Chapter 131 Who is Dishonest
Hearing this, the railway frowned subconsciously. After returning to his seat, he said, "Speak, I'll listen."

"You also know that our country's national defense has always been in a situation of walking on one leg."

"Although there is an army unit that dominates the world, it has always been in a very passive state in the territorial sea and airspace! This indicates that we cannot defend the enemy from outside the country. In case of war, regardless of the final result Anyway, we've all lost!"

After He Zhijun was about to speak at length, the railway interrupted him bluntly and said:
"I know all of this, let's get straight to the point!"

"Hehe, good. Then I'll get straight to the point!"

"According to the instructions of our superiors, we have been actively participating in some foreign military competitions in recent years! We just want to know how far we are from them through this type of competition!"

"After all, only by knowing the enemy can you defeat the enemy!"

"However, things are not as simple as we imagined. Although we have won a lot of honors and demonstrated our country's military strength. However, these are obtained on those traditional projects. On some new projects, It can be said that we have suffered a crushing defeat! Often we are eliminated from the competition without even seeing the face of the enemy!"

"The main reason is that although the soldiers we sent are absolutely excellent in terms of military quality, they are really hard to describe in front of this kind of information technology."

"It was at this time that Lin Xuan appeared. After reviewing his detailed information, we felt that he was the most suitable candidate! Only he can discover and understand their methods and operation methods!"

"I say so, you understand."

"I understand." The railway said in a solemn tone.

"However, isn't it too hasty for you to entrust such an important task to Lin Xuan?"

"This is not sloppy, but there is no way! After all, those who are more educated than him do not have his fighting power. And those who are better than him are not as educated as he is! And it is this kind of person who has made achievements in informatization, Tell me, among the armed forces, apart from the most secret ones, who can compare to him!"

Hearing this, the railway also nodded subconsciously.

This is indeed the case. Who would have imagined that among the millions of troops, personnel with high school education and below accounted for [-]% of the share.

There are even quite a few of them at the illiterate level!Does it sound unbelievable, but this is the real situation!
And the remaining [-] is urgently needed by those extremely important scientific research units or strategic units.

Therefore, in many troops, a high school diploma can already be kept in mind by cadres at the level of regiment leader.

ps: This is true, I am not talking nonsense.

"So, after Lin Xuan passes by, how do you plan to arrange it? Also, what is your military region's plan for the personnel going to Mars?"

"According to his information, we plan to enter the beast camp directly to receive training with other trainers after he arrives."

"In this way, Lin Xuan can have a detailed understanding of all personnel. At the same time, according to Lin Xuan's situation, he can also build a team with him as the core. Go to Mars!"

After hearing He Zhijun's words, the railway suddenly took a breath.

Not for anything else, just to build a team with Lin Xuan as the core.This means that the selection of personnel is not based on performance, but on matching!
Just ask, in the army, how many people are worthy of this kind of treatment!

Immediately, the railway couldn't help but sighed with emotion: "I have to say, Commander He, your military region is really costing money."

He Zhijun immediately said decisively: "As long as we can get what we want, no matter how big the cost is, it will be worth it!!!"

"Okay, if that's the case, then I don't have anything to say. What are you going to explain to Lao Wang?"

"Confession? Hehe, I don't need to bother you about this matter. Anyway, Old Wang will agree."

After listening to He Zhijun's words, the railway suddenly became very curious.Immediately asked:
"Tell me, let me listen."

You know, I had to spend so much effort to get people over, but now at He Zhijun's place, why is it so simple?

"Hey, the Buddha said you can't say it, hahaha~~~"

Hearing He Zhijun's wild laughter, Tie Tie's teeth itch with hatred.Immediately hung up the phone, otherwise I was really afraid that I would follow the signal and run to the Huadu Military Region to perform a full martial arts!

"Beep beep beep~~~" Listening to the busy tone coming from the phone, He Zhijun suddenly laughed happily!

Especially after seeing Wang Qingrui's speechless face behind him, he laughed even happier!

Seeing He Zhijun's appearance, Wang Qingrui said threateningly: "Old He, I suddenly want to move around, so please cooperate."

"Don't, don't, don't, old Wang, I'm not as strong as you, so please let me go." He Zhijun immediately begged for mercy.

Just kidding, talk to Wang Qingrui, a guy who trains his strength and drives tanks every day, I will never get out of bed for three days!
Well, I really advise everyone, don’t compete with drivers who drive old-fashioned tanks and armored vehicles!
Their strength is no worse than that of the loaders of the artillery unit!Even, in terms of two arms alone, they are stronger than them!
Because, the old-fashioned tanks and armored vehicles do not have a steering wheel, but a joystick.The most important thing is that there is no fucking boost, it's all about deadlifts!

Don't ask me why I know, it's all blood and tears.

Seeing He Zhijun begging for forgiveness, Wang Qingrui's expression changed a lot.Compared with killing people, I really can't compare with him.But in terms of strength, heh, the three of them combined can't compare to me!
"Hmph, since you know it, tell me. How are you going to explain it to me. Let me listen."

He Zhijun immediately called out to Qu: "Hey, I said that you old man really doesn't know good people. I am so angry that he is not trying to vent his anger on you. You are so good, you are blaming me! Believe it or not, the railway is absolutely angry now. No, no, no, no!"

"So, I still have to thank you? Heh, I just realized now that you have the same taste as the railway! You will count honest people like us!"

"You are honest~~ What are you kidding! You can put Lin Xuan into Mars, and you are honest!!!" He Zhijun felt so aggrieved!Obviously you are the most dishonest one, but now it's your fault!

Wang Qingruike was not used to him, so he said:

"Why, if you don't want to, then I will get rid of him now. Anyway, I hope he can go back so that he can take over as the commander of the Seventh Company!"

"Eh~~~" Looking at Wang Qingrui's serious look, He Zhijun thought to himself, who is the dishonest one? ! !

(End of this chapter)

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