Chapter 72 My own satellite!
The scene of the Youth Entrepreneur Exchange Conference.

A group of young entrepreneurs, Yang Hongwen, and people from foreign consortiums all looked surprised when they heard the words.

They looked at the mobile phone Ye Fei held in his hand.

Except that it seems to be a little bigger and thinner than other phones.

Seems like nothing special? !

"smart phone?"

"This thing is not unusual!"

"Yeah, aren't all mobile phones like that? Is it possible that there is something else to play with? I looked at the mobile phone in his hand, it looked like an ordinary mobile phone, and I couldn't see where it was advanced!"

"This is different from other products of their Condor, the eye-catching, high-tech products, the style is different!"


Everyone whispered.

I couldn't help but wonder, is it true that Shenying Company doesn't understand other aspects of technology other than military products? !
So, will you come up with a mere smartphone? !
The group of people from the foreign consortium looked at Yang Hongwen and frowned.

Very disappointed.

Ye Fei took in everyone's expressions.

Still with a smile on his face, his brows were confident, and he said in a calm manner: "The performance of my smartphone is far from what the smartphones on the market can match!"

Everyone was a little puzzled.

Still a little curious.

I don't know why Ye Fei is so confident!

"The smartphone I gave me is equipped with the latest processing chip developed by Shenying!"

Ye Fei introduced the difference between his mobile phone and other mobile phones.

Of course, the chip is said to be developed by him, and it is to fool others.

The most important parts of the products developed from him, such as chips and the like.

They are all included in the system!
No one can steal or embezzle it!
His words also successfully aroused the curiosity of many young entrepreneurs.


Ye Fei continued: "This processing chip is very powerful!"

"It can help users manage their time better and monitor their physical health through intelligent calculations combined with their usual habits of using mobile phones."

"In addition to that, there is a facial recognition system."

"Except for the user himself, no one else can pry into the user's privacy! This protects the user's privacy very well!"

After hearing these words, everyone became a little disappointed.

"It sounds very ordinary!"

"Face recognition, privacy protection...It seems that other mobile phone brands also use this as a gimmick!"

"If that's all it is, then it's just an ordinary smartphone, no big deal!"



Ye Fei's mobile phone, of course, can't be just like this!
Those functions are just some of the insignificant points!

"Everyone, please advise, the functions I just mentioned are not gimmicks!"

"Especially what I just said, the privacy protection function, as long as you use my phone for a long time, you will know the benefits of it!"

After all, the issue of privacy is the top priority!
But this is obviously not suitable for discussion on the table!
Ye Feiyang said: "In addition to the above advantages, I also have dual satellites, which can make the GPS function of the mobile phone more accurate and the signal is more stable!"

Now Xia Guo's mobile phones are all single-frequency satellites.

Single-frequency satellites are more prone to disconnection problems in places with dense buildings.

But dual frequency, that's different!
After Ye Fei said these words, the scene suddenly became noisy.

Everyone looked surprised.

Can't help but ask:

"Mr. Ye, there is only one satellite in the entire Xia Kingdom now! Why can your mobile phone use dual frequency?!"

"Mr. Ye, do you have cooperation with foreign countries?!"

"Is there a foreign satellite involved?!"


"No, no, no, I didn't cooperate with foreign countries."

Ye Fei shook his head.

Everyone was very puzzled and wondered: "If there is no cooperation with foreign countries, how can there be double satellites?!"

"Because..." Ye Fei's eyes were bright, and he said with high spirits: "Our Condor will launch a satellite of our own!"


Launch a satellite of your own? !
What kind of Tianxiu operation is this? !
Bragging? !
Everyone was shocked!

He looked at Ye Fei in shock.

The eyeballs are wide open!
For a long time, I couldn't say a word!

The scene became silent.

After a while.

Immediately exploded the pot again!

"My god! Launching a satellite of your own?! This is too far off the mark!"

"You know, there is only one satellite in the entire Xia Kingdom! You can imagine how difficult it is to launch a satellite!"

"The power of the whole country is only one satellite. Shenying really has that ability, can it do this?!"

"Yes! If you want to launch a satellite, you need to consume a lot of manpower and material resources, and you need top aerospace talents! How can it be so easy to send?!"

"Mr. Ye, has Shenying also developed aerospace business?!"


Everyone was shocked, and they didn't care about the 'arms dealers' anymore.

Questions have been raised!
Yang Hongwen and the people from the foreign consortium stared closely at Ye Fei, sitting up straight, waiting for his answer!

Ye Fei smiled confidently upon hearing this.

Slowly said: "That's right, our Condor's aerospace business will be released soon!"

Hear this.

Everyone suddenly exclaimed.

"Oh my god, you really want to enter the aerospace business?!"

"As expected, it is indeed a military factory! Even aerospace business, such a high-end field, can get involved!"


"Tsk tsk tsk, if he can really successfully launch a satellite, it means our Xia Kingdom's aerospace technology has taken another big step forward!"

"However, it is too difficult to really do this step!"


A group of people looked excited and discussed enthusiastically.

As Xia Guo people, they are very happy to see Xia Guo's technology advance again!

Looking forward to it too!

Expectations are expectations, but they are not optimistic about Ye Fei!
With the power of the entire Xia Kingdom, only one was created!

Even if Shenying's products are very cowhide, they can't compare with the power of the entire country, can they? !
Even the whole country is difficult to do.

How can an individual do it? !

Is it because he is handsome? !

Chu Hanshuang also just found out that his boss is planning to launch a satellite!

Immediately, the eyes are rounded!

There is a strong color of worship in the eyes!
She felt that since her boss had spoken out, he would definitely be able to do it!
There were endless doubts, but Ye Fei was still very calm. With a calm demeanor, he smiled and said: "Whether I can do it, everyone will know in the future."

"However, even if Mr. Ye successfully launched the satellite, then your smartphone, apart from its powerful GPS function, seems to have nothing special about it?!"

"According to the current situation, Mr. Ye, your new product this time is not as amazing as the previous ones!"

"Or, does this smartphone have other advantages?"


At this time.

At the exchange meeting, several entrepreneurs raised questions.

(End of this chapter)

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