Chapter 127

"Mr. Lauer, are you interested in learning about them?"

After hearing Eagle's words, Raul was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately exclaimed: "Eagle, are you crazy? If you don't take the opportunity to escape at this time, what are you going to do!"

The eagle smiled proudly, "Do something? No, no, no, in my opinion, this is an excellent opportunity to understand the opponent's combat power! Don't forget whose territory this is!"

"Mine!!! I don't have the idea of ​​swallowing my anger after being punched by someone! Returning it immediately is my style!" While speaking, the eagle had already taken a rifle from the person behind him, Pull the bolt and load it!

"Crazy~~ You are a lunatic!!!" Looking at the eagle, Raul subconsciously took two steps back and muttered to himself!

"Crazy, maybe. If you are not crazy, how can you cooperate with you! Ruan Xiongwen, leave two people to protect Mr. Lauer, and the rest will follow me and have fun with them!!!" After the eagle finished speaking, he immediately Got into the rainforest and disappeared!
That quick movement caused Raul's pupils to shrink immediately!
Although not much has been shown, it can easily prove that the eagle, a flour merchant, has extremely powerful fighting qualities!And this information, Raul never knew!

Ruan Xiongwen arranged the protection personnel, and after signaling to Raul, he immediately followed the figure of the eagle and disappeared into the rainforest!I was also slowly feeling emotional in my heart.

Although the eagle is just a flour merchant, but his combat effectiveness is also very strong!At least, not worse than myself!Even surpassed in some respects!
Galloping in the rainforest, the eagle's face became extremely dignified compared to the proud expression just now!
He is very clear that what happened last time has already made his partners, that is, the group of people who are at the top and bottom, feel dissatisfied with him!

But since he was not responsible for what happened last time, even if he knew about the little tricks he played, he could only keep it secret!
After all, the last operation hosted by the Intelligence Bureau can also be understood as a kind of seizure of power, a kind of overhead, and a kind of deterrence against the eagle in a sense!
Therefore, the Eagles replaced all the elite forces that should have been dispatched with cannon fodder, defrauding the silver team!
But for today's matter, if I don't say anything even after being called at the door, then it will definitely make the other party think about whether I am worthy of being their partner or not!
The rules of the underground world are very simple, that is the law of the jungle!It's normal for a partner who was advancing and retreating together in the last second to draw their swords and face each other in the next second!
To dance with wolves is to bear the preparation of killing wolves!Especially, there are hungry wolves on both sides!
Therefore, what action must I take to show my value in order to maintain my identity as a partner!Otherwise, the moment you lose your identity is the moment you die!
There is only one end for the Intelligence Bureau to treat worthless partners, and that is to clean it up!

Eagle doesn't believe that he can survive the situation where the two forces are targeting him!
At this moment, Yuan Lang, Lin Xuan and the others were also leading half of the team members to rush towards here, just in time to meet the Eagle and the others head-on!The rest of the personnel stayed around the Veteran to protect Qiao Jianjia, Li Jianying and the Veteran itself!
And the helicopter formation also separated four to support it in the sky!However, everyone knows very well that this kind of fire support is just better than nothing!
The dense vegetation cover in the jungle is enough to block all the attack ranges!So, don't think too much about precise support!
Don't kill yourself if you have nothing to do!If you cheat your comrades again, you will lose a lot!

Therefore, Lin Xuan asked them to fly directly towards the target area, while investigating the situation, they were also ready to attack at any time!


Not long after the helicopter flew by, Lin Xuan, who had been running at the front, suddenly smelled an unusual smell in the air blown by the propeller!Immediately order everyone to stop action immediately!

Since experiencing the BUFF of the King of the Jungle last time, Lin Xuan's sensory sensitivity has improved a lot, so he can smell this smell all at once.

It was a stink that couldn't be described as a feeling!And Lin Xuan promises that he has definitely smelled this smell somewhere before!

"What's wrong?" Yuan Lang suddenly asked at this time.

"I smelled an inexplicable smell! It came from that direction!" Lin Xuan frowned and replied.

Yuan Lang's expression changed immediately after he heard it and sniffed it carefully!Immediately roared: "Ready to fight!!!"

Lin Xuan didn't understand what the smell was, but Yuan Lang knew it very well!This smell is the peculiar smell of the flour producer!

This also means that there must be eagles ahead!

After Lin Xuan saw this scene, he also reacted, and immediately hid himself, ready to fight!

Yuan Lang took advantage of this time to get in touch with the helicopters that had already flown past, so that they could be ready to come back for help at any time.Although precise support cannot be done, regional firepower coverage is no problem to cover the retreat!

Just a few minutes after everyone got ready, Lin Xuan heard bursts of swishing sounds coming from the jungle right in front of him!That's the sound made when the branches and leaves of the vine are quickly passed by an object!
Soon, dozens of thin silhouettes advancing forward also appeared in front of Lin Xuan and others!
They wore all kinds of jungle camouflage uniforms, and the dogs quickly shuttled through the complex jungle like walking on the ground with their arms around their bodies!Although the speed is not slow, but the vigilance of the surroundings has never relaxed!
Cooperate with the comrades around you to ensure that every place where you can hide within your sight is controlled by at least one muzzle. Obviously, you are ready to attack at any time!

Elite, and a special warfare elite with rich combat experience who has been immersed in the jungle for a long time!
Recalling the information I have seen before, the identities of these people are almost revealed!Definitely the veterans recruited by the Eagles from Monkey Forest!Otherwise, it is impossible to do this kind of performance!

After Yuan Lang saw these people, he cast a happy look at Lin Xuan!Fortunately, Lin Xuan insisted, otherwise if these people lurked to the "Veteran", the consequences would be unimaginable!

But now, this land is in need of watering with their blood!
next moment


With Yuan Lang's loud roar, the rifles in everyone's hands fired simultaneously!The unique gunshot of the Type [-] suddenly resounded in the jungle!

PS: Today is over, good night everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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