Chapter 69 Where Did Everyone Go? !

Niu Pengcheng's expression kept changing, and he was scared instantly!

Just now, I was so busy pretending to be aggressive in front of the beautiful woman that I forgot to see who the person next to her was!

If he had known that the beautiful woman was an arms dealer's woman, he would never have come to strike up a conversation!
I regret it!

"I... Hey, you are Mr. Ye from the Shenying Military Factory, right? I have heard your name for a long time!"

Niu Pengcheng swallowed and smeared, and said with a dry smile.

Ye Fei saw him looking at him in horror, as if he was some kind of man-eating ghost, looking terrified.

All of a sudden, black lines appeared on his head, and he quickly explained: "What military factory? Don't get me wrong, I'm not an arms dealer!"

But his explanation is useless!

There was no way to appease Niu Pengcheng's injured heart!
Seeing Ye Fei's dark face, Niu Pengcheng's heart was trembling, and he felt that his current situation was very dangerous!
'It's over!That arms dealer had a murderous look on his face. Could it be that he wants to shoot me? ! '

Thinking of this, Niu Pengcheng became even more afraid!

He has so much money, he doesn't want to die!
So he quickly apologized: "Boss Ye, I'm sorry! I was wrong! I shouldn't have disturbed you! I'm leaving now!"

As he said that, he didn't wait for Ye Fei to reply, he pulled the big Yangma and ran away.

"Darling, what's wrong with you?"

The big ocean horse was staggered and asked inexplicably.

"Don't ask! That's what you shouldn't ask! Well, don't talk about it, let's change the ticket as soon as we still have time!"

Niu Pengcheng's voice was urgent.

He has offended that arms dealer!
No matter what he said, he would never be on the same plane as the other party!

While running forward, he was worried, and turned his head to look at Ye Fei.

I'm afraid Ye Fei will catch up!


Ye Fei looked at Niu Pengcheng and Dayan Ma, and they disappeared in the blink of an eye, so he was speechless!
It's fine for netizens to slander him, but why even his own people smear him!

Fame - 1!

Staring at Chu Hanshuang angrily, Ye Fei said helplessly: "Little secretary, your boss, I will formally warn you, don't deliberately blackmail me in front of others!"

Chu Han pursed his lips, chuckled softly, and said with crooked eyebrows, "Good boss."

Looking at her like that, Ye Fei always felt that she was not afraid at all, and maybe she would do the same thing next time!
It's very sad!
Said sadly: "When you first joined Shenying, you were not so out of tune. Why did you change?"

Chu Han blinked his eyes, and said seriously: "Boss, have you ever heard a saying: those who are close to vermilion are red, and those who are close to ink are black!"

Ye Fei was furious!
"Okay you! Are you implying me? I brought you down?!"

Chu Hanshuang said innocently: "I didn't say that."

Ye Fei clenched his fists.

Hard, fist hard!
At this time.

The broadcast sounded, reminding passengers to board the plane.

Chu Hanshuang stood up and said with a smile, "Boss, it's time to board the plane."

After the words fell, she had a smile on her face, walked briskly, and took the lead in walking forward.

Ye Fei shook his head helplessly.

He also got up and went to board the plane.


The plane landed again.

Night falls.

The lights are on.

After Ye Fei and Chu Han got off the plane, they went straight to the hotel designated by the exchange meeting.

Arrived at the hotel designated by the exchange meeting.

The hotel is brightly lit and luxuriously decorated.

Ye Fei and Chu Han walked into the lobby of the hotel, came to the front desk, and prepared to check in.

At this time, a man trotted to Ye Fei's side.

He said politely: "You are Mr. Ye Feiye, right?"

Ye Fei glanced at him, nodded and said, "I'm Ye Fei, may I ask who you are?"

"My name is Wang Chao. I'm the organizer of the Youth Entrepreneur Exchange Conference. I'm responsible for receiving young talents like Mr. Ye!"

Wang Chao introduced himself.

Ye Fei nodded and asked, "May I ask what you can do for me?"


Wang Chao nodded.

Immediately, take a deep breath.

With a nervous expression, he asked cautiously, "That's it, Mr. Ye, can I trouble you to change to another hotel?"

As he spoke, it seemed that he was afraid that Ye Fei would get angry because of this.

He quickly added: "We will arrange the most luxurious suite for you!"

To be honest, if it weren't for the last sentence he added, Ye Fei really thought he was here to find fault!

However, he still doesn't understand!
"Why should I change to another hotel?"

Ye Fei looked at Wang Chao and asked suspiciously.

Wang Chao was stared at by Ye Fei, and the rumors of those 'arms dealers' on the Internet came to mind again.

I just feel a lot of pressure!
Cold sweat broke out on my forehead!
"That, this... um, that's..."

Wang Chao was afraid that his answer would offend Ye Fei, so he hesitated and hesitated.

I hate it in my heart.

His grandma's!

Why do you have to arrange for him to do this kind of thing that will offend the arms dealer!
He hates it!
Seeing him like that, Ye Fei said helplessly, "What on earth are you going to say? If you have anything to say, just say it!"

It's so late, he's still rushing to rest!

What a waste of time!
Wang Chao's heart was agitated, he didn't dare to hesitate anymore, and quickly said: "Yes, that's how it is, the rest of the entrepreneurs who came to participate in the exchange meeting, know that Mr. Ye also participated in the exchange meeting, and you will be in this hotel tonight After moving in, they dare not live with you..."

After finishing speaking, he looked anxious and lowered his head anxiously.

Chu Han bit his lips, tried hard to recall the sad things, and held back his smile.

Ye Fei has a black question mark face.

ha? !

He is not a bad person, what is there to be afraid of him? !


Ye Fei was speechless, and explained seriously: "I'm serious, I'm not an arms dealer! I'm just the boss of an ordinary, private enterprise!"

"So, you don't have to be afraid of me!"

As he said that, he was upright and said righteously: "I can't be special either! I have to live with everyone!"

If he really changed hotels, wouldn't that be a disguised admission that he is a feared arms dealer? !

Absolutely not!

Wang Chao opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

But on second thought.

He's just a part-time worker, so there's no point in risking his life to offend an arms dealer!
"Okay Mr. Ye, I wish you a good night's sleep! I won't bother you, so farewell!"

Wang Chao is good at what he does.

Turn around and slip away!
"Secretary Chu, pay attention to your attitude! Don't laugh if you think I don't know!"

After sending Wang Chao away, Ye Fei stared at Chu Hanshuang who was holding back his laughter, and said sadly, "Tell me about you, your boss has been slandered, so it's fine if you don't help explain it! What is this snickering?" mean!"

Chu Han bit his lower lip, and his eyebrows became an inverted 'eight' because he tried to hold back his laughter.

Taking a deep breath, he said, "Boss, I don't have one! Okay boss, let's check in now!"

While talking, she turned around, and under Ye Fei's angry eyes, she quickly asked the front desk to go through the formalities.

After the formalities were completed, the two walked towards the room.

But Chu Hanshuang could still feel that her boss had been staring at her.

Until she entered the room and closed the door.

That dissatisfied gaze was isolated.

She just smiled boldly.


After entering the room, I had a good night's rest.

The next day.

early morning.

After Ye Fei and Chu Han got up together, in order to save time, they planned to have breakfast directly in the hotel's own restaurant.

The two walked together and came to the restaurant.


They were stunned!

I see.

The restaurant was empty.

In addition to the two of them, there are also the staff of the restaurant.

There was no one in the entire restaurant!
What about people?

Where have everyone gone? !

(End of this chapter)

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