Chapter 56

Hearing this, Ye Fei was taken aback.

Turn around suddenly.

With a puzzled look on his face, he said, "Da Mao and Europe are engaged, so what does this have to do with me?!"

He couldn't even think of what this matter had to do with him!
With doubts, Ye Fei turned on the news and read it.

I see.

On the news website, a news video is playing.

A strong and big hairy man stared at the camera with cold eyes, as if the flames of anger were burning in his eyes!
He suppressed his anger, looked angry, and said in a rough voice: "One hour ago, our Northwest natural gas pipeline was blown up by force by unknown elements!"

"The Northwest Natural Gas Pipeline is our biggest and most important strategic business move this year!"

"We must have an explanation!"

The big hairy man stared at the camera viciously as he spoke, his voice was low and roaring like a beast, "We will never let it go!"

This look, this tone.

Sounds like he already knew who broke their gas line.

It's like declaring war on the enemy!
The water friends in the live broadcast room, as well as Ye Fei, watched the subtitles below the news.

Understand the reason of the matter.

I also understand why that big hairy boy is so angry!

To know.

Damao's natural gas resources are the most abundant in the world, and the annual sales of natural gas have brought them a huge amount of financial revenue.

Now that the natural gas pipeline is damaged, if it cannot be repaired, the benefits they will lose will be immeasurable!

Cutting off people's wealth is like killing one's parents.

No matter who put this matter on, everyone will be so angry that their lungs will explode!

As for the person who sabotaged the Damao gas pipeline...

Well known.

The attitude of most European countries towards Da Mao can be described as 'hostile'!
Who is that enemy.

It's obvious!

But what does this have to do with Shenying Civil Technology Co., Ltd.? !
Ye Fei spread his hands and said innocently: "Brothers, this has nothing to do with me!"

The water friends in the live broadcast room couldn't help scratching their heads.

It seems that it really has nothing to do with the anchor!
Could it be that someone deliberately released fake news? !
Just when they thought so.

The video continues to play.

Natural gas is very important to Da Mao!
Therefore, after discovering the natural gas pipeline, Da Mao's senior management immediately ordered a team to repair the pipeline!
In the video.

A group of big hairy people came to a remote land with various equipment.

The land was dug up, exposing the natural gas pipelines buried underneath, which were as thick as the bodies of giant dragons.

Those pipelines, several of them, had been bombed and pitted.

There are many signs of fracture.


The group of big hairy people moved the equipment they brought to the front of the damaged natural gas pipeline.

And one of the devices.

Ye Fei and the water friends in the live broadcast room all know each other!

That is Condor's new product 3D printer!
"I'll go! Isn't that the host's 3D printer?!"

"Isn't it? Da Maozi wants to use a 3D printer to repair natural gas pipelines?!"

"Are you kidding! Damao's natural gas pipeline, due to geographical reasons, usually uses thick-walled, high-reinforced, low-temperature-resistant spiral welded pipes when laying the pipeline!"

"In this case, the technical requirements are very high to complete the repair! Even if the technical cost is not considered, the repair cycle is very long! At least it will take more than a month!"

"Although the anchor's product is very cowhide, it's not realistic to rely on it to repair the natural gas pipeline?!"


Water friends who understand this aspect, when they see that Damaoguo wants to use 3D printing to repair natural gas pipelines, they all have incredible expressions on their faces.

Think this is an impossible task!

Under the suspicious eyes of the water friends.

I see.

Several big-haired people established a link between the computer and the 3D printer.

Copy the model that has been modeled by computer into the 3D printer.

On the broken pipe, a layer of special glue was sprayed.

Then, put the metal powder ready for printing in the main shell tray box of the 3D printer...

After the equipment is adjusted.

The 3D printer officially started the repair work!

The material is quickly sprayed on the broken pipe and fused with special glue.

Then, another layer of special glue was applied, and the 3D printer was used again to spray the metal material on the pipe.

In this way, one layer of glue, one layer of material.

The broken pipes are being quickly repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It didn't take long.

All broken pipes, all repaired!
No more traces of breakage to be seen!

Just like it was never damaged!
Damao's Northwest Pipeline is back in use!

The water friends in the live broadcast room watched this scene.

His face was full of shock!

"Fuck!!! It's really repaired?!"

"Such a difficult technical difficulty was overcome like this?!"

"And it's so fast! No fucking sharpshooter is as fast as it?! It's incredible!"

"999! Because 6 is flipped!"


The water friends were shocked!
Once again, I saw the cowhide of that 3D printer!

The corners of Ye Fei's lips curled up slightly. He is still very confident in his products!

It's just a matter of repairing the pipes, so it's easy to do!
"Brothers, have you seen it now?!"

"The anchor is my product, but it is a product that benefits the people!"

"The example in front of us is a classic case of Huimin enterprises!"

Ye Fei's voice was sonorous, and his words were strict.

"The anchor, don't pretend to be spicy~"

"Brother Meng, don't trust him!"

"That's right, just keep reading and you'll know!"

"The anchor's new product is not that simple at all!"


Seeing that some water friends seem to want to believe Ye Fei's words.

Immediately, another group of water friends jumped out.

Tell everyone, don't trust Ye Fei!

The other water friends were both confused and curious.

What is a new product called an anchor? It's not that simple at all?Could it be that this 3D printer has done more powerful things than repairing houses and plumbing? !


Thinking of this, everyone gasped.

They really want to see what extraordinary things this 3D printer can do!

Ye Fei raised his eyebrows.

Seeing the news here, his 3D printer is doing good things!
He felt that things would not change!
Just very confident!

Leaning lazily on the back of the chair.

Ye Fei looked calm and calm.

Continue reading.

But right now!
In the screen of the news video, the painting style suddenly changed!

A second ago, a group of big hairy people were cheering for the repaired natural gas pipeline.

next second.

In the picture, a group of fully armed big hairy soldiers and a large number of technicians appeared!
They carry dozens or hundreds of 3D printers.

Take a large ship and follow the route of the Damao Northwest Natural Gas Pipeline, heading from the land to the sea!
It didn't take long.

It is far away from the coast and has reached the deep sea.

There it stopped.

Then, the group of big hairy people started to get busy.

Fill various materials into the tray of the 3D printer.

Ye Fei: "???"

Friends of the water: "???"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

What are those big boys doing in the deep sea with their 3D printers?
(End of this chapter)

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