A Perfect Life Beginning as a Light Novel Writer

Chapter 357 Marriage and Imagination

Xia Yan was very serious about getting married. He was not a fan of red tape, and he was even more bored by those extremely long-winded processes.

But Xia Yan also understands that he can act alone, Tang Yin is different, so what should be cooperated is to cooperate, at least it is good to make his wife happy.

In order to get married, Xia Yan bought a villa in the Magic City area for less than 9000 million, which was twice as big as the place where he originally lived.

As for the villa where he, Song Lingjun, Mo Ran, and Tang Yin originally lived, he gave it to Mo Ran and Song Lingjun.

After all, these people have developed feelings after living there for so many years. Xia Yan and Tang Yin will definitely have to move out after they get married. Xia Yan will definitely be reluctant to part with this villa, so he will simply give it to his two friends.

Early in the morning, Xia Yan drove to Tang Yin's house to pick up his wife.

Xia Yan didn't have many male friends, so he went with a few male classmates who were close to him in high school. As for Tang Yin,...
Tang Yin was dressed in a white gauze, her skin was covered with snow, her eyes were bright, and she was smiling. Next to her were Song Lingjun and Mo Ran, who were wearing bridesmaid outfits.

Today, the 24-year-old Xia Yan is not the ignorant boy he was a few years ago.

Xia Yan understands Mo Ran and Song Lingjun's intentions very well, but even if he understands, there is no solution to this kind of matter. Since he has chosen Tang Yin, Xia Yan can only look at each other. A smile.
Fortunately, Mo Ran only had a faint affection for Xia Yan and was in the good-looking stage. However, this ray of affection was suppressed after Xia Yan and Tang Yin officially fell in love, otherwise it would grow.

Song Lingyun
She has indeed had a crush on Xia Yan since high school until now. Even today, her feelings have not changed.

However, there are many things in her life.

Love is one, along with friends, family, and her favorite novel writing.

Moreover, her self-esteem did not allow her to marry her friend Tang Yin in Xia Yan, and she was still entangled in this relationship.

Her emotions may not deteriorate over time, but she has been able to convince herself to give up all fantasies, support and bless the handsome boy in formal clothes in front of her to marry her good friend Tang Yin.


Song Lingjun took a deep breath for ten seconds, suppressed the tears that were about to burst out of her eyes, and then showed the most sincere smile in her life.

"Thank you." Xia Yan looked at Song Lingjun's equally elaborate makeup today and said with the same smile.

Different from the young girl she looked like back then, she has become more intellectual and beautiful now.

Tang Yin, Song Lingjun, and Mo Ran, the trio of brides and bridesmaids, were all dressed up today, and they were able to kill everyone in an instant.

"I didn't expect that I would appear as a bridesmaid at your wedding." Song Lingjun stared at Xia Yan's face and smiled for a long time.

Taking a deep breath, Song Lingjun also realized that this topic was not suitable for in-depth discussion in this situation, and quickly changed the direction of the topic. His eyes dimmed slightly, but he still cheered up.

"Forget it. There are more things I didn't expect. In high school, I never imagined it in any way. Even today, I still haven't won you once."

The only intersection between Xia Yan and Song Lingjun was their competition in light novel creation and their friendship as classmates.

Since the latter has been completely cut off because of Xia Yan's wedding today, the only topic she and Xia Yan can talk about is the former.

"I said, can you please stop being so forceful." Xia Yan smiled bitterly.

He did not doubt that Song Lingjun would one day create works of comparable quality to his.

But even if the quality is the same, it is unimaginable to beat him even just once with the blessing of his huge popularity.

"After all, this has been my goal in life in the past few years, but today, once again expressing this idea, it feels much purer than before." Song Lingjun looked slightly at the noon sunshine outside the house.

"Why are you so obsessed with this matter?" Xia Yan saw that Song Lingjun seemed to be able to finally let go of his feelings for him today, and he breathed a sigh of relief, asking as a friend after a long absence.

Probably because I feel that if you are surpassed by someone who has never lost before, you will definitely remember that person for the rest of your life.

Song Lingyun thought so in her heart, but she didn't say anything, she just looked at Tang Yin who was standing not far away and looked at Xia Yan with a smile.

Today's protagonists are Xia Yan and Tang Yin, and their conversation lasted a little longer.

Seeing that Song Lingjun didn't want to talk, Xia Yan stopped asking.

When it comes to picking up a bride or something, just go through the process.

It's not like those other family businesses that engage in family marriages and make a big fanfare to announce it to the world.

Xia Yan had no plans to form any powerful alliance with Tang Yin's family after her marriage, so he kept everything simple.

The process was roughly followed, including recognizing my father-in-law, changing my mouth, and then drinking a little bit.

Generally speaking, there are no weird and difficult processes, and there are no ugly marriage dramas.

After all, as long as their brains are normal, no one would dare to embarrass Xia Yan or Tang Yin, unless they want to be trolled by Xia Yan's millions of fans in the Dragon Kingdom.

Then the group drove directly to the hotel they had booked.
There, where were Tang Yin's relatives and friends, as well as Xia Yan's few friends.

When Xia Yan got married, there was no live broadcast of the wedding of the century, but there was no airtight wall. There were always people who posted live weddings online through various means, such as taking pictures with their mobile phones and video recordings.

This made Xia Yan's group of melon-eating fans feel itchy.

"Here comes the wedding photo of the old thief and his sister-in-law."

"It's so beautiful, sister-in-law."

"Of course, you can suspect that the old thief is a psychopath and likes to seek healing, but you can never doubt his vision of love."

"I feel like crying for no reason. I watched Xia Yan grow from a high school student to getting married, but after so many years, I'm still single."

"Upstairs, me too."

"I want to cry too."

"Everyone in today's forum is so quiet. Those who complain about Teacher Xia Yan on weekdays are all serious today."

"That's for sure. It's not like we are sick. We know exactly what to do at what time. We will definitely not find fault with the old thief's work on the day of his wedding."

Hotel, wedding venue.

The carefully decorated venue was attended by Xia Yan's partners, friends, upstream and downstream supplier bosses, middle school, high school, elementary school classmates, some relatives, Tang Yin's family and friends, and the whole floor of the hotel was filled to the brim.

As for the number of people, it can't be compared with the marriage of some heirs of large companies in the Dragon Kingdom. Xia Yan is only in his twenties. There is no such kind of family and company that has accumulated dozens or hundreds of years of personal connections.But it's actually quite objective. At least it won't be the kind of sparsely populated and deserted wedding scene.

Xia Yan was quite nervous.

Not nervous because of the crowd, but nervous about the change in his identity from a teenager to a husband, the breadwinner of the family, starting today.

There is a booking process for weddings, but generally speaking, there is no change in the medicine.

In addition to inviting a famous wedding company from Magic City to design the wedding process, some well-known actors and singers from the Dragon Kingdom were also invited to the scene to liven up the atmosphere.

Of course, whether these actors or singers, they are all in contact with Xia Yan Company for the adaptation of films and television dramas such as Lelouch and Steel.

The success of "Magic Circle" and "Unknown Flowers" has made the film and television industry in Longguo fully appreciate Xia Yan's influence.

Everyone knows that the largest IP in the film and television industry is most likely Xia Yan's library of works.

Those film and television actors and people in the music industry who had nothing to do with Xia Yan were now very happy to be friends with Xia Yan.

Although Xia Yan himself has no real feelings, in fact, the entire Longguo entertainment industry has regarded him as an emerging capital boss in the industry.

Xia Yan did not allow the media to broadcast the news live, but there was no way to stop it from the fact that many people at the scene recorded the video on their mobile phones and then posted it online.

As the groom, Xia Yan stupidly cooperated with the master of ceremonies to go through the process. In his spare time, he also read online forums. He was quite helpless.

"What's wrong? Frowning and unhappy?"

Tang Yin, who was holding Xia Yan's arm and dressed in white gauze, came over and asked with a smile on her face.

"It's a bit weird that our wedding was broadcast live." Xia Yan pointed at the picture on his phone.

"After all, you are such a famous person in the Dragon Kingdom now." Tang Yin paused and said after hearing this.

"Besides, it's a good thing for your fans to pay attention to your wedding."

"I'm not worried that someone will use these pictures to spread bad remarks about you."

"What does this have to do with anything?" Tang Yin said with a smile.

"I dare to marry you, and I have long been prepared to be observed under the microscope by your tens of millions of fans in the Dragon Kingdom."

Xia Yan wanted to say something more after hearing this, but Tang Yin changed the subject.

"Actually, I feel that getting married is quite boring." Tang Yinduo took a step closer to Xia Yan and whispered in his ear.

"Huh?" Xia Yan looked confused.

"I mean these wedding procedures are too complicated." Tang Yin said with a smile.

"I really want to end the wedding quickly and then we can be alone together."

The wedding lasted from afternoon to evening.

Various people's online photo live broadcasts of Xia Yan's posts also frequently appeared in the top ten hot search lists of major search websites in Dragon Kingdom.

Needless to say, Xia Yan and Tang Yin are the two protagonists of the wedding.

The news that Mo Ran and Song Lingjun, two well-known creators of beautiful girls in the comics and novel circles, served as Tang Yin's bridesmaids also confused countless fans.

It's normal for Mo Ran and Xia Yan to be present as a cartoonist duo.

What is the relationship between Song Lingjun and Xia Yan and Tang Yin?
Aren't these two the No. 1 and No. [-] writers among the young generation of writers in the light novel industry who have the most fierce competition?

Song Lingjun serves as a bridesmaid for Xia Yan's wife?
Moreover, there are actually many fans on the Internet circulating the CP messages of Xia Yan and Song Lingjun. Now that Tang Yin is the bridesmaid, many fans are completely disappointed with the CP filters of the two.

"Who said back then that Song Lingjun fell in love with the old thief Xia Yan out of hatred? I have been fans of the two of them for so many years, but this is the result."

"Damn it, is Xia Yan blind? He doesn't like Song Lingyun, but he likes Tang Yin."

"Then they just like Yu Jie! Everyone has their own preferences in choosing a mate. Tang Yin is also very beautiful, and she is also a good wife. She helps the old thief keep the company in order. What's wrong with her?"

"You have to understand that some people have been eating two-person CPs for too long. The younger generation of the Dragon Kingdom is the number one in the field of light novels and the second person is in love. This is in line with their fantasy of the world."

"It's not in line with my fantasy of the world. I just think that if someone like Song Lingyun really falls in love with someone else one day, then I will definitely have to be with the old thief and I won't feel uncomfortable." "Forget it, don't do it today. Let’s talk about this, let’s congratulate the old thief in multiple groups.”

"And don't think too simplistically about Tang Yin. Xia Tanghong's animation has developed to this point because of her contribution!"

"That is, people who are not involved in the animation industry have no idea about the importance of Xia Yan's wife Tang Yin in this industry. Xia Tang Animation is such a big stall, with external operations, work copyright development, product sales, cooperation, overseas licensing and other businesses, all of which are This woman led the team to handle everything single-handedly, while the old thief just concentrated on practicing his internal skills and making the work even better. The clear division of labor between these two people allowed Xia Tang Animation to become the most famous animation in Dragon Kingdom in just six years. company."

"It's true. The old thief has so many works a year. If he still devotes too much time and energy to the operation of the works, he will probably be exhausted long ago."

At the wedding, Xia Yan took his wife by the hand and toasted everywhere. Outside the wedding venue, his wedding attracted the attention of the entire Dragon Kingdom Two-dimensional and the entertainment industry.

until [-] p.m.
"it is finally over."

The guests had almost left, and Xia Yan, who had drunk a lot of wine, had a wry smile on his face.

"It's really scary! It's more tiring than I thought." Xia Yan said while sitting on the chair.

"You have to be happy when you get married. Why are you looking so sad?" Tang Yin smiled upon seeing this.

"Okay, it's okay, I'm a lonely person, I can't stand lively scenes."

Tang Yin looked at Xia Yan's face, and the scene of Xia Yan finding her on that holiday eight or nine years ago with a novel manuscript appeared in her mind.

"So we are really married?"

"Can this be false?" Xia Yan touched Tang Yin's forehead with the back of his hand.

"You didn't drink, so why do you feel more confused than me? You're sick."

"I just want to express my feelings. Can't you be normal and respond to me in a gentle tone?" Tang Yin looked blank at Xia Yan.

"Well, Miss Tang, I solemnly remind you that we are really married. Come on, call me husband and come listen." Xia Yan paused for a moment, then smiled.

"Ahem, cough, cough, let me spend a few days to change my mentality." Tang Yin's ears turned red when she heard this. After all, she would always be embarrassed.

"Okay, it's late at night and people are almost gone. Let's go back and rest." Xia Yan said with a smile and stopped teasing her.

The next day, Xia Yan woke up from the warm quilt and saw Tang Yin's face, who was still sleeping soundly.

Xia Yan and Tang Yin, the two company chairman and vice directors, are getting married, so they will definitely not interfere in any of the company's business in the next month.

In the next month, both of them have a clear itinerary.

When he turned on his phone, as Xia Yan expected, the news in the entire entertainment section and the Two-dimensional section were all related to his wedding yesterday.

Even Modu TV1, which has a good cooperative relationship with Xia Yan, is also planning to spend 5 minutes on the morning news and evening news today to report on this matter. Of course, in the process, it will definitely have a negative impact on Xia Yan's currently being broadcast. Animations such as Slam Dunk and Swordsman are heavily mentioned, which can be regarded as a kind of alternative promotion.

The TV series "Magic Circle" and "Unknown Flower Name" are now reaching a critical moment in plot broadcasting.

When the Magic Circle broadcasts to the senior sister and the secret of the witch begins to be revealed, the unheard flower name has almost begun to enter the main plot.

The Hunter has officially concluded the Greedy Island chapter and entered the prelude to the Ant chapter.

Slam Dunk has finished the plot with the Hainan team, and is competing with the Lingnan team for the last ticket to the national competition. In the plot of the Sword Art Online light novel, the boring foreshadowing in the early stages of the UW chapter has ended, and the secrets of the protagonist Kirito's latest world have begun to be revealed.
At the end of the year, Xia Yan's self-produced animated film, Millennium Actress, will be released in December.

In March next year, Kaiyin will launch the Suzuya tour online.

Next June, Hayao Miyazaki’s classic animated film Howl’s Moving Castle in a parallel world will be released.

Also at the end of October this year.
The first generation of Pokémon games will premiere in Dragon Kingdom.

Since the Pokémon animation was aired, the ratings have been at the average level among Xia Yan's works, but this animation has also gained Xia Yan a large number of primary school fans.

They have long been salivating over the magical and interesting Pokémon world in the animated stories. Along with the launch of the Pokémon game, there is also the simultaneous release of a series of Pokémon peripherals.

Poke ball blind boxes, Pokemon cards, Pokemon figures, electronic Pokemon breeders. Xia Yan copied all the peripherals that existed in the parallel world and had become popular before.

There is no need to test the market waters. Although the world is different anyway, the hobbies and tastes of the people will not be much different.

Xia Yan has been very clear about this for the past seven or eight years.

Moreover, the successful adaptation of Unheard Flower Name and Magic Circle has also made the employees of Xia Tang Animation and TV Series department gear up and salivate over the adaptations of Xia Yan's other works.

Nowadays, the company's game, movie, TV series, animation and other sections have been established, and everyone cooperates and competes with each other.

The entire company already has a trend of an entire industry chain circulating within the company.

Moreover, the company has developed its own way of operation now. Even if Xia Yan and Tang Yin let it go, it can continue to operate for a long time and maintain a certain profitability based on inertia.

Therefore, Xia Yan is not worried about the inconvenience that he and Tang Yin will bring to the company if they are hands-off shopkeepers at this moment.

In the afternoon, after Xia Yan and Tang Yin packed their luggage, they embarked on a journey with the arranged staff of the travel company and their own bodyguards.

In the next few days, the Dragon Kingdom media reported on the two's itinerary from time to time. After the wedding, Xia Yan and Tang Yin's honeymoon trip also frequently appeared on the Dragon Kingdom's hot search list.

As for Xia Yan, he didn't just focus on honeymoon travel.

In my spare time, I also think about how to make the company develop faster.

There is a high probability that the sword will end within a year
The next light novel after Sword has been scheduled to be the Fate series.

Then, should the serialization start from zero in chronological order, or start from fsn according to the birth order of this work in the parallel world?
After Hunter's Word enters the ant chapter, the serialization will end within two years.

Xia Yan actually now has the idea to come up with another one as soon as possible, and even prepare two or three full-length comics.

As his partner, Mo Ran definitely couldn't not only serialize Hunter, but also serve as the main writer of other comics.

But there are too many excellent cartoons in Xia Yan's memory.

With serials like this one after another, Xia Yan can only pick two series from Dragon Ball, One Piece, Naruto and other works at most in his life, and then he will have to retire. It is really a waste.

If Xia Yan is only responsible for the plot outline and character creation, and streamlines the work process, it is not impossible to open more comics.

He just needs an excellent person in the industry to assist Xia Yan.

So Xia Yan's idea was to recruit his most trusted cartoonist partner, Mo Ran, to set up a cartoon studio with her and give her a certain percentage of the studio's income.

Then Xia Yan was responsible for creating the story outlines of these works, and clearly informed Mo Ran of the serialization requirements and quality regulations for these works, and then Mo Ran recruited outstanding painters in the industry to serve as comic book painters.

Only in this way can Xia Yan serialize more works of these games in parallel worlds in his limited life.

Of course, under this cooperation model, Xia Yan and Mo Ran are the only two artists listed in the works created by Xia Yan, and the other painters are basically high-level workers.

The possibility of them earning hundreds, thirty or even tens of millions from Xia Yan's works will be completely eliminated.

But in terms of remuneration, Xia Yan will definitely not treat them badly. At least he will maintain a high level of treatment in the industry.

And why did Xia Yan still take Mo Ran with him at this point?

It's nothing more than a good relationship with her, high trust in her, and recognition of her strength in the comic industry.

Furthermore, with Xia Yan's current identity and status, whether it is a new novel or a comic, it is impossible to share the copyright with Liuli Publishing House and Beizhou Comics.

Today, Xia Yan no longer needs to rely on two book publishers to publish his works.

Rather, the two bookstores are relying on Xia Yan's influence to consolidate their first position in the industry.

When the time comes for a new book to be released, Xia Yan will have all the copyrights in his hands, and there is a high probability that the two bookstores will not have any opinions.

We are all adults, and we know very well that although everyone talks about feelings, feelings are only useful if they are based on fair distribution of benefits.

After all, Xia Yan can cooperate with too many companies in Longguo, and Xia Yan actually dominates the entire market.

Xia Yan's scalp felt numb when he thought about these ideas in his mind.

A little work adds up.

However, Xia Yan quickly made up his mind about these thoughts.

During the honeymoon, after you relax your mind, you will have more time to consider these issues.

If you don't do it, don't do it. Now that you have decided to make Xia Tang Animation the most powerful entertainment industry company in the Dragon Kingdom.
If you're afraid of being tired, it's better not to think so much and just go home and hug your beloved wife for retirement.

A series of ideas took shape in Xia Yan's mind and were perfected.

So the one-month honeymoon is over, at the end of August
Xia Yan, who returned to the Magic City, immediately formed a team of lawyers and a mature team in the light novel and comic industry to prepare for his next move.

During this process, Mo Ran was the most confused.

Xia Yan
Are you planning to start a new comic book?High probability or long story?

Oh my god!
Even a comic like Hunter can't drain all your energy?Do you still have the energy to start a new work?

And we need to form a professional team to serialize it as a studio or even a company?
Mo Ran was really convinced this time.She used to find the rumors on the Internet that Xia Yan was an alien hilarious.

But now, she herself is a little doubtful.

Xia Yan may only be human in body, but his spirit is actually at the alien level, right?
In the field of novels, comics, and animation, only seven or eight works can be serialized at the same time. This should be the limit of Xia Yan's physical body, but it is not the limit of Xia Yan's spirit.

What a monster!

The Two-dimensional circle of Longguo is so big, so Xia Yan's small moves can't be hidden from some people in the industry.

Come September
In fact, the industry has begun to spread rumors about the purpose of Xia Yan's series of actions.

By mid-September, even Xia Yan's fan base began to become commotion.

All kinds of rumors are flying all over the sky.
The entire industry is currently experiencing an undercurrent, and everyone feels that a storm is brewing.

And the eye of the storm gathered on Xia Yan!

(End of this chapter)

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