushed to report on it.There were flashes of cameras, and the fight for the camera was fierce.

Under Chuanbo's triumphant smile, he accepted interviews with reporters.

he declares proudly!

"This trip to the Moon by Eagle Country is a major milestone in human history. We will show the world our country's great achievements in space technology. This is not only the glory of Eagle Country, but also the common achievement of mankind. !”

Reporters raised their microphones and asked various questions.

Chuanbo answered in a simple and easy-to-understand manner and was full of confidence.

He introduced in detail the preparations for the moon landing mission and emphasized the country's unique advantages in space technology.

The media is enthusiastically reporting on the Eagle Country's moon landing mission.

Various media outlets rushed to publish exclusive reports, interviews, and even launched special discussions on space exploration.

Chuanbo stood under the spotlight, proudly watching the scene of competing reports.

He felt extremely proud and satisfied.

As the leader of this lunar landing mission, he was under tremendous pressure, but he also gained a great sense of accomplishment.

Chuanbo stood in the center of the stage, and the media's cameras focused on him.

He raised his hands excitedly, with a smile on his face, and began to praise the spaceship developed by the Eagle Country to the audience.

"Dear friends from the media, please allow me to introduce to you the latest spacecraft developed by our Eagle Country! This is a great breakthrough!"

Chuanbo's voice aroused warm applause from the audience.

Chuanbo continued: "Our Yingjiang Kingdom's spacecraft not only has a more stable design, but also has a great improvement in efficiency. This lunar landing mission will become the most powerful existence in the history of lunar landing!"

As his words came out, the audience's excitement further increased, and the media took photos and recorded Sichuan's praise.

They know that this moon landing mission has important historical significance, and the Eagle Country's spacecraft is the core key to the mission.

Soon after, the opening ceremony entered the ignition stage, which was also the test flight stage.

The 500 moon landing passengers and all the media gathered in a tall building in the distance, staring at the spacecraft in front of them.

When the flames ignited in the tail of the spacecraft, in an instant, the spacecraft began to move forward.

A strong motivation was conveyed to everyone present, and they all felt that the dream of landing on the moon was about to become a reality.

In the tall building, the audience couldn't help but burst into cheers and applause.

They waved the national flag excitedly and applauded.

The media immediately broadcast this shocking scene and delivered the entire process live to the global audience.

And Chuanbo is even more proud!His face was filled with a smile of pride and victory.

He knew that this was a huge breakthrough for their country in space exploration, and it also represented his own success as a leader.

Chuanbo looked at the spaceship in front of him burning with blazing fire, feeling happy and confident.

And right now!
The flames suddenly went out.

The head of the spacecraft that had just raised its head.

It fell to the ground with a thud!
The scene was completely silent!
(End of this chapter)

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