Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 63 Pricing!I was moved and cried!

Chapter 63 Pricing!I was moved and cried!
"The last special function?"

"what is that?!"


The curiosity of the water friends was immediately aroused!

They all pricked up their ears and listened carefully to what Ye Fei said!

Ye Fei raised his head slightly, his smile was bright and sunny.

Word by word: "The last function of this car is that it has the driverless function!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked!

"Wow?! Did I hear you right?!"

"Unmanned driving? Is this something that will exist in the real world?!"

"I kneel down to the anchor, you are such a little heifer flying to the sky-the cow batch is flying to the sky!"

"Autumn bean sack! I don't understand, how did you manage to make it driverless?!"


The barrage burst instantly!
Everyone was shocked beyond measure by this breaking news!

The unmanned driving function often appears in various sci-fi movies, but they have never seen it in the real world!
Not only have I never seen it, I dare not even think about it!
Just curious, how did the Shenying No. [-] car achieve this function? !
Ye Fei smiled all over his face.

The world's military technology is backward, and driverless cars are undoubtedly a very sci-fi thing for people in this world!

He was not surprised by the reaction of the water friends.

"Brother Meng, listen to me!"

Ye Fei pressed his hands together, telling the water friends to calm down.

After a few seconds.

Then he explained with a smile: "The function of unmanned driving sounds very sci-fi and incredible."

"But in fact, its principle is easy to understand!"

"The vehicle will use GPS to determine the location of the self-driving vehicle."

"Sensors are used to measure information such as speed, acceleration, inclination, and position... By optical means, the environment around the vehicle is perceived and a model of the environment around the vehicle is constructed... The entire vehicle consists of laser radar, front infrared camera, Lane guide, vehicle encoder, GPS and active computer..."

"In this way, there will be the function of unmanned driving!"

"You don't have to worry about its safety. Here I can promise you that as long as you use the unmanned driving function according to the regulations, there will be absolutely no problems!"

Ye Fei enunciated clearly and explained in a leisurely manner, making sure that every water friend could hear his words clearly.

The unmanned driving function of Shenying No. [-] is somewhat similar to the unmanned car in his previous life.

But when it comes to functionality and safety.

The top unmanned car in the previous life can't compare to a wheel of his Shenying No. [-] car!

His car was bought from the system mall at a cost of [-] technology points!
Safety is beyond doubt!
The water friends in the live broadcast room couldn't get back to their senses after hearing it for a long time.

"Although I can't understand it, it looks very powerful!"

"Oops, my brain is about to grow out!"

"I like the feeling that this kind of knowledge passes through the brain, and nothing is left behind!"

"I love this car so much, but how can such an awesome car cost millions?! I'm too poor! I can't afford it at all! Boom~"

"Today, the neighbor downstairs picked on the fault, saying that someone in my house was doing sports at home during the day, but I was not at home at all! Damn, it must be Lao Wang next door! Brothers V me 50, crowdfunding to buy a car, let me drive home to execute revenge Plan! (funny)"


Everyone thinks that the Shenying No. [-] car has such a cool appearance and such a strong performance.

It must not be cheap!

No matter how you put it, the price must be in the millions!

The price is too expensive.

Even if many water lovers want to buy Shenying No. [-] car, they can't afford it at all!
Ye Fei looked at the barrage, everyone was discussing the price, raised his eyebrows, and said loudly: "Brother Meng, I know you are disappointed, but don't be disappointed first!"

"This car, our company originally planned to price it at 200 million!"

"But! As you know, our Condor Company is a company that puts the needs of the people first!"

"Therefore, even if we earn less money, we must let everyone afford to drive new energy vehicles!"

"So the final price of the Shenying No. 200 car does not need 100 million, not [-] million!"

"You only need 15 yuan, and you can take the Shenying No. [-] car home!"

With a solemn expression and a straight body, Ye Fei said solemnly.

It seems that he is really a kind person who cares about all the people in the world!
On the side, the corners of Chu Han's mouth twitched, and he looked at his boss with an expression of looking up.

To be honest, if she hadn't heard her boss say that she could better occupy the market by setting the price cheaper.

Can be more quickly, let Shenying Company become Nanbo Bay in the hearts of all Xia people!

Can be better, build the reputation of Condor.

She really believed her boss's nonsense!

However, Chu Hanshuang knew Ye Fei's true thoughts.

But the water friends in the live broadcast room didn't know.

When they heard Ye Fei's righteous words, they were so moved that they almost cried!

"Wow! What is a great benevolent person? This is called a great benevolent person!"

"Such a car with such a crane is only sold for 15?!! This is too cheap!"

"What is a national entrepreneur? This is called a national entrepreneur!"

"I bought it! This car, even if my old man eats a ton of Ollie, I will definitely win it!"

"Anchor I love you! (Hoarse)"


The price is unbelievably low!

If it wasn't for what they heard Ye Fei say, they really wouldn't believe it!
a time.

Everyone praised him one after another and sent Ye Fei a good person card!
Some people who are not short of money, and some people who want to buy a car.

Just make up your mind and buy the Shenying No. [-] car directly!
It can be regarded as supporting national enterprises!

Seeing the emotions of the water friends being aroused by him, the corners of Ye Fei's mouth turned up, and there was a smile in his eyes.

Clearing his throat, he made a fist with his hand and pressed it to his lips.

He smiled and said, "Friends, there is a place I forgot to mention just now. The functions in the LCD screen of this car need to be unlocked by paying. The price is 100 yuan per year!"

Hear this.

The water friends raised their eyebrows in surprise.

Then, laughing and joking.

"Anchor, anchor, you are not selling cars, you are collecting rent!"

"100 yuan a year, which is cheaper than opening a film and television membership!"

"Hey, what do I think it is, so this is it? Now, this is 100 yuan, take it!"

"The real rent-collector, the sixth son, the anchor!"


I saw that the water friends expressed their dislike for not paying for this charging item.

Ye Fei nodded slightly.

One person, one year, 100 yuan.

That's really not much!
If everyone can afford it, it should be regarded as benefiting the people.

Although you can't make much money from rent.

But it is also possible to use it as a company's daily expenses.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Fei changed the subject.

"Brothers, those who want to buy the Shenying No. [-] car, just go to the official website to buy it! If you want to know more about the Shenying No. [-] car, please consult her—"

He said while pointing to Chu Hanshuang.


He continued: "The Shenying No. [-] online press conference is over here! Brothers, farewell!"

Ye Fei waved his hand at the camera.

Then just slipped away.

come back to the office.

Ye Fei lay on the sofa.

I thought to myself:

"My performance in this press conference is very good!"

"I can get full marks!"

"This time, no one will call me a military factory!"

Well...that's for sure!

A car is a means of transportation.

It is absolutely impossible to have anything to do with the military industry!


at the same time.

As early as Ye Fei's live broadcast, the matter of the Shenying No. [-] car has become popular all over the Internet!
After Ye Fei said that the Shenying No. [-] car has the function of unmanned driving.

The news spread quickly both at home and abroad!
The world is shaking!
(End of this chapter)

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