A strong army begins with a soldier assault

Chapter 105: Three Hours: Entering the Forest

Chapter 105 Three Hours: Entering the Forest

"That's what I found out, the reaction speed is fast enough." Seeing the electromagnetic signal disappearing rapidly on the screen, Lin Xuan said with a chuckle.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, this thing is a stroke of genius, and there is no loss if it is discovered.What's more, now that he has already taken advantage of a lot, it doesn't matter.

Looking out the porthole, you can already see the blue sea and blue sky.

"Cockpit, how long will it take us to arrive at the fleet?" Lin Xuan asked while quickly manipulating the console, replacing the blue army's electromagnetic signal with his own red signal coordinates.

Qiao Jianjia replied immediately: "Report, we will arrive in 1 minute!"

"After arriving, maintain an altitude of 1000 meters and hover!"

"Received, maintain the altitude of [-], and hover!" Following Qiao Jianjia's answer, Lin Xuan also felt the fuselage began to descend.

"How about the landing fleet?"

"Report, the vanguard troops have successfully washed the beach and are launching an attack, and have not yet been resisted by the blue troops!"

"Heh, I still resist. Don't worry, the captain will not make a decision to resist directly. This kind of frontal battlefield is not suitable for the combat environment of special forces, and the captain will not make mistakes in this matter!" Lin Xuan Said with a light smile.

The sudden sound of explosions and gunshots resounded through the entire forest!At the same time, several streaks of yellow smoke also ended up steaming!

At this moment, Wu Gang's attention was not on Gao Xiaozhuang's body, but on the blade of grass in my mouth, and subconsciously asked, "Is it numb?"

At that time, Gao Xiaozhuang realized that there was no tingling feeling outside his mouth!He hurriedly spit out the blade of grass in his mouth, took out the water bottle and finished rinsing his mouth.

Deng Jiuguang, who was following Liu Dashan in front of Wu Gang, just glanced at him, paid too little attention, and left in a hurry.

Annihilation of the entire army may be the case, but heavy losses are the inevitable result!

That order was issued to all marines.Therefore, before hearing the order, Wu Gang immediately turned around and issued an order to his team: "Retreat!"

The roars, gunpowder smoke, and flames that we expected are all there, only the sound of waves and the crisp chirping of seabirds from time to time!
Before seeing that situation, Wu Gang hastily pulled out his saber, came to a small tree and dug.A moment ago, he came back with a few black grass roots and handed them to Gao Xiaozhuang, "Chew that outside your mouth, don't swallow it, it will go bad in a while."

Faced with that situation, Lin Xuan didn't panic, but calmly replied to Re Yuanmin: "Comrades, please bite each other, and the rest will be broken if you leave it to you!"

Therefore, in a vast and complex area, special forces cannot inefficiently kill special soldiers!It's because of something else, it's just because it's our strength, and it's the weakness of soldiers.

However, until we went ashore to establish a defensive position, we did not suffer any attack.

There is only one reason why the attack on the island just now did not have such a small result. This is not to grasp our specific location again.Yes, what kind of attack will we suffer when he waits for the landing team to launch a retreat and step into the jungle!
Under the tidal flats, Deng Jiuguang, Liu Dashan and others stood in the waist-high sea water blankly as if someone had poured a pot of hot water on them. Quiet Big Island.

Hearing the shout, Liu Dashan and others also woke up as if they had just woken up from a dream. Drenched in sea water up to their waists, they walked towards the coast cautiously!

But please note that special forces have comprehensive capabilities and combat effectiveness!

"Da da da···"

Hearing that voice, Wu Gang held back a smile and asked again: "Ask again, is his mouth numb?"

Therefore, as long as the commander is stupid, he will definitely deploy special forces on the frontal battlefield. Our paradise is in front of the enemy!

Before finishing speaking, Lin Xuan looked at Yu Beichen, "As soon as you get ready, it's time for him to end!"

In terms of combat effectiveness, in fact, a special elite veteran, in a suitable environment, will not be much worse than a special soldier!After all, they are all human, and one bullet is enough to send them away.

However, this tingling feeling became weaker and weaker, slowly occupying the entire mouth!The saliva ended up flowing upwards in a controlled way.

However, when we think of our identity as "dead people", Wu Gang's heart suddenly trembles!However, he didn't say any greetings before, and hurriedly retreated to the depths!

"What?" Gao Xiaozhuang said a little unclearly.

Looking at Gao Xiaozhuang with a hot smile on his mouth, Wu Gang came to my side with a hot snort, and said very happily: "Now, you are dead like him, so you feel very depressed!"

The reason for the fight is very complicated, it's just because the special forces have mastered fewer fighting skills in simple environments, except for those, it's not that the ultimate endurance is weaker.

After speaking, the first one ran towards the jungle!

A sinister smile appeared on the corner of Yu Beichen's mouth immediately, "Always be prepared!"
But if it is placed on the frontal battlefield, the special forces will obviously be much weaker than the special soldiers!No matter how lowly the fighting skills are, a stray bullet can make him drink up his hatred!

If you use your strengths to attack your weaknesses, you will surely fail!
The low and strong man leaning on the little tree looked at our figure warmly, with a silent smile on the corner of his mouth, closed his eyes and ended the silent countdown in his heart!

It is undeniable that compared with ordinary soldiers, special forces indeed have a terrifying comprehensive ability!However, this does not mean that ordinary fighters cannot resist their attacks!

Faced with that situation, WISCO didn't have a clue. Seeing the bright jungle nearby, his face was cloudy and stable.

But when I stepped back into the jungle for a long time, everything behind my eyes shocked me!Subconsciously raised the muzzle of the gun!

At the same time, under the "Veteran", Lin Xuan also received news that marine soldiers had suffered casualties due to booby traps and ambushes.

"Why are you in a daze! Hurry up and get off the shore to build a defensive position!!! Stay there and be a target!" Wu Gang, the leader of the team, was walking backward with difficulty, while shouting softly to those of us who were stunned. .

At that moment, Re Yuanmin's voice suddenly sounded from the cable under WISCO, "If there are no personnel, retreat immediately! Be on guard, you are about to face all professionals in jungle warfare!"

"Seven, seven, eight, seven, one!"

I saw dozens of blue soldiers who hadn't been "killed" standing behind our eyes, and we all looked at ourselves with charming and simple eyes.If we had noticed in time that we were about to remove the identification of the living person, I'm afraid we hadn't fired just now!


Before Gao Xiaozhuang pulled out a blade of grass and put it in his mouth, he hurriedly said, "Depression? Not at all. After all, according to the plan, they should not be dead when they first disembark. It's just that It's a pity that we have to plan again. Do you think you will be depressed?"

Before Gao Xiaozhuang cast a grateful look at him, he took it slowly, put it in his mouth and chewed it.In an instant, a burst of coolness emerged, and the tingling feeling quickly entered!
After a while, I saw Wu Gang, who took off his helmet, and several other marine soldiers, walking back along the road just now with annoyed faces.

 The two chapters are over today, good night everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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