Douluo: This soul master is too mediocre

Chapter 226 The Embarrassed Yu Tianheng

Chapter 226 The Embarrassed Yu Tianheng
Hearing this, Yu Tianheng's face darkened immediately.

Yu Tianheng believed Xue Beng's words. Although Xue Beng was a dude, he was not an idiot, and he probably wouldn't tell a lie that could be broken with a single poke.

It's normal for the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect to send people to participate in the soul master competition.

Moreover, he could also understand that the academy gave up the home team's qualification to the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School. After all, the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School is an ally of the Heaven Dou Empire, so this face must be given.

But understanding belongs to understanding, but Yu Tianheng was very upset.

The academy wants to give face to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, but shouldn't he, a direct disciple of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Clan, not want face?
If this had happened before the Huangdou team was formed, Yu Tianheng wouldn't be so upset.

But now that the competition is about to start, Yu Tianheng can't stand the sudden change of mind of the academy and the lack of communication with the Huangdou team in advance.

Immediately, Yu Tianheng didn't even look at Xue Beng, he got up and left the mimicry practice field, he was going to summon the members of the Royal Fighting Team, and went to the Education Committee to find three members of the Education Committee, why would their Royal Fighting Team become the second team?

Not long after, Yu Tianheng brought the other members of the Huangdou team to the door of the Education Committee.

Of course, Xue Beng also joined in the fun.

Yu Tianheng from the Landian Tyrannosaurus Clan faced Ning Yu from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. As the leader of this matter, he didn't want to miss this excitement.

"Tianheng, calm down, Xiaoyu has helped me a lot, so don't make any conflicts."

Duguyan persuaded Yu Tianheng.

Dugu Yan knew that Ning Yu must be among the members of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School participating in the soul master competition.

Although she was not angry that the academy handed over the recommended places to the Qibao Liulizong, but she had a good relationship with Ning Yu, and she didn't want Yu Tianheng to have conflicts with Ning Yu.

"I know, Yanyan, don't worry, I won't conflict with the people of Qibao Liulizong, I just want to ask the three education committees what they mean!"

Although Yu Tianheng was upset, he hadn't lost his mind yet.

The academy handed over the eligibility for admission to the Qibao Glazed Tile Sect. It wasn't the Qibao Glazed Tile School who slapped him in the face, but the Tiandou Imperial Academy slapped him in the face.

To be honest, Yu Tianheng didn't think too much about the Huangdou team's qualification for recommendation. Anyway, with the strength of the Huangdou team, it must be no problem to qualify for the qualifying round.

It's just that if he doesn't say anything and doesn't respond to this matter, will the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family lose face?
As a direct descendant of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, Yu Tianheng can represent the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family to some extent.

If you don't give face to the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus rex family, have you three education committees lost your ambition?
"Hey, go and inform the three education committees that the Huangdou team has something to see!"

Yu Tianheng turned his head and said to the two servants standing outside the door of the Education Committee.

"Young Master Yu, the three education committee members are receiving distinguished guests, so it is inconvenient to meet them."

One of the two servants shook his head and refused to inform Yu Tianheng.

Although the servant didn't know Ning Fulong, the two of them had heard what Meng Shenji and the other three had said before.

The only one who can be crowned with the honorable title is Titled Douluo.

The three education committees are receiving the titled Douluo of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, they dare not go in and disturb them, as for the Emperor Fighting Team?Just wait!

No matter how important things are, can they be more important than receiving Your Majesty?

"An honorable guest? A shitty honorable guest! Is there any honorable guest that is more expensive than this prince? Hurry up and report!"

At this time, the avalanche on the side opened its mouth.

Previously, Xue Beng learned from his son-in-law that apart from Ning Yu and the other seven, the only person from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect was a middle-aged man whom he did not know.

In the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School he dare not offend, only the suzerain Ning Fengzhi and the four Titled Douluo, Ning Fengzhi and the famous Sword Bone Douluo, he knows all the dogs, but the Dragon Soul Douluo and the Blood Dragon Douluo don't know each other. I recognize them, but these two people are not middle-aged.

This shows that the one who came from the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School was not Ning Fengzhi, nor was he a Titled Douluo, at most it was just a Soul Douluo.

Can this be considered a VIP?Don't you know that Tiandou Imperial Academy is under the jurisdiction of the prince's uncle, Prince Xue Xing?
Hearing this, the face of the servant who had spoken earlier changed, and he said, "Fourth prince, please forgive me, the three education committees have ordered you not to disturb me!"

The change in the servant's face was not because of Xue Beng's rudeness, but because he was worried that Xue Beng, a dude, would retaliate against him, a little guy.

As long as he pays homage to the title of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, Xue Beng will inevitably be punished. If Xue Beng later bears a grudge against him as a small person, then it will be the end of the calf?
Just when Xue Beng was about to go mad and was about to teach this short-sighted servant a lesson, Meng Shenji's voice came from the board of education: "Let them in!"


Xue Beng snorted coldly, glared at the servant fiercely, and then pushed open the door of the Education Committee with his head held high.

The seven members of the Huangdou team looked at each other and joined the education committee.

As soon as they entered the education committee, Xue Beng and the seven members of the Huangdou team saw the three education committee members, the seven members of Ning Yu, and Ning Fulong sitting in the education committee.


When he saw Meng Shenji and Ning Yu, Xue Beng's expression remained unchanged, but after seeing Ning Fulong's figure, Xue Beng's pupils suddenly constricted.

Although Ning Fulong looked much younger than before, Xue Beng had seen Ning Fulong before and recognized him immediately.

Xue Beng's forehead suddenly broke out in cold sweat when the phrase he said earlier at the door of the Education Committee's "shit distinguished guest" was heard.

He is the fourth prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, disrespecting his ally Qibao Glazed Tile Sect's Titled Douluo, although he will not lose his life, but if Ning Fulong teaches him a lesson, no one will say no.

"Yo~, isn't this Prince Xue Beng? It's not hot today, why are you sweating?"

Ning Yu said to Xue Beng playfully.

The door of the Education Committee is not soundproof. Everyone inside heard what Xue Beng said outside.

"Ah Yu, this 'guest' is not sweating!"

Ning Rongrong, who didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, interjected, and also emphatically reminded Xue Beng of his status as a "distinguished guest".

"It's not hot sweat, could it be cold sweat? Xue Beng, you must have done something wrong?"

"It must be, otherwise why are you sweating?"

As Ning Yu and Ning Rongrong sang together, the cold sweat on Xue Beng's forehead grew even more.

"I've seen the Blood Dragon Mian, it was Xue Beng who uttered wild words earlier, I hope that the Mian will not take it to heart!"

Gritting his teeth, Xue Beng bowed 90° like a small day, and said to Ning Fulong.

"It's none of your business here, go out!"

Casting a glance at Xue Beng, Ning Fulong waved his hand, signaling Xue Beng to get out of here.

Obviously, Ning Fulong didn't intend to pursue it.

As a titled Douluo, Ning Fulong would not pay attention to Xue Beng, a playboy, and was too lazy to teach Xue Beng a lesson.

Anyway, even if he didn't pursue it, the three of Meng Shenji would report the matter to Emperor Xue Ye or Prince Xue Xing who was in charge of the academy afterwards, and Xue Beng would still have to be scolded.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After bowing again and saying something, Xue Beng hurriedly ran out of the education committee.

"Tianheng, come to see the three of us, is there something important?"

After Xue Beng left, Mengshenji glanced at Huangdou team and said to Yu Tianheng.

"Education Committee, I wonder how the academy arranges the soul master competition?"

Yu Tianheng didn't point directly at Mengshenji's nose and questioned why the academy gave Ning Yu and others the recommended places, but asked from the side, otherwise, if he asked directly, it would appear that he, a junior, didn't understand the rules.

Moreover, with the minds of the three education committee members and the current situation, they can naturally understand the purpose of his question.

Meng Shenji smiled, pointed to the seven Ning Fulong and Ning Yu, and said, "Tianheng, this is the blood dragon under the crown of Qibao Liulizong, and they are members of the second team of the academy, the Qibao team. I will participate in the soul master competition with you for the first time, so you should get acquainted with each other."

The seven of Ning Yu were crowned as the second Huangdou team, which sounded inferior to the Huangdou team, so after everyone's discussion, the seven Ning Yu were directly asked to participate in the soul master competition under the name of the Qibao team.

Anyway, the name of the team does not affect the honor of Tiandou Royal Academy and Tiandou Empire winning the championship.

Hearing this, Yu Tianheng and the others blushed immediately.

Mengshenji said it was to let them get acquainted with the seven Ning Yu, but in fact it was telling them that the Huangdou team was still a recommended team, and the seven Ning Yu did not rob them of their recommended places.

'Damn avalanche! '

At this moment, Yu Tianheng was very embarrassed, wishing he could pick up the rumor-monger Xue Beng and beat him up.

"I have seen the blood dragon under the crown!"

The seven people greeted Ning Fulong respectfully.


Ning Fulong nodded lightly.

"Sister Yanyan, this is your boyfriend Yu Tianheng, right? If this Yu Tianheng dares to treat you badly in the future, just tell us and we will avenge you!"

Glancing at Yu Tianheng, Ning Yu smiled and said to Duguyan.

"Yes, yes, Ah Yu is right! Since A Yu calls you sister, then you are our elder sister. If Yu Tianheng dares to bully you, we will beat him until his father doesn't even know him!"

Ning Kun patted his chest to make a guarantee with Dugu Yan.

Ning Yu had told them earlier that the fairy herbs they took back then were all obtained from Dugu Yan's grandfather Dugu Bo.

Although they were all genius soul masters without the help of immortal herbs, their strength would not have improved so quickly without the help of immortal herbs. They naturally had a good impression of Dugu Bo and Dugu Bo's granddaughter, Dugu Yan.

'Beating until my father doesn't even recognize me? '

Hearing this, Yu Tianheng was a little speechless.

However, although the words of Ning Yu and Ning Kun sounded harsh, Yu Tianheng was not angry either.

After all, this sounds like a brother-in-law threatening her brother-in-law to stop bullying her sister, but it can't be true.

"No way, Tianheng won't bully me!"

Hearing that someone would vent her anger when she was bullied in the future, Dugu Yan pinched Yu Tianheng's arm and said shyly.

(End of this chapter)

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