A strong army begins with a soldier assault

Chapter 124 Killing the Enemy 1 Self Damage 8

Chapter 124 Killing a Thousand and Losing Eight Hundreds


Ruan Xiongwen, who was sleeping, was suddenly awakened by the busy tone on the radio. After seeing the flashing red light on the radio, he immediately shook off the naked woman on his chest, picked up his rifle and went to the window to be vigilant!
As a hyena who has roamed the battlefield for more than ten years, Ruan Xiongwen maintains absolute vigilance all the time!Whenever there is any disturbance, it can make him explode in an instant!Even in places that seem absolutely safe, this habit has saved his life countless times!
He opened the curtains and carefully looked out through the gap.What he saw made his pupils shrink instantly!
I saw a group of unidentified armed men rescuing the duckweed hanging from the big tree in the middle of the courtyard!But none of the three secret whistles that he had set up gave a warning!
What this means, Ruan Xiongwen is very clear in his heart!

And these people's movements are clean and agile, never sloppy!The rest of the personnel who did not participate in the rescue were all guarded in a triangle position, always protecting the safety of their comrades!
This formation made Ruan Xiongwen's scalp tingle instantly!Because there is only one place in the world where soldiers fight in this way!That is the flower grower who has the honorary title of King of Light Infantry!
Carefully lowering the curtains, Ruan Xiongwen knew that he had to leave!He knew very well that as long as the flower growers made a move, they must be fully prepared!

If you don't leave, then I'm afraid you really won't be able to leave!But before leaving, you must ensure that no one knows!

As for whether the eagle will settle accounts with him afterwards, it depends on whether he can survive!

Thinking of this, Ruan Xiongwen's eyes showed a hint of ruthlessness!Turning his head to look at the terrified woman, Ruan Xiongwen showed a gentle smile, walked over gently, and hugged her to his chest.

And after this graceful woman felt Ruan Xiongwen's actions, the panic on her face dissipated.Just when he was about to speak, he suddenly found that a pair of big hands had already quietly climbed onto his neck.

Then click, a crisp bone cracking sound came into my mind.

Feeling the twitching corpse of the woman in his arms, Ruan Xiongwen slowly put her on the ground!

After quietly putting on all the equipment, he opened the hidden compartment under the floor, set a time bomb that exploded in 1 minute, and then got in and disappeared!

If you muddy the water, you can catch fish!

In another building, a man wearing a red sweater was silently observing the situation outside.After watching Yuan Lang and others escort the duckweed to disappear into the darkness, he also showed a gratified smile.

After all, for these unsung heroes of the unsung front, there is nothing more reassuring than seeing their comrades rescued safely!

Gently stroking the sweat towel around his neck, this man quietly disappeared into the darkness!Only two Anshao corpses who were originally stationed here were left, and they were gradually becoming stiff!

On the "Veteran", Lin Xuan watched the electronic beacon on the screen evacuating quickly along the way he came, and finally a relaxed look appeared on his face!

As long as the duckweed can be rescued, the overall battle plan can be said to be half successful!There is no need to worry about the next action, just go straight to death!
As for another undercover comrade, Mr. Wen specifically explained that there is no need to worry about his safety, he will protect himself!
At this moment, Lin Xuan suddenly saw a huge red light appear on the dim screen!Immediately afterwards, dense red figures suddenly emerged from all parts of the base, completely besieging Yuan Lang and others in the crowd!

This situation immediately caused Lin Xuan to lose his mind for a moment!Then he couldn't care about anything else, and immediately shouted loudly: "Yuan Lang, retreat quickly!!!"

But it's too late for this reminder now!A large number of guards have already rushed out of the room!
After seeing Yuan Lang and others who were close at hand, there was a moment of absence on their faces.After all, after sleeping soundly in the middle of the night, I was awakened by an explosion, and when I rushed out of the room, I saw a group of unknown people standing in front of me with oil paint on their faces, how can I not lose my mind!
But they lost their minds, Yuan Lang and the others didn't!
Immediately raised the gun in his hand, and pulled the trigger at them!In an instant, these guards who didn't know what happened, all fell into a pool of blood!

After killing these guards, Yuan Lang immediately ordered on the radio: "The second and third teams come to respond immediately! The fourth team stays behind and defends! The rest pay attention to the rear and break through with all their strength!!!"

After finishing speaking, he immediately raised his gun on alert and rushed towards the jungle!
And the second and third teams who heard the order also immediately came out of the hiding place and launched an attack towards Yuan Lang's place!

On the "Veteran", Lin Xuan immediately ordered after seeing this scene: "Contact the headquarters, apply for the artillery unit to open the communication port, and establish a remote guidance link!"

"Cockpit, immediately descend to 1000 meters! Yu Beichen, prepare to attack!!!"


rear command

"Report, the "Veteran" sent coordinate information, and applied to the artillery unit to open the communication port of the gun sight radar, and establish a remote guidance link!"

Mr. Wen, who had been waiting all this time, was excited when he heard the news!Immediately beat the case and said eagerly: "Immediately execute!"


"Report, the headquarters has approved the application, and the remote link to the artillery radar has been established! The relevant information has been transmitted!"

"Okay!" Lin Xuan responded briefly, and immediately circled the specific coordinates of the attack on the screen!
The next moment, the artillery sight radar located on the rear artillery position immediately calculated the corresponding shooting parameters and displayed them!

The artillery operator immediately adjusted according to these parameters and began to load the shells!
After doing all this, just quietly wait for the order to fire!
No one panicked, no one lost their minds.They didn't know at all that there was a large group of vicious militants in the direction they were aiming their cannons at.

For them, this attack is just an emergency live ammunition training, it's as simple as that!
"Report, the altitude has reached 500 meters!" Qiao Jianjia's report sounded calmly in Lin Xuan's headset.Immediately afterwards, Lin Xuan ordered loudly:
"Yu Beichen, fire support!!!"


Yu Beichen, who was already ready, immediately pressed the fire button!
Immediately, a meter-long cannon flame immediately appeared under the fuselage of the "Veteran"!A [-]mm caliber shell fell sharply towards the ground in a rain-like manner!

In the next moment, Lin Xuan could see all the rising fireworks on the screen!At the same time, all the little figures that were torn apart and flew out appeared at the same time!

Although Yuan Lang's urgent need has been relieved now, he still murmured in a low voice:
"Hurry up, hurry up!!!"

Lin Xuan desperately hoped that Yuan Lang and the others could move faster, even faster!

As long as they leave the killing radius of the artillery, Lin Xuan can immediately give the order to attack and send all the gang behind them back to their hometowns!

Otherwise, once the guards reacted and started using the stinger, no one could tell what would happen to the "Veteran"!

(End of this chapter)

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