Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 98 Fighting against each other!

Chapter 98 Fighting against each other!

After the video is released.

Following the old routine, Blake began to vigorously hire sailors to increase the popularity of his news.

It didn't take long.

The video he sent became popular in Xia Guo.

Countless netizens saw the news.

I see.

In video news.

The expression on Blake's face was very serious, his eyes were dark, his voice was low, and he said word by word: "Please stop your manned moon landing plan!"

"I have a position to suspect that the real purpose of Shenying Military Factory's manned landing on the moon is to deceive people and conduct military experiments on the moon!"

"The purpose is to create weapons that surpass nuclear weapons!"

"I want to start a world war!"

"This can be seen from the previous events of the Shenying Military Factory!"

"Condor Military Factory, please stop your evil plans!"

"On behalf of all the people, I strongly condemn you!


Blake and the others are in a hurry!

The recorded video slandered Ye Fei in various ways.

They tried every means to get Ye Fei to suspend the manned moon landing plan.

summer country.

Countless netizens, after seeing this news, looked like an old man on the subway looking at his mobile phone.

I despise their shamelessness and feel very confused about their operations.

"Ah... the anchors are engaged in a manned moon landing program and space tourism, what do they care about?!"

"That is to say! And if the manned moon landing plan is successful, it will be a great thing for all mankind, right?! After all, as long as it succeeds once, if you want to copy the manned moon landing plan, There is a great possibility! This means that we humans are getting closer to the goal of stars and seas!"

"This guy is a snake spirit, right?! A good manned moon landing plan, in their mouth, why does it become a military activity?!"

"I feel like they are in a hurry! Why are they so anxious? Why are they so excited?!"


Netizens just feel confused.

I can't even figure out why the other party has such a big reaction!
As for engaging in military activities - only fools will believe it!
It's really like they have no brains!
At the same time, netizens are more and more looking forward to Ye Fei's manned moon landing plan!

They thought that Blake's operation would only make people laugh, and no one would believe their words!


What they didn't expect was that.

Eagle sauce netizens, after hearing what Blake said.

Unexpectedly, I believed it again!

at this time.

Many Yingjiang netizens were terrified, with terrified expressions on their faces.

Blake's remarks penetrated into their hearts!

They were so angry that they publicly launched a vote on the Internet to boycott Ye Fei's manned moon landing plan!
"Condor Military Factory, please stop your evil actions!"

"For the peace of mankind, please stop going to the moon!"

"I knew it, you are all evil! They just want to dominate the earth! Look, this is their temptation to us. As long as they succeed, they will plan more such things in the future! Will develop more evil and dangerous arms!"

"For the sake of peace, boycott the Condor military factory and the manned moon landing plan!"


Eagle sauce netizens, really believed Blake's words!
Everyone clamored to boycott!
In the end, even all kinds of conspiracy theories came out!
In their eyes, Ye Fei has become synonymous with evil!
Panic began to spread.

Blake and other high-level officials not only failed to stop those remarks, but even secretly contributed to them.

Let those remarks spread on the Internet at a faster speed.

Netizens in China were left speechless when they saw the comments of Yingjiang netizens.

His eyes rolled to the sky!
"Isn't it? Are they really brainless?! Do you believe this shit?!"

"Happy education makes them only know happiness, right?!"

"Damn! What kind of stupid thing! A bunch of stupid cups!"


Netizens were very speechless and couldn't help complaining.

Also very angry!

Hemp egg!

The manned moon landing plan represents their Xia Kingdom's technology, which is on the rise!
That was the eye-catching thing, and it was something everyone was looking forward to!

How can you allow others to slander you? !

What can be tolerated, what can't be tolerated!
Some quick-tempered netizens went directly to the external network, and started to fuck with Yingjiang netizens!
And Yingjiang netizens are not fuel-efficient lamps!

Seeing someone scolding them, they immediately opened their mouths and scolded them back.

The two parties faced each other tit-for-tat, scolding fiercely!
a time.

The entire online world is full of blood and blood!
You can see everywhere, netizens from both sides scolding each other!
With that posture, even passing dogs have to be scolded before they can leave!

Blake was in the office, watching the bloodbath on the Internet, and nodded in satisfaction.

With some anticipation in my heart, I murmured: "The quarrel has become like this, public opinion should make that Ye Fei afraid?"


at the same time.

Condor Factory.

Ye Fei looked at the movement on the Internet because of him, and looked at those slanderous words, his heart was calm, and he even wanted to laugh.

He is calm.

But his secretary and assistant were very worried.

There was a bit of worry in Chu Han's eyes, and he was a little puzzled. He frowned and said, "Boss, Blake reacted so strongly. They seem very unwilling to let us go to the moon? Will they affect our plan to go to the moon?"

Shen Yunqiu adjusted his glasses, still with an expressionless face: "They must be afraid that after our success in landing on the moon, their position as the overlord of technology will be shaken, right?"

As she said that, she also looked at Ye Fei with worried eyes.

Seeing his leisurely look, he couldn't help wondering: "Boss, aren't you worried at all? Judging from Blake's exaggerated reaction, they will definitely do other actions in the future!"

"What's there to worry about?"

Ye Fei once again redeemed a product from the system mall: the design drawings of the spacesuit.

Casually said: "Relax, our manned moon landing plan, no matter how much Blake barks, it will not be affected."

Today, the manned moon landing plan is well known!

Not only ordinary people are looking forward to the success of the manned moon landing plan, but the people on Wang Feihao's side must have been paying attention to this matter too!
If you think about it for a while, you will know that they will never let anyone affect the manned moon landing plan!
Chu Hanshuang and Shen Yunqiu felt relieved when they saw their boss so calm, and they were no longer worried about it.

Ye Fei turned off the system mall, his eyes fell on Chu Hanshuang and the two of them, and said with a smile: "Okay, let's not talk about this, there is something, I have to ask your opinion, who of you wants to go with me Moon?"

Chu Hanshuang and Shen Yunqiu's eyes widened suddenly!

to the moon? !


(End of this chapter)

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