Douluo: This soul master is too mediocre

Chapter 248 The So-Called Low Profile

Chapter 248 The So-Called Low Profile
"It's not clear, but what is certain is that his soul power level has indeed reached the fifth-ring soul king. This point, the few priests sent by the father to accompany him should not be wrong."

The Heaven Dou Empire escorted the participating teams to come to Wuhun City to participate in the finals. Naturally, it is impossible to have only five hundred Heaven Dou Royal Knights.

As the crown prince of the empire, Xue Qinghe's safety is also the top priority.

Although the Tiandou imperial family does not currently have the title of Douluo, there are still quite a few royal enshrined at the level of the eight-ringed Soul Douluo.

Even though it was unlikely that there would be any accidents on the way to the Wuhun Hall, Emperor Xue Ye still sent a few royal priests to serve as Xue Qinghe's guards.

As for the fact that in the original book, when Wuhundian intercepted and killed Tang San, there were no masters from the royal family?

Tang San is not a member of the royal family, they don't need to show off, they just need to protect His Royal Highness, and don't need to take care of other things, so as not to fall into the trick of turning the tiger away from the mountain.

"By the way, Tang San's appearance has changed quite a lot, and it doesn't match the portraits collected by the imperial intelligence department at all.

If it weren't for the spies who were placed in the hotel where the participating teams of the Star Luo Empire stayed and heard him call Tang Hao his father, I wouldn't have believed that he was Tang San of the Clear Sky School. "

Thinking of Tang San's unremarkable appearance in the past, compared with his present appearance, when Qian Renxue received the news, she was shocked and exclaimed inconceivably.

The person is still the same person, but why is his appearance completely different, as if he had moved a knife?
It's like an old sow turned into a little fairy!
"Did your hair turn blue?"

Ning Yu immediately asked Qian Renxue.

Tang San's appearance underwent a huge change, and Ning Yu's first reaction was that his Blue Silver Grass spirit transformed into the Blue Silver Emperor.

Whether this Blue Silver Emperor martial soul is strong or not is not to be said, but in terms of plastic surgery, it is even more powerful than the high technology of his previous life Bangzi Kingdom.

Before the bloodline was awakened, Tang San's appearance could only be said to be ordinary, among the crowd, he was absolutely inconspicuous.

But after awakening the bloodline of the Blue Silver Emperor, it was a magnificent transformation, not to mention the No. 1 appearance in the mainland, but it can be regarded as the top of the ranking.

That is to say, the family gene of the sledgehammer is a little bit short, otherwise, if the mainland holds a beauty contest, Tang San, who has awakened blood, must be able to win the competition.

"Huh? How did you know?"

Qian Renxue looked at Ning Yu curiously.

"Back then in the Star Dou Great Forest, I had a fight with that Tang San, and his Blue Silver Grass martial spirit was so stretched, it couldn't be considered a top-level martial spirit at all.

The prerequisite for the formation of twin spirits is that the quality of the two spirits is equal, there is no such thing as one being strong and the other being weak, so Tang San's blue silver grass spirit must have not yet awakened as the emperor spirit.

Now that his appearance has changed drastically, it must be due to the awakening of his blood. As for the blue hair, the Blue Silver Emperor had blue hair back then. "

Ning Yu explained.

"Wow~, Yu, you know a lot!"

Ning Rongrong said with admiration.

"That's right! That means I keep a low profile, otherwise I would definitely become Master Ning in the theoretical world!"

Ning Yu straightened his back, with an indescribable pride on his face.

Everyone present: "."

"Ahem~, let's not talk about this! Xiaoyu, Rongrong, you have to be careful of the Xingluo Royal Academy team. In addition to their three soul kings of the Clear Sky School, Davis, the eldest prince of the Xingluo Empire, has also advanced to the fifth level. Ring Soul King.

The strength of the martial soul fusion technique launched by a five-ring soul king and a high-level four-ring soul sect must not be underestimated. "

Clearing her throat, Qian Renxue said to everyone in Team Qibao.

"Davis has also become the soul king of the five rings?" '

Ning Yu raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

If I remember correctly, the five-ringed soul kings who appeared in the competition in the original book were Hu Liena from the Wuhun Palace.

And Davis's soul power level seems to be 49 soul sect, and he has not advanced to the fifth ring soul king until the end of the competition.

However, the level 49 soul sect is only one level away from the five-ring soul king. With the influence of his little butterfly, it is normal for Davis to be able to advance.

Among other things, because of his appearance, Tian Dou had a fight with Xing Luo a few years ago.

The two empires fought each other, so Dai Mubai, the prince of Xingluo, naturally didn't dare to go to Soto City in the Barak Kingdom, otherwise, wouldn't it be that the sacrificial flag would be chopped off by the Barak Kingdom, which suffered heavy losses in the war? ?
And Dai Mubai didn't run away as Dai, and stayed in Star Luo City honestly, then the pressure on Davis would naturally not disappear.

Dai Mubai's talent is not weak, but it's not that he doesn't have the slightest chance of turning things around, Davis has this pressure, and his cultivation speed is faster than the original book, that's normal.

"Don't worry, Brother Qinghe, the champion of this soul master competition is definitely ours!"

Ning Yu patted his chest and gave Qian Renxue a guarantee.

Hearing this, Qian Renxue rolled her eyes.

Brother Qinghe?This little pervert is teasing her again!

Qian Renxue: We agreed to be brothers, but you crawled onto my bed?

"That's right, big brother Qinghe, the champion is definitely ours, no matter how powerful the opponent is!"

Ning Rongrong next to him also followed Ning Yu's example.

From Ning Rongrong's point of view, the reason why Xue Qinghe has this concern is because he doesn't know the real strength of the Qibao team, or Ning Yu's real strength. There will be this worry.

The schedule of the finals is not complicated. There are 33 participating teams and there are only five rounds in total.

Between each round and the next round, there will be one day of rest and adjustment time, and before the final fifth round, there will be three days of adjustment time.

In the first round, the three seeded teams that were recommended to the finals, namely the Wuhundian team, Huangdou team and Star Luo Royal Academy team had a bye. The remaining [-] teams competed for [-] promotion places, and the losers were eliminated directly. The loser group said.

In the second round, No.1 had a bye in the promotion match of the two major empire divisions.

That is to say, after the first round, the Qibao team who had a bye did not need to participate in the second round, and had three days of rest.

A total of sixteen teams will compete for the top eight, and the winners will enter the third round.

In the third round, the eight teams that won the second round, plus the two teams that had byes in the second round, including Team Qibao, made a total of ten teams.

However, in the third round, No. 2 in the promotion match between the two empires will have a bye, that is, eight teams will compete for the top four and enter the fourth round.

As for the No. 2 in the two empire promotion competitions, who could not pass the second round of the competition, resulting in the invalidation of the third round bye?
This kind of situation basically does not exist. After all, those who can achieve No.2 results in the promotion competition cannot be weaker.

Moreover, the competition organizing committee will not allow strong teams to meet prematurely, unless there are teams pretending to be pigs and eating tigers.

But if this really happens, then the byes of the No. 2 teams in the promotion competition of the two empires in the third round will also belong to the team that defeated them in the second round.

In the fourth round, the top four teams, plus the two teams with byes in the third round, a total of six teams compete for the top three.

In the fifth round, which is the last round, the three teams will first compete in individual battles in the promotion competition, each with seven players, and undergo round-robin elimination to determine the team with the strongest individual strength.

The team that wins the final victory in the individual battle will directly enter the championship competition.

The two defeated teams will have a team battle, and the winner will challenge the winner of the previous individual competition, and the two sides will decide the final championship.

For the finals of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, Wuhun City also specially opened up a special venue for the competition.

This venue is located in the center of Wuhun City. It is a huge arena built entirely of granite, with a diameter of more than a hundred meters. It is much more spacious than the venues for the preliminaries and promotions.

Moreover, this huge competition platform is reinforced with a large number of special soul tools, which is enough to withstand the battle of soul masters below the sixth ring level without damage.

Right in front of the competition platform is the Pope's Palace, which is less than a kilometer away from the hill where the Pope's Palace is located.

Except for the final three-final match, all the matches of the finals will be held on this arena.

Two days later, early in the morning, all the participating academy teams arrived at the competition venue under the leadership of the special personnel from Wuhundian.

Each academy has a separately built rest area built around the playing field.

And on the side opposite to the Pope's Palace, there is the VIP jury seat, where the representatives of the two empires who came to participate in the judging watched the battle. Of course, most of the people sitting there were soul masters who belonged to the Wuhun Palace.

"Brother Yu, why is our rest area bigger than those of other academies? Could it be that the Hall of Spirits knows that we have the strength to win the championship, so it specially gave us face?"

Ning Kun looked at his rest area, which was much larger than other colleges, and said to Ning Yu curiously.

Ning Yu rolled his eyes: "You're overthinking! Don't forget, besides our Qibao team, the academy also has the Huangdou team that will be sent to the finals in advance."

The reason why the Tiandou Royal Academy's rest area is larger than other academies is not because of the face given by the Wuhun Temple, but because of this year's Soul Master Competition, Tiandou Royal Academy has unprecedentedly had two teams enter the finals.

Compared with other colleges, there is one more team in the competition, so the rest area is naturally bigger.

Not long after the Qibao team arrived, the Huangdou team also came.

"Xiao Yu, you are hiding deep enough! Tsk tsk, there are five soul kings, you and Rongrong are also soul kings, right?"

Seeing the Qibao team that came earlier, Dugu Yan immediately stepped forward and said to Ning Yu.

"Sister Yanyan, keep a low profile!"

"Low-key? Thank you for being able to say it! In the qualifiers, you played one against seven, and all the opponents in the promotion match gave up the game. You told me to be low-key?"

Dugu Yan looked at Ning Yu contemptuously, if this is also called low-key, then what is high-key?
Hearing this, Ning Yu smiled embarrassingly.

It's not that we don't want to keep a low profile, but that we have such strength, we can't keep a low profile at all!I'm also in a difficult situation, okay?

At this time, Zhi Lin, the leader of Team Qibao, was called to draw lots.

"Tsk~, the board of education will give you the team leader, this treatment, I'm afraid you are not the home team!"

Looking at the back of Zhi Lin going to draw lots, Dugu Yan couldn't help complaining to the seven of Ning Yu.

"Haha, Sister Yanyan, you are making a mistake!
Teacher Qin Ming's talent is so good, and he is expected to become a title in the future. With him as your team leader, what more do you want?Could it be that you still want the old man Xue Xing who is in charge of the academy to be your team leader? "

Dugu Yan: "."

Prince Xue Xing as their team leader?That picture must not be too beautiful!

(End of this chapter)

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