Chapter 78 Manned Moon Landing? !
"Get ready, I'm going to hold a press conference!"

Ye Fei's eyes are piercing!

Immediately ordered: "You release the news, just say that I will release an online press conference at [-] o'clock in the evening to announce the new business of our Condor!"

over the phone.

Chu Hanshuang nodded, and replied, "Good boss!"

After hanging up the phone.

Chu Hanshuang directly posted the news on Shenying's official account.

[At eight o'clock tonight, Shenying will hold a live press conference to announce the latest business! 】

Once this announcement was issued, it immediately attracted the attention of countless netizens.

In addition to the previous news that Condor was going to launch a satellite, the popularity on the Internet was very high, and countless people rushed to discuss the feasibility of launching a satellite.

at this time.

The moment they saw this news, the eyes of many netizens lit up immediately.

Excited, left a comment below this announcement!

"Ouch! This new business refers to the launch of satellites, right?!"

"Is the condor going to respond positively?!"

"Then there's no need to think about it? It's definitely a positive response to the launch of the satellite!"

"How should I put it, I'm looking forward to it!"


Netizens looked excited, like a fly rubbing its legs.

His face was full of excitement.

They have long been arguing online, discussing whether Condor can successfully launch the satellite!
However, the Shenying people have not responded positively!
Now the people of Condor are going to respond positively.

They will be able to know whether the news is true, and maybe they can ask more details about the satellite launch at the press conference!
Just look forward to it!

After Chu Hanshuang announced the news, he told Ye Fei the result.

"Boss, the news has been released."

"okay, I get it."

Ye Fei nodded and said.

After that, prepare the materials needed for the press conference in the near future.


time flies.

Under the expectation of countless netizens, the time came to eight o'clock in the evening.

Shenying factory, in the live broadcast room.

Ye Fei sat in front of the live broadcast equipment.

Turned on the live broadcast.

The number of viewers who watched the live broadcast online when the live broadcast just started.

In just one second, it went from zero to one hundred thousand plus!
And, it is still rising rapidly!
From this point, it is enough to see how much netizens are looking forward to this online conference!
Ye Fei looked at the soaring popularity in the live broadcast room, with a smile on his face, and greeted the water friends.

"Good evening, everyone! With so many viewers, it seems that everyone is very interested in our Shenying's new business!"

"Don't talk nonsense, anchor! Tell us what your new business is!"

"That's right! That's right! Your new business must be launching satellites, right?!"

"Arms dealers are doing well! Even satellites can be released! (dog head)"


The water friends in the live broadcast room all think that the new business Shenying will release is to launch satellites!
As soon as he entered the live broadcast room, he urged Ye Fei to get down to business!
"Launching satellites? No, no, no, we'll talk about launching satellites later!"

The corners of Ye Fei's mouth curled up, and he said with a smile on his face, "What I want to announce is a new business!"

"This new business is—"

Speaking of this, Ye Fei stopped talking, raised his eyebrows at the live broadcast camera, and said with a smile: "Brothers, do you want to guess?"

Friends of the water: "..."

Not launching a satellite? !
What new business is that? !
Just speechless!
It's all here, so why sell it!

"Don't guess! Anchor, don't lose our appetite! I beg you, you can hurry up and say it!"

Seeing that the water friends were unwilling to guess, they also looked like they wanted to rush out of the screen and beat him up.

Ye Fei coughed lightly, and he was no longer tantalizing.

"Okay, I'm not kidding! This new business is—"

He waved his hand, his eyes were full of brilliance, and he said vigorously:

"Our Condor is going to start space tourism!"

"Let Xia Guo start the journey of the stars and the sea!"

The powerful words spread everywhere.

The water friends in the live broadcast room were stunned when they heard it.

"Eh?! Sending people into outer space? Is it a space tourism activity?!"

"This new business is a bit awesome!"

"However, this is not unusual! Isn't someone already doing space tourism?!"


As early as more than ten years ago, there were two local tyrants who traveled to outer space!
Although the business of outer space tourism is awesome.

Let the water friends a little surprised.

But the shock in their hearts was not very strong!

There are even some people who are very disdainful.

I feel that this new business is not as amazing as the previous new product launches!
After all, the previous new product launches broke records and achieved things that no one else could do!
Be the first to eat crabs!

However, space tourism is repeating the old ways of others!
Ye Fei sat upright, raised his sword eyebrows, and raised his voice: "We don't just send people to outer space, but we can send people to...the moon!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked!

shock! ! !
After listening to Ye Fei's words, the water friends suddenly widened their eyes, and their whole body seemed to be petrified, and fell into a sluggish state!

The barrage in the live broadcast room has also become empty, there is no barrage!

After a while, the barrage volume surged!
"Damn it! Anchor, you actually want to launch a manned moon landing plan?!"

"How is this possible?! You must be joking?!"

"It's impossible! It's absolutely impossible!"


The water friends were shocked.

To Ye Fei's words, hold a skeptical attitude!

You know, manned landing on the moon is much more difficult than space tourism!

In the world, there are only a handful of countries that can successfully use probes to land on the moon!

The difficulty of manned landing on the moon is higher than that of simple probes!

In the whole world, only the country of Yingjiang successfully managed to land a man on the moon!

Moreover, it only succeeded once!
The amount of money required for such a difficult matter is an astronomical figure!
Among them, the technical requirements have stumped countless countries!

How could a mere company be able to do it? !
Ye Fei also knows that manned landing on the moon is a very difficult thing.

Not to mention this world with backward military technology, even in the world where he lived in his previous life, there were only two or three countries that had the opportunity to land a man on the moon.

But so what? !

He is a man with a system!

Long before he decided to develop the press conference, he spent all of his millions of technology points!

Backhandedly, I purchased the manned moon landing plan, the design drawings of the required equipment, and various key data from the system mall!

at this time.

Seeing all the water friends, they are questioning themselves.

Ye Fei smiled slightly, not panicking at all.

Take out the data drawings of some of the manned moon landing plans that have been printed before.

After showing it to the camera.

Ye Fei was filled with strong self-confidence, and said loudly: "These data are part of the data of the manned moon landing plan!"

"Our Condor has overcome the technical difficulties!"

"The success rate of the manned moon landing program can reach 90.00% nine point nine!"

The things produced by the system have a [-]% success rate!
The reason why Ye Fei said this was just to keep his words so dead!

The water friends in the live broadcast room stared dumbfounded at the data blueprint in Ye Fei's hand.

The dense data made them look like question marks, and they couldn't understand it at all!

They understand a little bit!
This anchor speaks so confidently.

This means, is the anchor really here? !

(End of this chapter)

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