A strong army begins with a soldier assault

Chapter 109: Three Hours: Fierce Battle in the Air

Chapter 109 Three Hours: Fierce Battle in the Air

"Report, the "Veteran" has remotely taken over all automatic firepower, and at the same time ordered us to cooperate in the air-to-air interception battle! Relevant combat information is being received!"

On the red flagship bridge, the communicator reported to Leng Yuanmin who was observing the "Veteran" with a telescope.

After hearing the report, Leng Yuanmin didn't even put down the binoculars in his hand, and immediately said in a cold voice: "All personnel should be in place immediately, and prepare for battle according to the order!"


Before the exercise started, Lin Xuan knew very well that the weakest part of the fleet came from the sky!Therefore, a defense/offensive system has been designed according to the existing situation!

The first step is to rely on the "Veteran"'s own cannon, radar jamming system, and full-band communication jamming system to jam the red fighters and abolish all guided weapons so that they cannot lock on to the fleet.

In this way, the only weapons they can use are their own cannons!But the question is, just relying on that 23mm double-barreled aerial gun with a caliber of only [-] rounds, how much damage can it do to this transport fleet!

That's right, in front of those large-caliber naval guns or missiles, these troop carriers and destroyers are dead in one shot, but it depends on who they are compared with!

Just this 23mm cannon is just scratching an itch!

What's more, the fleet's own air defense and the "Veteran" are not vegetarian.

Therefore, there are only two options left for the attacking eight men, one is to retreat immediately, and the other is to change the target to "Veteran"!
What's the end? Ling Weifeng has already verified it with his own death!
The second step is to rely on the remote link system of the "Veteran" to remotely control all the automatic firepower of the fleet itself, and attack the incoming eight men!
Although the performance of the 343 fire control radar equipped by the fleet itself is indeed somewhat lagging, the "Veteran" has made up for it!Therefore, once all the firepower of the fleet is mobilized synchronously, it will be enough to pose a sufficient threat to the eight men!

And this is exactly what the "Veteran" is good at!
Therefore, as long as the "Veteran" is always within the range of the fleet's firepower, justice can be summoned at any time!Come to the baptism of bullet rain for the eighth men!

And now, that's what Lin Xuan is doing!
Looking at the Blue Army fleet that was about to enter the edge of firepower on the screen, and the countdown countdown fading in the upper right corner of the screen, the expression on his face also became serious!

Equally dignified, there is also the atmosphere in the command cabin!
Even Liu Yue, who had been observing the data code, was disturbed by the dignified atmosphere, showing a disturbed look!Whether this defense/attack system is a piece of real gold or not depends on the raging fire of Master Ba to verify it!
At this moment, everyone in the command cabin is staring at the screen in front of them, even breathing has become inaudible, for fear that it will affect themselves!
Seeing the blue team that was about to enter the line of fire, everyone's hearts were beating uncontrollably!
At the moment when the blue team flew over the line of fire, Lin Xuan's long-suppressed roar burst out instantly!


next moment

Liu Yue, who had been daring not to make any movement, suddenly saw through the porthole that several huge fireballs rose from a fleet quietly floating on the sea in an instant!
Then, in the blink of an eye, it turned into lead gray gunpowder smoke, making the fleet faintly visible!It's just that the fireballs rising one after another rendered the smoke extremely beautiful!

Immediately afterwards, Liu Yue felt another violent tremor from under his feet!The continuous flashes of fire from the turret at the tail of the aircraft made his face red!
"Veteran" also joined the attack sequence!
Qi Chaogen, the captain of the fighter squadron who had just exited the afterburner state, looked at the "Veteran" baring its fangs in a daze, and his thoughts were interrupted for a moment!
Just a few seconds ago, he was confidently driving Ba Ye, who had lost his radar and failed to communicate, and was advancing towards the target at supersonic speed!

As long as there are just a few more seconds, the air-to-air missiles mounted by myself can all come out and launch a fatal attack on the "Veteran"!

However, in such a short few seconds, the "Veteran", which was originally harmless to humans and animals, turned into a big devil!

Smiling grinningly, he raised the flaming whip hidden behind him, and waved it down mercilessly!

After seeing this situation, Qi Chaogen pulled a rudder subconsciously, and the nose of Baye's aircraft was immediately raised, and under the 7 kilograms of propulsion provided by the two turbojet [-]A engines, it immediately shot straight into the blue sky!
Qi Chaogen's reaction was quick, but what he didn't know was that there was an invisible rain of bullets roaring directly above him!

next moment

Qi Chaogen only felt that Ba Ye's fuselage trembled for a moment, and then saw that the smoke generating device installed on the nose of the machine had been activated and was spewing out thick yellow smoke!
With the addition of the yellow robe, the giant dragon appears again!
where am I?What am I doing?How did I hang up?
The three-in-a-lifetime question immediately came to Qi Chaogen's mind.But, now these are not important anymore.

I have already died in battle, so what's the point of worrying about it?I can only hope that my comrades in arms can complete their unfinished tasks!
With this kind of expectation, Qi Chaogen reduced his speed and height at the same time, giving way to the airspace.

After doing all this, he had time to cast an inquiring gaze on his comrades-in-arms.

However, when seeing those flying dragons one after another, an indescribable sense of frustration surged into my heart instantly!

Ten fighters, all in yellow robes!
If you count the ten fighters before, only the last four backup fighters are left in this fighter brigade!It can even be said that the blue fighter squadron has completely withdrawn from the battle sequence!

To Qi Chaogen, this was no less than being punched hard in the face a few times, followed by a hard kick!He still sighed speechlessly and said: You fell down before I exerted my strength, what a flying dance!

With this kind of strength, how can you guard the frontier of the motherland!

Just when Qi Chaogen was in despair, he suddenly saw that in the fleet full of yellow robes, there was another plane that was not like this!Continue to attack the target!

This caused Qi Chaogen's desperate heart to suddenly raise a ray of hope called hope!

After all, the "Veteran" is not far away, as long as you persist for a few seconds, you can enter the absolute hit zone of the air-to-air missile!As long as the "Veteran" can be killed, even if everyone in the brigade is killed, it will be worth it!

With this in mind, the rest of the fleet pinned their hopes on this fighter!

He even provided cover for him intentionally or unintentionally, blocking the attack from the "Veteran"!

After all, it is an exercise, and the weapons used by everyone are air-burst bombs.So as long as you block the shooting signal from the opponent and prevent the receiver from receiving it, you will not be judged dead. This is an unavoidable bug.

As for being killed in battle, one should leave the formation immediately.Well, we are executing, but the execution is a bit slow, so there is no need to say anything.

Just as the last warhawk in yellow robe withdrew from the attack formation, the only remaining fighter had already entered the range of the air-to-air missile.

next moment

Four air-to-air missiles shot out!Fly straight to the "Veteran" that is still breathing fire!At the same time, yellow smoke rose from himself, declaring his death in battle!
However, all this is not important anymore!After all, the task has been completed, even if it pays the price of annihilation of the whole army, it is worth it!
With this thought in mind, Qi Chaogen's face was already covered with a triumphant smile.

After all, although he doesn't know much about old antiques like Figure [-], he still knows a little bit.Especially knowing that there are no induction bombs installed on its body!
Therefore, as long as the mounted Thunderbolt air-to-air missile is successfully launched, the rest is to watch the scene of the enemy plane wearing a yellow robe!


In the cockpit of the "Veteran", the warning sounded immediately after being locked by the radar!A trace of panic flashed across Qiao Jianjia's face, who was concentrating on flying the plane, and her hands holding the rudder began to tremble faintly!

In an instant, the flying posture of the "Veteran" also began to tremble!

Li Jianying, the co-pilot, noticed Qiao Jianjia's panic, and immediately said in a deep voice: "Steady, and deal with it according to the predetermined plan!"

At the same time, the slightly trembling rudder stock was firmly stabilized, so that the "Veteran" stabilized again, and the flight attitude returned to normal!
"Yes, master!" Qiao Jianjia immediately replied in a deep voice after seeing Li Jianying make a move.At the same time, the plan for dealing with an air raid began to quickly flash in my heart!
Immediately afterwards, Qiao Jianjia immediately reached out and touched the control levers above his head, and murmured quickly: "The enemy fighter plane is equipped with Thunderbolt air-to-air missiles, which use infrared guidance mode! The No. [-] heat decoy bomb launched ! The No. [-] decoy is launched! The No. [-] decoy is launched! The No. [-] decoy is launched"

As the levers were closed one by one, the tail end of the engine on the wing of the "Veteran" also began to spray out a large area of ​​bright red flowers!
The extremely dense bright red light spots are like butterfly wings, spraying outwards and stretching out!
Looking down from the sky, the four consecutive launches made the already wide wings of the "Veteran" grow into a huge size, and the shimmering colors are beautiful and amazing!
However, anyone who knows well knows what kind of murderous intent lies beneath this beautiful scenery!
"All the thermal bombs have been launched, and start to climb at full speed!" After completing the operation, Qiao Jianjia immediately ordered.

"Got it, start climbing at full speed!" After Li Jianfei heard it, he immediately responded according to the standard requirements, and then he and Qiao Jianjia began to slowly pull the steering column!
With the pull of the two of them, the originally stable fuselage of the "Veteran" also began to climb towards the sky!

At this time, the Thunderbolt missile, which had already reached its extreme speed, also flew to the front, and got into the area of ​​the thermal decoy that had just been sprayed out!
At this moment, the hearts of all the pilots on both the red and blue sides were raised!

Especially Qi Chaogen, whose face has turned into shock!

He never imagined that the command platform, which was converted from the Figure [-] Bull bomber, would be equipped with an induction device!Moreover, he completely restrained his own thermal bombs!

This is fatal enough for the attack just launched!
After all, the guidance method of the Thunderbolt missile is infrared guidance!This kind of guidance system relies entirely on the heat of searching for enemy fighters to launch an attack!
In its eyes, the extremely hot thermal lures are definitely the best targets!

In addition, the turboprop engine used by the bomber in Figure [-] will emit much less heat than the turbojet engine, so no matter how you look at it, these missiles will not be able to produce results!

Sure enough, the next moment Qi Chaogen saw three projectiles that had stopped working and started to fall towards the sea below!These are missiles that have exploded!
After all, it is an exercise, and the missile must not be really loaded.Therefore, as long as the missile computer issues an explosion command, the missile's own engine will immediately stop working and then fall!
At this moment, Qi Chaogen has lost all hope!The final attack failed, and the opportunity to attack at the cost of ten fighters just failed!

Myself, speechless goodbye to Jiang Dong's elders!

Just when Qi Chaogen was about to return to the coastal airport in dejection, he suddenly saw a thunderbolt missile rushing out of the barrier formed by the thermal decoy!
Continue to pursue along the flight path of the "Veteran"!The flame of hope ignited from the bottom of Qi Chaogen's heart again!

Hope, still there!We haven't failed yet! ! !


The siren in the cockpit sounded again!At this moment, Qiao Jianjia's heart was completely ashamed!
There are only four sets of decoy equipment, and she has used all of them just now!Now I really can only wait to die!
Trembling began the final broadcast: "Attention all personnel, prepare for impact!!!"

Just before she finished speaking, Lin Xuan's cold voice sounded in her headset: "Keep flying! Leave the rest to me!"

The next moment, she felt the fuselage began to tremble violently again!
A few seconds ago, in the command cabin, Lin Xuan looked at the signal of the rapidly chasing missile on the screen, and immediately photographed a red button on the console!He murmured incomparably coldly: "If you want to kill me, you're still a little too late!"

Immediately afterwards, under the control of the control system, the three turrets under the rear of the cockpit, below the command cabin and several turrets turned their muzzles, roaring!
A total of six double-mounted [-]mm caliber aerial cannons sprayed out of the three forts formed an extremely dense barrage, completely covering the chasing Thunderbolt missiles!
Then, the missile engine stopped working dejectedly, and under the once again shocked eyes of Qi Chaogen and other pilots, a beautiful arc was drawn, and it fell leisurely towards the sea!

The missile was blown up by the volley!
PS: I'm sorry to post it at this time, it's a big chapter, I hope everyone is satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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