Chapter 136 Treatment Plan
"Mr. Ai, isn't your diet very irregular? Look here, here, and here, half of your stomach is full of gastric ulcers! To be honest, your situation has been in my medical practice for more than [-] years. This is the first time I have encountered it!!! If this goes on, it’s time to get pierced!!”

The doctor pointed to Professor Ai's film and said in a very helpless tone.

Listening to the doctor's words, Professor Ai had a wry smile on his face.And Professor Fu is also full of self-blame and remorse!

She knew exactly what kind of person her husband was.As long as I get busy, let alone eating, I don't even go to the toilet until I can't hold it any longer.

But he knew this, but he didn't remind him too much.If I had reminded and paid more attention, Professor Ai's condition would not have become so serious!
The doctor shook his head, and began to write a prescription, saying: "Fortunately, the situation is not irreversible. Although it is troublesome, it can still be cured. Put on the drip first, and control the condition. Then I need to discuss the specific treatment plan." Think about it for a while, the family members wait for the patient to get the fluid infused, and then come over to determine the treatment plan with me."

After speaking, the doctor tore off the treatment plan and handed it to Lin Xuan.At the same time, he said: "Go and buy something easy to digest for the patient to eat. By the way, remember to buy a box of pure milk, which is good for the patient's condition. You must pay attention to it in the future, and the patient must eat every meal on time. Otherwise, the condition will easily deteriorate!"

"I see, thank you doctor." Lin Xuan said gratefully after hearing the doctor's instructions.

"Don't thank me, this is just what I should do. Alright, go and pay the fee and get the medicine to treat the patient. Then remember to come and confirm the treatment plan with me!"

"Okay, doctor. I'll be back soon." After Lin Xuan answered, he immediately turned to look at Professor Ai and his wife, and said:
"Master and mother, I'll go to pay for the medicine first, you go to the treatment room first, I'll be right there." After finishing speaking, he immediately turned around and trotted away to pay for the medicine.

Accompanied by Professor Fu, Professor Ai clutched his abdomen and walked slowly towards the treatment room.

After Professor Ai and the two walked out of the doctor's office, the doctor's original gentle expression immediately faded away, and he picked up the film again, looking at the shadow with gloomy eyes.

After paying the fee, Lin Xuan quickly got the corresponding medicine.He rushed to the treatment room in a hurry, handed the medicine to the nurse, and after greeting the professor and the two, he hurried to the outside of the hospital gate.

Soon, Lin Xuan rushed back with some cakes and a box of milk.At this time, Professor Ai had already been infused with fluid.With the entry of the liquid medicine, his complexion was obviously relieved a lot.

This made Lin Xuan's originally extremely nervous mood relax a lot.He came to the doctor's office with a relaxed face, and asked the doctor: "Doctor, how should the teacher's illness be treated?"

"Ah, you close the door first, I need to explain something to you." The doctor whispered to Lin Xuan after putting down the film.

Seeing the doctor's appearance, Lin Xuan frowned suddenly, and at the same time, his heart suddenly suspended.Obviously, Professor Ai's condition is different!
After closing the door, Lin Xuan walked quickly to the doctor's side, and asked in a deep voice, "Doctor, is the teacher's illness serious? Didn't you just say it was just a gastric ulcer?"

The doctor shook his head slowly after hearing this, and said: "Mr. Ai's condition is very complicated, and gastric ulcer is just one of them. In addition, he also has gastric bleeding, periodic stomach cramps and other symptoms. And , this is not the most serious, the most serious is here."

As he said that, the doctor took a pen and circled about one-third of the shadow area on the film.

"This is?" Lin Xuan asked hesitantly.

"If my judgment is correct, it should be stomach cancer." The doctor said slowly.

Hearing the word stomach cancer, Lin Xuan suddenly exclaimed in disbelief: "Stomach cancer, how is it possible!!! How could the teacher get stomach cancer!!! This is absolutely impossible!!!"

Faced with Lin Xuan's excited actions, the doctor's expression did not change at all.There are people who are more excited than this reaction. In contrast, Lin Xuan's actions are already very calm.

After Lin Xuan calmed down, the doctor said comfortingly: "Don't worry, it's only the early stage, and it hasn't reached the stage where it can't be treated in the late stage. As long as the treatment is timely, there is still a high chance of a complete cure."

"Just the cost will be a big problem, you have to be prepared for it!"

Lin Xuan immediately said, "Don't worry about this, we can afford the cost here! You just talk about the treatment plan!"

"Well, judging from the current situation, the patient is still in the early stage, so I recommend a staged treatment! The first stage is treated by surgery, that is, the lesion is directly removed!"

"After the wound heals and recovers, enter the second stage, which is to use chemotherapy. Treat the remaining cancer cells!"

"Although this treatment method is the safest, its disadvantages are also very obvious. First, at least one-third of the patient's stomach must be removed! If there is spread, it may even be more! This is very important for him in the future. It will have a great impact on your life! And it is not effective for subclinical metastases, and there are certain limitations in treatment, it cannot completely eliminate cancer cells, and cancer cells will grow again within a certain period of time."

"Chemotherapy kills normal cells as well as cancer cells. Excessive chemotherapy will shorten the survival time of patients. Moreover, chemotherapy cannot completely kill all cancer cells in the body, and cancer cells will relapse or metastasize within a certain period of time."

"Once recurrence or metastasis occurs, it means that the treatment has completely failed! Therefore, you need to give me a clear answer after careful consideration."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan asked: "If there is no treatment, how long is the teacher's life?"

"This depends on the development of the lesion. I can't say for sure. But based on previous cases, it should not exceed five years."

"What about treatment?"

"This, I can't promise you. But even in the worst case, it can prolong life by four or five years."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan said directly: "We treat! Just follow the way you said!"

"Don't worry, go back and discuss with the patient's family members before giving me an answer. After all, although he is your master, in the legal sense, you have nothing to do with him. Do you understand?"

"I know the doctor, I'll do it now! Please wait a moment, I will give you an answer as soon as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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