Chapter 22 The Newcomer Monster
In the editorial department of Hongfeng Literature, a group of editors gathered around the computer early in the morning to check the reader feedback data of the recent serial books and periodicals of the book club.

The periodical "Red Maple" is not bad, anyway, the performance of the novels serialized on it has been stable recently.

And the novel data of the sub-top journals in the book club like "Instant Youth" is actually the focus of discussion among the editors.

After all, it can be understood that in the five major book clubs in Southern Province, except for the main periodicals such as "Red Maple" and "Blue Sky", all other secondary periodicals in the company are training novelist reserves for the main periodicals of the book club.

Especially for periodicals with excellent sales and great influence in the bookstore like "Instant Youth", if a novel author's work can be serialized in such a periodical and achieve certain results.

Then if this person continues to contribute novels to Red Maple Literature in the future, the possibility of being suggested by the editor to be serialized in "Red Maple" will be extremely high.

The focus of their discussion at the moment is the male high school student novelist whose pen name is "Yuanqing".

"This is really a newcomer!"

"Sure enough, the newcomers are all monsters. With the serialized data of Journey of Youth, I feel that it is very possible to reach the top in "Instant Youth"!"

"It's hard to say. In terms of book ratings, Youth Journey is undoubtedly high, but in terms of the number of readers' votes, it is still far from the top two. "Summer Fireworks" with the second most votes in this issue , yesterday received 4236 votes from readers. And the "Farewell Day" with the highest number of votes has a high number of votes of 5682. The gap is quite obvious."

"Youth Journey's score represents its reputation. As for the novel's popularity, it will rise with the increase in the number of serialized publications. Judging from its current momentum, the final score and the number of readers' votes support the probability of reaching the top. Pretty high."

"But it's a pity that this novel seems to be just a short work, and the estimated serial number is only a dozen issues, and it will be finished in less than two months. To be honest, in such a short period of time, this novel It is actually quite difficult for novels to rise in popularity to surpass "Summer Fireworks" and "Farewell Day". You don't think that the third issue of Youth Journey can still increase the number of votes by more than 1000, and put "Summer" Sun Fireworks "Squeeze the second pick."

"Are there only a dozen issues of short stories? That's a pity. Summer fireworks and the day of farewell have been serialized for forty or fifty issues. The number of novel fans I have accumulated is unshakable. The readers of the journal "Instant Youth" are actually The normal situation is relatively fixed, and the increase in reader votes for a novel is basically "rebellion" from the group of loyal supporters of other novels."

"If the Journey of Youth is serialized for a long time, maybe it can make the fans of "Summer Fireworks" and "Farewell Day" rebel and switch to the camp, but if this novel ends with more than a dozen issues, it will be another story. said."

"However, based on the popularity and ratings of this novel, there is a high probability that the book club will soon launch the release of the booklet of Youth Journey. The serialized content of more than a dozen issues should be able to produce three booklets."

"The popularity and support rate of novels in serial journals will be affected by the sales volume of the novel serial journal itself and the length of the novel serialization. But it is different when a single book is released. That thing is an independent book, and readers will not pay too much attention to it when they buy it. Many, judging from the ratings of Journey of Youth, I feel that the sales volume of this novel in the market will be considerable."

"Maybe in Nan Province, there will be a total sales volume of [-] copies?"

"If you really want to estimate this data, then be bold. Don't be too imaginative. If you really release a booklet for Youth Journey, I think the total sales will exceed 15 copies."

"Forget it, if it's a single book, it's useless to pay attention now. The current serialization performance of this novel is the most important thing."

"As long as the follow-up plot of Journey of Youth does not collapse and the popularity remains stable, then as long as the quality of this novelist's future high school novels is high enough to be published in "Red Maple", then there will be no issue of qualifications."

"I said, why is everyone talking about the journey of youth? The second issue of "Yesterday's Starlight" written by another newcomer Ning Yun is also good, with a score of 8.2, and it is still the fourth pick, but the number of readers' votes has increased With 1993 votes, it ranks fifth among the thirteen novels in this issue. In fact, this result is quite abnormal, okay, Ning Yun is also a newcomer."

"In this way, it is true. Two newcomer monsters appeared, the big monster Yuan Qing, and the little monster Ning Yun?"

"I'm a little envious of Tang Yin. She is so lucky to have found such two good seedlings. After training these two, maybe there will be a chance to publish a new work in "Red Maple" in the second half of the year."

Inside Red Maple Literature, there are many journals and editors, but basically most of the editors don't even have a novel that can be serialized in "Red Maple".

After all, the serial number is limited, and most of the editors compete with each other. In fact, they just want to have a discerning eye and select a novel to be published in the "Red Maple" journal.

In that way, the status in the company will be gained, the performance will also be achieved, and the bonus will be multiplied several times. Therefore, it is inevitable that everyone like Tang Yin will be envious and jealous when they sign contracts with two obviously capable newcomer novelists in a row.

Tang Yin came to work today, and naturally felt the change in the company's workplace atmosphere.

Of course, the reason why she became a novel editor at Hongfeng Literature was purely out of interest and hobbies in this industry. As for salary and bonuses, she didn't think much of them.

However, if she can personally train a newcomer novelist to publish novels in "Red Maple", then she must have a great sense of accomplishment.

After sending the text messages of Youth Journey and Yesterday's Starlight's second novel grades to Xia Yan and Song Lingyun, Tang Yin started working.

"Hey, hello, have you guys read it? Yesterday's "Instant Youth", I feel that the youth journey is written too much to my liking. Really, this is the best book among the thirteen novels. "

"I think so too. After reading Chapter 2, I really touched a lot."

"But I think the book Yesterday's Starlight is more interesting."

"Come on, I'm a die-hard fan of "The Day of Farewell", so don't praise other novels in front of me."

In the class, Xia Yan heard some voices talking about the Youth Journey novel in the girl group early in the morning.

As a contributor to Journey of Youth, Xia Yan naturally paid close attention to the relevant remarks, but on the other hand, some discussions among the boys in the class also came out.

"I really don't know the kind of love, love, what's the meaning of the girl's love novel? Girls still love to read it. The king of the novel must be "The soul travels through another world, and the devil king is actually my long-lost father!" "It's beautiful, this novel is the masterpiece of young harem love that real men should read."

"Harem? Heh, when it comes to light novels about the harem, "the last man in this world!" "This novel is called hearty. All the men in the world are dead, and all the ugly women are also dead. Only a bunch of beauties and male protagonists are left alive. This novel is called cool."

"The author of this novel has a wrong three views, isn't this pure obscenity? Can this novel be published?"

"It's not just published. Now this novel is considered a small hit in the whole country. It is sold in every province, and the national sales are not bad at all."

After listening carefully for a while, Xia Yan shook his head.

Although Longguo's two-dimensional industry is indeed very prosperous, but how to say, the types of popular works, many times even he is speechless.

I can only think in my mind.

"I don't know when I can find some of the world's top works in Yuan Qing's memory, and see what the result of that parallel world's top works will be in my world. Will it be unacceptable? Or change, The culture and type of Two-dimensional works that lead my world. At least those other world toilet paper literature are praised by so many people in the light novel circle of Longguo, I really can’t bear it.”

As a reader, Xia Yan had no choice but to endure this situation.

But now that he has also become a light novel author, to be honest, Xia Yan still has some fantasies.Even if it's just an insignificant person, he wants to try to see if he can change the industry environment of Dragon Kingdom through some excellent works in the parallel world.

(End of this chapter)

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