Chapter 276 Reaction and Plan

David sacrificed everything, gave everything, and realized his dream "Help Lucy, go to the moon!".

Because when he confessed his love at the beginning, he promised Lucy that she would realize her dream.

David did it, even if it cost his life.

But David didn't break his word.

heavy, uncomfortable, want to cry

This animation, Zhong Xin blew it up.

After watching the magic circle last year, Zhong Xin felt that she would not be so touched by another animation, but tonight, the tenth episode of Cyberpunk Edgewalker brought her the same feeling.

At this moment, it is not only Zhongxin who is in a state where his brain is blank, uncomfortable, and his heart is filled with a depressive sense of emptiness.

For fans who have watched all ten episodes of this animation, seven out of ten are in this state.

Want to cry, feel uncomfortable, my mind is full of pictures of David and Lucy, and the theme song of this animation, which sounds relaxed and happy at first, but now sounds extremely sad.

"So, the old thief's animation is really over like this? Where is Lucy's final ending? Is that all?"

"I don't know, but in the end Lucy even had hallucinations of David on the moon. Isn't that right? Could it be that she has a mental problem or a cyber mental illness?"

"That shouldn't be the case. It's just a problem that occurs simply because I miss David too much. Don't think everything is cyber psychosis."

"Rebecca, David. I cried to death."

"I haven't cried since watching the magic circle last year. Watching this episode of animation tonight, I cried so hard. Is my tear point too low?"

"You're not alone. I'm feeling really uncomfortable right now. I wanted to sleep after watching Cyberpunk Edgewalker, but now I can't sleep at all."

"Me too, can't sleep at all."

"The old thief Xia Yan is going to die, but I have to say that this animation is really a masterpiece."

"This plot touched my heart so much, it even made me want to cry more than the magic circle."

"But is this the end of this animation? Adam hammered Rebecca, David, and let him get away with it?"

"Impossible? Or, there will be a second season of this animation?"

"Indeed, it's impossible for this animation to end like this? How can there be an animation where the protagonist is defeated and killed by the evil villain as the end of the plot? Isn't this nonsense?"

"That's right, the second season, there must be a second season."

"The old thief is setting a big banner. It is estimated that David is not dead. Maybe there will be a second season."

"How to say?"

"Think about the magic circle. After the end of the theatrical version, there will also be new settings thrown out. The cyberpunk edgewalker will probably have similar operations."

"Really? Is anyone in the group an employee of Xia Tang Animation Production Company? Can anyone know the bottom line?"

"Who would dare to do such a thing, even if someone would probably not say it, you are just playing around with the non-disclosure agreements of these animation companies."

Throughout the night, Xia Yan continued to be the number one topic of discussion in Dragon Kingdom's major animation fan groups and animation forums.

Cyberpunk Edgerunner is over.

Rebecca is dead.

David is dead.

Cyberpunk Edgewalker is suspected to have a second season.
All the other news occupied the top ten of the hot search list.

This situation made all practitioners in the Longguo animation industry feel extremely familiar.

This hell, it's almost the same as when the magic circle exploded last year.

After the magic circle ended, its influence continued to ferment for a month or two before reaching its peak.

Could it be the same for cyberpunk edgewalkers?
In the early morning of the next day, on the Jiuxiao Forum, millions of animation viewers gave new ratings for the cyberpunk changes.

Same rating as Magical Girl Madoka.

This number itself is enough to shock many practitioners in the animation industry.

But at noon, Modu tv1 announced the ratings of the animation of Cyberpunk Edgewalker last night.

When this data was released, many people were shocked.

real or fake?Breaking 6% again?
This is way off the mark!
While many animation industry practitioners were shocked, they also knew what this meant.

Two animations, Xia Yan created two animations with ratings of over 6%.
What is the concept?
At a time when the two-dimensional industry has declined compared to 20 years ago, an animation work with an audience rating of over 6% is a rare event in ten years.

What's more, there is another creator who can create two works of this kind.

Xia Yan
Xia Tang Animation Production Company
These two names have completely risen to a very high status in the hearts of practitioners in the Longguo animation industry on this day.

Only in the afternoon, Xia Tang Animation Production Company communicated privately with the employees of major companies in the early stage of the talent they were planning to introduce, and almost half of them called Xia Tang Animation to express their willingness to join.

As the deputy director of the company, Tang Yin is in charge of the personnel affairs, so she is very busy at this time.

As for Xia Yan, looking at the 6.01% ratings data of Cyberpunk Edgewalker, he let out a long sigh.

Sure enough, the magic circle is not so easy to surpass.

The last episode of the Magic Circle is 6.30%, and the cyberpunk edge walker is 6.01%. Still weak.

After all, Magic Circle is the animation with the most awards in the parallel world island country!
Although cyberpunk is powerful, the subject matter is limited, and the audience base is not as good as the magic circle. This slight gap in initial conditions will be magnified like this in the later stages of the work.

Even though many viewers who have watched the two works think that Edge Walker is no worse than the magic circle, in fact, the data of the two works on the market will be different.

Xia Yan, who finished watching the ratings data of Cyberpunk Edgewalker, turned to look at the hundreds of late comments on the backstage of his creator account and asked him whether Cyberpunk Edgewalker had a private message for the second season.

Animation fans are indeed smart enough to know that Cyberpunk Edgerunner's animation content is not complete.

It's really not complete.

How can there be a villain like Adam Heavy Hammer who can smash the protagonist and kill the popular heroine and continue to live?
This animation ends like this. It is estimated that 20 years later, new animation fans at that time will have to scold Xia Yan after watching it.

So the fans guessed a little bit, but there is no second season of Cyberpunk Edgewalker, but there will be two theatrical animations with a total duration of more than three hours that will be released in the form of animated bd.

Of course, this theatrical version of the animation is naturally about the game content of Cyberpunk 2077.

Starting with the stray dog ​​(vagrant) in the game, it tells how the legendary character V of Night City rose up at the end of the day. After sneaking into the Arasaka Company and stealing the biochip with his friend Jack, the matter was revealed. At a critical moment, V inserted the biochip into himself. , but was invaded into the brain by the personality of the legendary Night City Johnny Silverhand in the chip, and finally one person and one consciousness united to avenge the common enemy Arasaka Corporation.

The story line of the original game Cyberpunk 2077 is still quite large. Even if the tedious side tasks are deleted, if you want to adapt its plot into a theatrical animation, you have to make two parts to barely tell it clearly.

However, Xia Yan had already anticipated the current situation, so while making the Cyberpunk Edgewalker tv animation, the content of the two theatrical animations is also being produced simultaneously. In the next two months, the tv version bd will be released After the end, it will be launched on the market.

Because of the previous experience of the Magic Circle, Xia Yan is now able to plan these things with ease.

Of course, the game plot content of Cyberpunk 2077 is definitely not as popular as that of Edge Walker.

The content of the game plot is mainly to expose the darkness of Night City, and to portray the cyberpunk worldview, and will not abuse people everywhere like edgewalkers.

The main purpose of these two theatrical versions is only to broaden the world view of this animation, and
Present the scene where the protagonist of the game, V, beats Adam's heavy hammer violently.

Let this work continue from beginning to end.

It is true that David cannot beat Adam's heavy hammer, but his spirit will be inherited by V to a certain extent.

For example, in the theatrical version of the animation, V will be asked to complete the branch challenge in the game plot and get David's yellow sweater.

And in the game, after the cyberpunk edgewalker animation was broadcast, the game updated a patch, so that near the place where Rebecca died in the animation, a green submachine gun that she used before her death could be obtained.

Xia Yan's arrangement is to let V get it in the theatrical version of the animation, and hold the submachine gun that Rebecca died before.

Then let V wear this yellow sweater to kill Adam Heavy Hammer on Arasaka Tower.

It is an indirect sense of revenge for Rebecca and David. Xia Yan's last tenderness to his animation fans in Longguo.

Unlike the cyberpunk edgewalker animation fans in the parallel world, after watching Adam Sledgehammer kill David, he is gone. It is very uncomfortable. If you want to kill Adam Sledgehammer, you can only buy a game and play for dozens of hours. Kill Arasaka Tower to avenge Rebecca.

Xia Yan will announce these plans one after another in the next week, but now
Xia Yan picked up another file.

Inside is the release plan for the first volume bd of the Cyberpunk Edgewalker animation that will be released tomorrow.

that's the key
To test the data of the final performance of this animation, the ratings are just a reference, and the key point still depends on the bd sales.

(End of this chapter)

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