I thought that tonight's two-episode series would be a bonus, and they would be able to ruthlessly beat up the disgusting man Mitsui Toshi, but the viewers of Longguo Slam Dunk didn't expect that the end of this chapter would directly make them cry.

Some elementary school and junior high school students with little social experience seem to be slightly touched, but at the end Mitsui Hisashi's sentence "I want to play basketball!" combined with the rendering of music still moved them very much.

But for grown-up anime fans who've suffered too much from society's beatings, it's a different story.

Although everyone's experience is quite different, they have gone through more or less different paths in the process of growing up, and then watched this animation again, substituting themselves for a little bit, and burst into tears in an instant.

"Mitsui. Damn it, this chapter of the old thief originally wanted to introduce this character. I was wrong. I thought the old thief was exhausted, so I went to draw the fighting plot."

"Looking at it, I cried. The most outrageous thing is that when I cooperate with this bgm, it really makes me cry."

"I'm just a little touched, why do you all look like you're crying, is it so touching?"

"Everyone has a different physique. I can only say that this animation, this plot is not your style."

"The trouble with the basketball club is just because he is not reconciled. All Mitsui's actions are because he has not given up on basketball, but... well, this is life!"

"If it's the real world, the past two years of going astray will basically freeze your life, that is to say, there is still a port in Mitsui's mind in the animation, the existence of Coach Anzai."

"I always thought that Coach Anxi was a marginal person in this animation, but I didn't expect this smiling old man to be so important."

"The real man Mitsui, he should be returning to the basketball club now, right?"

"It should be the plot of the next episode!"

"Speaking of which, until now, the progress of the old thief's plot is really slow, but I personally think that this episode tonight is enough. The previous episodes are so slow, it's worth it."

"I would like to call it the most magical episode of sports animation. It is a completely different viewing experience from the previous sports-themed animations where the protagonist pushed all the way."

"There's no need to criticize it, but I still have to say that if the follow-up characters of Old Thief's Slam Dunk can be portrayed like Mitsui Hisashi, the performance of this animation will definitely surpass Lelouch."

"The old thief's works are never based on the subject matter, but on the growth of the characters he creates. In this area, compared with his colleagues in Longguo, the old thief has a huge advantage. Others are not in the same class as him at all. Yes, Lelouch, cc, David, Lucy, Madoka, Homura, Mitsui Hisashi, these characters are really deeply rooted in the hearts of the people."

"Indeed, the characters in the works created by the old thief will have inner growth. Other animation works of Longguo are far behind in this regard. Especially tonight's portrayal of Mitsui Shou, only used two episodes of the plot, and the How he changed from a hot-blooded boy to a bad person, and then turned back in just a moment... I really want to cry when I put his life into his life."

"What's the last piece of music? It fits the story of Mitsui's prodigal son returning. It's absolutely perfect."

"I already have a premonition that this song will wash up the charts on the major music apps in Longguo tomorrow."

"Does it need to be said? And I have already seen that the major media in Longguo collectively changed their faces tomorrow, and went to lick the funny scene of the old thief again. What they have given these media before, all kinds of condescending accusations and criticisms are short of directly saying that the old The plot of Thieves Slam Dunk has collapsed, to be honest, the two episodes of the old thief are broadcasting in a row today, which is really a slap in the face."

"It is."

This night, Xia Yan's fan base and various forums changed their previous doubts about the plot style of tonight's slam dunk.

So what if the protagonist of the [-] episodes of animation has not yet participated in an official competition?

So far, almost one-third of the plot of the animation is about the fight between Mitsui Hisashi and Shonhoku Basketball Club?
All of this has its value, gathered in the latest episode of Mitsui Shou's Prodigal Son, the fans did not complain at this moment, but thanked themselves for not being frightened by the previous online reviews, and insisted on chasing and slam dunking on time tonight Master animation.

A famous scene in an animation must be watched on the TV station as soon as possible, which is the best.

If you see the overwhelming praise voices on the entire Internet the next day, and then watch the replay with anticipation and doubts, it will definitely not be as good as watching the first broadcast directly.

As for the fact that the ratings of the slam dunk rose to 6.4% the next day, until now, fans basically don't pay too much attention to these statistics.

For Xia Yan now, the ratings of his works are more important than his status, and popularity is just the icing on the cake.

The three works of Magic Circle, Lelouch and Cyberpunk actually have a certain gap in terms of commercial value and influence of the works, but the difference in the ratings data of the three works is not big, which really causes the difference between the three works Yes, after the works are finished, their recognition in the Two-dimensional fan community, word-of-mouth and other things.

The fans don't care, and the media of Longguo will not let go of the opportunity.

For several days in a row, articles about slam dunk were reported, giving slam dunk a blow.

Xia Yan has also experienced this kind of scene many times. After seeing the small chapter of Mitsui Shou ending successfully, and reversing the previous impression of the slam dunk plot in the fan community, Xia Yan gave a big sigh of relief.

He is very clear that by now, the loose plot stage of Slam Dunk is over.

The plot after Mitsui Shou joined the Xiangbei team, even if it is the real main line of slam dunk, the national competition qualifiers.

In the parallel world, the original slam dunk animation took [-] episodes to advance to this point, but in Longguo, no matter how Xia Yan speeded up the progress and deleted some unimportant daily plots, it took [-] episodes. plot.

This is the case with long-form works, and it may only start to enter the theme after dozens of episodes.

This kind of slam dunk is quite normal. In the parallel world, like the work of Tutor, the daily plot in the early stage is longer than slam dunk, and it is more boring than slam dunk. Finally entered the battle plot, and the popularity took off.

Xia Yan put down the relevant research report in his hand and stretched himself.

It's been a year since graduation, so Xia Yan doesn't have to focus on his studies, and Xia Yan has more time to focus on his own work creation.

Although I am responsible for more works at the same time, in fact, I am not as busy as when I was in school.

But now, although Xia Yan is responsible for many works, they are basically the kind of long-form works.

The Monogatari series can be serialized for one or two years, and Tianyuan Breakthrough can also be serialized and produced for half a year.

It will take two or three years for Slam Dunk to complete the serialization of the county qualifiers and the national competition and make them into animations.

As for Sword Art Online, after the serialization of the uw chapter ends, Xia Yan intends to temporarily end it, mainly because the plot quality of the later novels is compared with the previous chapters, and Xia Yan thinks there is a gap.

Not to mention the hunter, what Xia Yan can do is to temporarily suspend the serialization of this work after the Ant King chapter.

Because he has not seen the ending of this work in Yuan Qing's memory so far, and he can see a new episode every one or two months.

It is also unclear when Yuan Qing died in that world, and whether he had watched the ending of the hunter before his death. These are all unsolved mysteries to Xia Yan.

After sorting out the current situation, in about two or three years, Xia Yan will continue to serialize works in the fields of comics, novels, and animation.

Moreover, these works will basically show a trend of rising popularity in the next period of time.

Xia Yan's influence in the two-dimensional industry of Longguo is already great, but in the next two years, as the popularity of these works continues to explode, his influence will continue to expand.

It's just that these are things that will come naturally, and Xia Yan doesn't need to bother with his brain.

He only needs to hand over the scripts, novels, and storyboard drafts of each work to his partners or employees on time every week, and this group with Xia Yan as the core will automatically promote Xia Yan's status in the industry. push.

Of course, Xia Yan is also very clear that the rising period of his popularity will definitely end.

The world is not infinite, nor is the group of Two-dimensional fans. The number of Xia Yan's fans will definitely not keep increasing.

Moreover, after works like Slam Dunk and Hunter are finished, he can't come up with more classic works than these.

Normally, a creator of this level may only have one work in his lifetime, and it will go downhill after it is finished.

It's just that Xia Yan is also very clear that there is no downhill development for himself.

After the serialization of Sword Art Online is completed, you can serialize the novels of Fate, Magic Forbidden, and Dead Flame Sea Dragon Ball after the end of Hunter.
After he reaches the peak of his own influence, there is a high probability that he will remain at this peak until he retires from work in Longguo one day.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan showed a smile on his face.

"what are you laughing at?"

Tang Yin went on a business trip abroad for half a month. After discussing with foreign partners about sales of Xia Yan's works and copyright authorization, she basically spent the past few days in Xia Yan's office eating snacks, playing with computers, and chasing Watching a drama is a little relaxation.

Seeing Xia Yan suddenly laughing there, he also looked curious.

"I'm laughing. I can already see my life in a few years, even more than ten years later, so let me express my feelings."

"You are very satisfied, that's why you laughed out loud?"

"No," Xia Yan said after thinking for a while.

"I'm just thinking, the creators of Longguo's generation, they probably want me to retire quickly, but if they enter this industry in ten years, 20 years, or even when their sons grow up, look again. It turns out that the benchmark of this industry is still me. What kind of scene will it be. I am now competing with these creators in their 40s, 20s, [-]s, [-]s, and [-] years later, their children are still competing with me... Thinking of this, I suddenly felt that I really became a big devil." Xia Yan said, his tone became more cheerful.

"What's so funny?" Tang Yin said she couldn't understand.

"Well, for example, Song Lingyun's goal is to surpass me now, so what if her descendants also aim to surpass me in 20 years' time?"

When Xia Yan said this, Tang Yin immediately felt funny when she thought about it.

"You think too far. I'm afraid Song Lingyun's family has no more affection for you now. How can you think so far? Where did she come from?" Tang Yin looked at Xia Yan and said.

"Well, many things will change over time. The world is so big, Song Lingyun will always look elsewhere." Xia Yan said after a pause.

"I hope so, but it's been seven years since the second year of high school, and the gap between you and him in this industry is getting bigger and bigger. It's just that you and I both know that her goal of catching up with you has never changed. It even became more and more intense. She is a very serious person, she is the target, and I haven't seen her change." Tang Yin said with a sigh.

Xia Yan was silent when he heard the words, and then smiled awkwardly. This is where Xia Yan faces Song Lingyun the most pressure now.

"However, you are quite confident now. From your tone, do you think that ten or twenty years from now, you will be able to overwhelm a bunch of people in the industry like you are now?" Tang Yin didn't talk too much about this topic.

"Almost." Xia Yan said with a smile.

"Looking at you like this, it seems that you have planned your development route for a long time in the future." Tang Yin blinked, but did not continue to ask.

The outsiders don't know, how can Tang Yin not know?
How did Xia Yan spend two months last year to produce four animations that the company is currently producing, and arrange the company's workload for the next two to three years.

Tang Yin herself feels that the company has developed to the present, with so many people, Xia Yan can no longer sustain such a huge creative intensity. Creating their work by herself will gradually fade away, and the creators trained by the company will become famous one after another. .

But Xia Yan finally opened her eyes.

Four animations, two ip works, one novel, and one manga, Xia Yan is able to arrange their creation properly.

"I say."

At this moment, Xia Yan looked at Tang Yin's fair and delicate face.

In the office, after the silence fell at this moment, the atmosphere changed slightly.

Xia Yan is not a person who can coax people, and likes to say things that make her goose bumps embarrassing.

He always wanted to say something to Tang Yin, but every time he was a little nervous and didn't say it.

"Tang Yin."


"Next year. Let's get married."

"Pfft" Tang Yin spat out a mouthful of hot tea.

She looked at Xia Yan with dull eyes.

It's completely unimaginable that Xia Yan's mind jumped out like this.

Just now I was talking about the development of the company and the relationship with Song Lingyun.

The next sentence will turn to this aspect.

Of course, Xia Yan also talked about similar topics to Tang Yin before, but after that, the two of them were busy with work and didn't discuss this matter in depth.

"Why, so suddenly." Tang Yin's voice trembled slightly.

"Suddenly?" Xia Yan said with a smile.

"Suddenly it's right. I didn't ask clearly last time. It's still the same question. Would you like to?"

Logically speaking, Tang Yin should have ridiculed Xia Yan for being stingy at this time, for not even giving him a ring in the proposal.

But Tang Yin also understood Xia Yan very well, maybe he just thought of this suddenly, and then he suddenly spoke like this as soon as the courage emerged.

If Xia Yan had prepared to propose in advance, then he would definitely not have such a relaxed attitude and such a smooth tone.

"next year?"


"Are you serious? Think it over, it's me."

"Think clearly, it's you."

Hearing this, Tang Yin finally let go of the breath she held in her heart, walked two steps forward to Xia Yan's desk, and then opened her arms.

Xia Yan was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized something, with a happy expression on his face, he stood up and put his arms around Tang Yin's waist.

With her arms around Tang Yin's slender and soft waist, Tang Yin tiptoed slightly and kissed Xia Yan's lips.

"Although I don't like wearing rings, remember to make up the engagement ring. I don't want to be ridiculed by my friends for being stingy."

"Understood." Xia Yan laughed.

"Also. You have to go to my house and clarify this matter with my dad. Well, there is a high probability that you will have to face the interrogation and assessment of dozens of relatives in my family."

"The assessment failed?" Xia Yan asked.

"Then I will sever kinship with them." Tang Yin gave Xia Yan a white look.

"It's just a matter of formality. If they make things difficult for you and don't give me face, I won't give them face either."

Speaking of this, Tang Yin rested her chin on Xia Yan's shoulder, and a smile appeared on her face.

"Seven years ago, you were still a student. I just regarded you as a student. I never thought that I would become your wife one day. When I think about this development now, I find it incredible!"

"I also have to thank you for the twenty years of being single before you met me!" Xia Yan also laughed softly.

Tang Yin's expression darkened upon hearing this.
After all, during my single life, being urged to marry by my family, to be honest, it was tantamount to suffering for Xia Yan.

Xia Yan is a somewhat casual person. After his parents are gone, he can do things as he pleases. He doesn't need to discuss things like marriage with anyone, and he can make a decision on the spot.

After Tang Yin agreed to the marriage proposal, Xia Yan's mind also shifted partly from work to this.

The level of creative intervention in each production in the company is reduced again.

As for Slam Dunk in the next few weeks, as Xia Yan expected, the ratings rose steadily again, similar to the development of Slam Dunk in the parallel world. Mitsui Shou joined the team, which was an important turning point.

As for hunters, swords and other works, the popularity is growing steadily and slowly.

The sales of single volumes of swords and swords have basically stopped rising, but hunters have begun to go straight to the average sales volume of 2800 million volumes.

Soon, the time came to mid-September.
Song Lingyun's new novel came to an end this month.

This novel is not long, but it is obvious that it can be written long. However, it is a work that is absolutely incapable of competing with Xia Yan. After she confirms this point, she will not think about writing it long.

She is still obsessed with Xia Yan as always.

Of course, this novel of hers has also been confirmed to be animated and will be broadcast in April next year, and the fans are overjoyed.

When the time came to the end of September, the Longguo Two-dimensional industry experienced a small shock again.

Not only is the broadcast of Xia Yan's new animated story in October exciting these people, but at the same time, the broadcast of Hunter's animation is also on the agenda
Just next January.

It can be said that this year is not a big deal. Wait until January next year, when Hunter, Slam Dunk, Sword Season [-], Initial D Season [-], Monogatari series and other animations appear on the market at the same time.

Rather, it feels like the two-dimensional industry of the island country in the golden age of the parallel world was reproduced by Xia Yan in the Dragon Kingdom.

In the entire animation market, there is a situation where Xia Yan's works are fighting against himself.

(End of this chapter)

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