Chapter 164 The Class Begins

"Wang Zhongchao, you scored the first record in tonight's confrontation. Tell me, how did you discover their traces."

As soon as he walked into the office, He Zhijun couldn't wait to ask.

To be honest, when he saw that the first person to come out of the woods was his own Lone Wolf Group B, he couldn't believe it a million times in his heart!

You know, Lone Wolf Group B is one of the most elite combat teams of the Wolf Fang Special Brigade, and it is also the only fully-organized combat team in the training team!

In the end, he was the first to be eliminated!Where does this make He Zhijun's old face go!

Seeing He Zhijun's eager expression, Wang Zhongchao immediately began to say: "Report to Team He, they took the initiative to expose their traces!"

He Zhijun was stunned immediately, and confirmed in disbelief: "Actively expose?"

Just kidding, they are not recruits anymore, how could they take the initiative to expose their tracks!And even if you are a recruit, as long as you have a bit of brains, you won't do this!
Wang Zhongchao immediately explained: "Yes, they took the initiative to expose. To be honest, at the very beginning, the combat team I led didn't find their traces. It was just the secret signal they sent when they confirmed their identities with us. Let us find out killed them."

"Professor Zhang said in his lectures that in an area like an island, most of the insects' chirping will only occur in the morning and dusk. At night, only a very small number of insects will chirp."

"And their secret signal is the sound of water bugs, but water bugs are such bugs that only make calls during the day."

After listening to Wang Zhongchao's explanation, He Zhijun finally understood the reason behind it. The behavior of Lone Wolf Group B can indeed be regarded as actively exposing himself.

What else can I say?It can only be said that they are not good at learning!Before I figured out the specific habits of the bug, I used its voice as a contact signal, it deserves to be cool!

But this incident also made He Zhijun wake up!Because when Spike is fighting, it will also choose to use some common biological sounds as communication signals.

Like a cuckoo!

However, He Zhijun seems to remember that this kind of bird can't sing at night.

Continuing to think about it for now, He Zhijun turned his attention to Lin Xuan again.He opened his mouth and asked, "Lin Xuan, it can be said that the most intense battle tonight was facilitated by you alone. How did you find the other party's trace?"

He Zhijun's question caused a moment of embarrassment on Lin Xuan's face.To be honest, he didn't expect that his behavior would trigger such a fierce battle.

After this thought was fleeting, Lin Xuan immediately replied seriously:
"Report, it's pheromone!"


"Yes, Team He! Professor Zhang mentioned in his lecture today that most of the communication of insects relies on sound, vibration, smell, color, etc. And smell is the pheromone they emit. "

"And not long after I went to the island, I discovered the kind of bugs that Professor Zhang gave as an example in his lectures. After extracting their secretions, it is enough to find a way to let the soldiers of the Ninth Company get them. The effect of body temperature And those secretions will evaporate into the air very quickly."

"Although this kind of smell can't be smelled by the human nose, but in the perception of insects, it is a peerless beauty!"

"The rest is just waiting for the bugs to swarm up and force them out. After all, that kind of bug bites really hurts."

After listening to Lin Xuan's explanation, the way He Zhijun and Wang Zhongchao looked at Lin Xuan completely changed!To say that Wang Zhongchao discovered the enemy was due to careful enough observation, coupled with the opponent's own flaws, and thus discovered them.

But you, Lin Xuan, actually used this method to let a group of worms on the head of Mi Qingworm find the traces of their opponents and force them out!
How should I put it, it's really a bit cheap!

This left He Zhijun and Wang Zhongchao with only one sentence in their hearts, you still know how to play! ! !
After learning about this, He Zhijun said with some emotion: "The saying that learning makes people progress is really not wrong at all! Things learned during the day have already come in handy at night, and they are still so intuitive! "

"Now, I am looking forward to the following training more and more. However, if I remember correctly, the subject of the training tomorrow morning is garden environment design, right? Lin Xuan, can you explain, what is the role of this subject?"

"To be long is to be long, Zou Ke really knows how to whine!"

In the infirmary, the ostrich with a big swollen mouth slurred its emotions after listening to Qi Huan's explanation of Lin Xuan's actions.

"What is he talking about?" However, it was obvious that Qi Huan couldn't understand what he was talking about at all, and immediately asked the health worker at the side.

The hygienist glanced at the creative face of the ostrich, smiled and said for him: "He said the captain is the captain, this is really good at playing!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at the ostrich again, and said solemnly: "How do you talk? What do you mean by being able to play? This is obviously creative. Do you understand! If you can't speak, don't talk nonsense, or everyone will know you His brain is only the size of an ostrich!"

Hearing this, Qi Huan was immediately happy, and looked at the hygienist helplessly, "I can see that you are not a good bird like him!"

Is there a difference between being playful and being creative?Doesn't it have the same meaning in essence!

Hearing this, Xiaozhuang, Liu Xiaoshan and the others who had been silent all this time were immediately happy.The hygienist and the ostrich, put them in the pot and boil them, they will definitely taste the same when they come out!
For a while, the medical room was full of such a joyous atmosphere!

After everyone finished laughing, Geng Jihui asked Qi Huan: "Captain Qi, you have stayed with the captain for a longer period of time, how do you think the captain will arrange the study subjects later?"

"I don't know." Qi Huan replied without thinking.At that speed, it was as if he had completely lost his mind.

Hearing Qi Huan's answer, Xiao Zhuang said in disbelief: "It's true, Captain Qi, can't you even guess it?"

Qi Huan smiled wryly when he heard the words, "What is going on in Lin Xuan's mind? To be honest, I really don't understand. It's like our training camp. Who knew before we came that we have to go to class to study."

"So, let's deal with it quickly and go back to sleep. Keep your spirits up and prepare for tomorrow's training and study."

"After all, starting from tomorrow, there will be no time limit for our confrontation training with Jiulian."

After listening to Qi Huan's words, everyone's expressions suddenly changed!Today is the first day of training, so everyone can sleep well tonight.

But starting from tomorrow, after the end of the study, they will immediately enter the confrontation state, and only after their own or the opponent is completely eliminated, can they get eight hours of rest time!

Then enter the next stage and restart the last reincarnation!

This kind of high-intensity study and confrontation, even for professional soldiers like them, is enough to be called a great torment, both physically and mentally!

The next day, the nameless island that confronted last night.

"Today is a good day, and at the same time, it should be an easy day for everyone! Because today's subject is garden environment design! This is Professor Sun from Huadu Academy of Fine Arts, everyone welcome!"

While talking, Lin Xuan gave up his seat to a handsome man with braids and glasses.However, there was a Polaroid camera hanging on the man's chest, which made everyone feel a little puzzled.

"Hi everyone, my name is Sun Minyuan. Today I am invited to give you some knowledge related to the visual coordination of the environment. In order to let everyone have a more intuitive experience, I would like to play with you before the official lecture. A game. The game is very simple, it is hide and seek. You hide, I catch."

"The time limit is two hours, and the range of the game is within a radius of one kilometer! Give everyone 10 minutes to hide. After the game is over, let's give a targeted explanation, so that everyone can understand it better. .”

"I don't know, are you interested?"

Hearing this, everyone immediately became excited!After all, two hours is enough time for a good night's sleep.This is especially true for the ostriches and those brothers who were bitten by bugs last night!You know, the place where the bug bites is still itchy until now!
Immediately returned in unison: "Yes!!!"

Seeing everyone's cooperation, Sun Minyuan chuckled and said, "Okay, since that's the case, let's start. Now, everyone, please start hiding. After 10 minutes, I will start looking."

After Sun Minyuan issued the start order, everyone in the training team and the Ninth Company immediately dispersed and disappeared into the woods.

Lin Xuan and Wang Zhongchao chatted with Sun Minyuan.

Soon, 10 minutes passed.After looking at Lin Xuan and Wang Zhongchao, Sun Minyuan said softly, "Both captains, then I will start looking for them. See you later."

After finishing speaking, he walked slowly towards the woods.

Looking at Sun Minyuan's back, Lin Xuan said to Wang Zhongchao: "Company Commander Wang, do you think Professor Sun will have the results in a few minutes?"

Facing this problem, Wang Zhongchao thought about it carefully, looked at Lin Xuan and said tentatively, "It should take about 15 minutes."

"No, I think within 5 minutes, the first unlucky guy will appear. And it won't take more than an hour to catch them all!" Lin Xuan shook his head and said.

"5 minutes, you underestimate them too much. And it is absolutely impossible to catch them all in one hour, even eighty pigs, you can't catch them all in one hour!" Wang Zhongchao was full of disbelief. replied.

"Well, that's right, 5 minutes is really not enough." Lin Xuan replied with a full face.

Hearing this, Wang Zhongchao immediately agreed and said: "They all have taken the camouflage class. It is quite difficult to find one within 15 minutes. It is very likely that he will find one of them in these two hours." No."

Lin Xuan was surprised immediately, looked at Wang Zhongchao and said, "Company Commander Wang, you misunderstood me. What I mean is that Professor Sun doesn't need 5 minutes, he has already caught the first person. If you don't believe me, look! "

After finishing speaking, he pouted in the direction of the woods.

Wang Zhongchao was stunned for a moment, and then looked in the direction indicated by Lin Xuan.

I saw two soldiers appearing dejectedly at the edge of the woods, walking towards where they were!

And now, there is no 5 minutes before the start!And these two soldiers are still their own soldiers!

Now, Wang Zhongchao was suddenly embarrassed!Just now I said boldly that Professor Sun might not be able to find any of them!It's good now, the speed of light hits the face!

After glancing at Lin Xuan, Wang Zhongchao immediately walked towards the two soldiers.Seeing this, Lin Xuan smiled and hurriedly followed.

Walking up to him, Wang Zhongchao immediately asked in a deep voice, "How did you get discovered by Professor Sun? Didn't you hide it well?"

"We don't know how we were discovered, Company Commander! Professor Sun just stopped there, and after scanning around, he walked straight to where we were, and called us out after taking a photo. And let us bring you the photos."

With that said, the soldier handed over the photo he was holding in his hand.

Wang Zhongchao took the photo and checked it carefully, but found nothing wrong, and handed it to Lin Xuan with a puzzled face.

After Lin Xuan checked it carefully, he didn't understand what was wrong with it.He asked the soldier, "Where are you hiding, point me to it."

The soldier hurriedly pointed out where he was hiding, and it could be seen that they hid it perfectly.At least, Lin Xuan didn't find anything wrong.

Now, we can only wait for Professor Sun to explain the specific reasons.

Following the start of these two soldiers, found soldiers began to appear in the woods in an endless stream!Moreover, everyone held a photo in their hands and handed it to Lin Xuan and the other two.

When Professor Sun and the last soldier came back, only half an hour had passed.Lin Xuan calculated the time silently in his mind and found that this time will be enough to walk around the prescribed area!

This conclusion shocked Lin Xuan!This means that he has never turned back!If you count the time to take pictures~~嘿~~~Thinking carefully, I am terrified!

After all the soldiers lined up again, Professor Sun took back the stack of photos from Lin Xuan's hand.He began to say: "Aren't you very surprised, I don't know how I can find you at a glance? Right?"

"Yes!!!" Everyone answered in unison.

"The reason is very simple, because you are so inconsistent with the surrounding environment. Although your camouflage skills are great, but he still changed the natural environment! Take this photo as an example, let's take a look Is there something wrong?"

As he spoke, he raised the first photo above his head for everyone to watch carefully!
It's just that no matter how you looked at it, everyone didn't find anything wrong, and they all showed puzzled expressions.

Seeing everyone's doubts, Professor Sun smiled slightly and said, "Let's take a closer look, what's the difference in the sparseness of the vegetation in this photo?"

(End of this chapter)

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