A Perfect Life Beginning as a Light Novel Writer

Chapter 11 Conditions and Contract

Chapter 11 Conditions and Contract

I made an appointment with Tang Yin at 03:30 in the afternoon. Xia Yan is a person who doesn't like to be late and doesn't like to wait for others, so I made a good time and entered the office area of ​​Hongfeng Literature at 28:[-]. I met Tang Yin last time office.

The door was not locked, and when the doorknob was turned, Xia Yan entered
I saw the large and small bags placed in the office, shopping bags for newly bought clothes, shoes, figures, and toys
From the label on the shopping bag and the partly displayed clothing styles, maid, doctor, nurse, mecha.
If Xia Yan is not mistaken, these costumes are the cosplay costumes that are often seen in major comic exhibitions.

After all, in the memory of the soul, Xia Yan once substituted the girl named Yuan Qing in the spiritual memory, wearing a similar costume to enjoy the cheers of the crowd at the Ten Thousand Man Exhibition. Spiritually speaking, these similar cosplay costumes, he not only I've seen it, and I've worn it.

As for the elements involved in these costumes, most of them are the costumes in the popular animations broadcast by Dragon Kingdom recently, and the characters in the game.

Am I right?
Xia Yan was taken aback for a moment, he hadn't been here for two days, why the style of the room was different.

He looked at Tang Yin who was sitting on the desk in the office, her beautiful face puffed up, her cheeks resting on her hands, and her eyes were unhappy.

Of course, Xia Yan didn't know that Tang Yin was angry because her credit card would be suspended by her father tomorrow. Even though she went to the downtown shopping mall at noon to swipe her credit card to buy her favorite Two-dimensional merchandise, she still couldn't calm down her anger. .

But she is very professional, and she is angry, but she will not lose her work. She still notified Xia Yan of the success of the Youth Journey serialization as soon as possible, and notified Xia Yan to come to sign the contract as soon as possible.

"You came."

It was only a few seconds after Xia Yan entered the door that Tang Yin came back to her senses, and immediately began to adjust her emotions, and quickly started to manage her expressions.

A few seconds later, the intellectual, beautiful, confident, and reliable Tang Yin image reappeared.

"Well, is it the right time for me to come?" Xia Yan asked weakly.

Tang Yin glanced at him, and the aura of a social person rose.

"It's exactly 03:30, you're on time."

While talking, Tang Yin handed a contract to Xia Yan with a calm but not serious tone.

"Congratulations, Mr. Xia Yan, the author of the novel. Your debut novel has won the first battle and successfully obtained the qualification for serialization in the journal "Instant Youth"."

"This is the cooperation contract of our book club. Please read it first. If you don't have any comments, after signing the contract, our cooperative relationship will officially begin."

Xia Yan took the contract and read it carefully.
First of all, it is Xia Yan's manuscript fee.

"Instant Youth" is a novel serial publication published twice a week, and its circulation can have sales of more than 30 to [-] per issue.

Its manuscript fees are naturally rising.

Depending on the quality of the novel submission, the author's status in the industry, popularity, number of fans, the book club's assessment of the novel's potential, and everyone's remuneration are also different.

As for Red Maple Literature, the price that Xia Yan offered Xia Yan was 6780 yuan per chapter of the novel. Of course, this is a standard basic value of the manuscript fee.

This remuneration will be increased according to the popularity of the novel after it is serialized, and it is not static. If your novel is serialized and the reader response is very strong, then the remuneration standard will definitely increase accordingly.

If you have a lot of words in this chapter, the payment will also increase.

But the minimum price will not be lower than the price given in the contract.

A month is roughly counted as four weeks, and two issues are serialized every week. The theoretically serialized novel chapters in one month will be eight chapters or more.

Multiply this data by 8, and you can get that once Youth Journey starts serialization, its monthly remuneration is at least 54240 Longguo currency.

In fact, this remuneration price is already very generous. The average income of Longguo residents is four to five thousand a month. Calculated according to this price, the income of one month of serialization is equivalent to the annual salary of ordinary people.

However, when novels are serialized, the remuneration is only part of the income, and the copyright is the key.

After all, Dragon Kingdom is one of the most powerful countries on this planet. The relevant laws and regulations are very complete. The capital side oppresses creators at will, plunders other people's copyrights, and copyright practices do not need low-level people to complain. Dragon Kingdom officials have done so decades ago. In the crackdown, of course, creators are definitely weak compared to capital, but they will never be at the mercy of others.

Although Xia Yan is a newcomer, the contract agreement of Hongfeng Literature is also at a normal level.

The copyright of the novel, authorship and so on must belong to Xia Yan.

But what Red Maple Literature wants is the right to commercialize the work Journey of Youth.

That is to say, if the popularity of the novel is relatively high after serialization, and there are other adaptation possibilities, then all operations in this process, such as game adaptation, animation adaptation, comic adaptation, peripheral distribution, book release, etc., Red Maple Literature must participate and have decision-making Power, and the income generated by these commercial activities, Red Maple Literature will get 20%.

But this money is not for nothing. To put it bluntly, how can ordinary light novel writers have the ability to re-develop their works and find partners?These are actually cooperative book club platforms that are helping to make connections, operate and promote, and promote.

This clause is not too much, and it is also a regular market in Longguo. If you are a big-name novel writer, you can negotiate terms with the book publisher, even the full copyright, and it is not impossible to get all the profits in your hands. Just don't overthink it.

Red Maple Book Club is a commercial organization, not a charity organization.

"That... I want to ask, is there any example of adapting the novels serialized in "Setsuna Youth" into comics, animations, games, etc.?" Xia Yan asked curiously.

"Yes." Tang Yin paused after hearing the words.

"But the probability is very low. It's rare to see it in ten years. If our book club wants to get these adaptations, we still have to serialize them in the journal "Red Maple" before they will eventually develop into works with that kind of influence."

The influence of a novel is determined by the popularity of the serial platform and the quality of the work.

"However, it's quite common for novels to be published in booklets. As long as the popularity is not too low and readers respond well, the book club will arrange for the book to be released in booklets. In fact, many books can eventually harvest tens of thousands of copies, or even more than 7 copies. Sales volume. Judging from the [-]% royalty share in the contract, this amount of money will most likely be more than double the remuneration during the serialization of the novel."

The income of a work is collected through multiple channels, a little bit of remuneration for serialization, a little bit of royalties for the sale of light novel booklets, and a little bit of peripheral distribution. In the end, the sum is very considerable.

A book club in a provincial capital city, and its quasi-top-level periodical works, can have so many channels of income, and it also benefits from the development of the world's Two-dimensional culture, as well as the people's strong sense of authenticity, and their confidence in the value of cultural products. recognized.

If, like in the parallel world, everyone looks for pirated resources on the online disk to watch a movie, then the income of these cultural creators will definitely be cut by more than half.

"I understand." Xia Yan thought for a while and nodded.

Then without hesitation, he directly signed his name on the contract.

These contracts are actually similar in any bookstore, and there is no room for bargaining. If you want to eat this bowl of rice, you have to respect the market conditions.

Seeing this, Tang Yin smiled.

Reach out to Xia Yan

"Congratulations, from now on, you will officially become a contracted writer of our Red Maple Literature."

(End of this chapter)

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