Chapter 173
"I'm sorry for your ancestors! Pu, put up your pig ears and let me hear clearly! A group of unidentified militants have landed on the island! Now, immediately, immediately! Take your people to inform All teams! Find weapons and prepare for battle!!!"

Seeing Lin Xuan's face full of frost, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of Park Chongxun's mouth!Immediately afterwards, he ordered his team members in Gao Li language: "Everyone go up together, catch him!"

The Gaoli team members who had been prepared for a long time heard the order number, and immediately rushed towards Lin Xuan with a roar!


"Go to hell!!! Flower planter!!!"


Seeing this scene, Lin Xuan cursed angrily, and punched Park Chung-hoon's handsome face again.Then immediately rolled forward, dodging their attacks!

Taking advantage of the situation, he got up, glared at them angrily, and immediately got into the woods and left here!
It's clear now that the heads of the Gao Li team are full of shit!I can't tell what is the most important thing!Instead of counting on them, it's better to do it yourself!

As for their life and death, heh~~~ it is no longer in Lin Xuan's mind!
After getting up, Park Chongxun looked at Lin Xuan's back and immediately ordered his team members to stop chasing.After spitting out a mouthful of bloody saliva, he said angrily, "Immediately find the Mars Organizing Committee and report all the actions of the flower planting team! I must make them pay the price!!!"

"Yes! Captain!"

Everyone responded in unison, and then immediately prepared to move towards the direction of the fourth checkpoint.

Just when they were about to set off, they suddenly saw a group of unidentified soldiers rushing towards their position in the woods.

Seeing that their weapons were in disarray, Park Joong-hoon had a bad feeling in his heart.Immediately wanted to give the order to retreat, but before he could say anything, a dull gunshot had already entered his ears!

At the same time, there were also his blown skull fragments and red and white tofu brains!

The next moment, dense gunfire suddenly rang out in this forest, and the desperate screams of the Gaoli team members before they died rang for a long time!

As the gunfire ceased, the Gaoli team was wiped out!
At this moment, Wells came forward with his rifle in his arms. After glancing at the corpse on the ground, his eyes narrowed immediately, and he said coldly, "There's no one here, chase after him!!!"


At the same time, a team has already appeared in the fourth level, and it is Ying Jiang's team!
It's just that they didn't launch an attack immediately, but carefully observed the situation here with serious faces.

After all, no matter whether they are in the Pacific Ocean or the Pacific Ocean, they have all carried out cross-sea amphibious landing operations in these oceans!Therefore, as far as the experience of amphibious landing operations, especially large-scale landings, is concerned, there is no army in the world that can compete with them!

Just like the old saying, a long illness makes a good doctor.If you fight this kind of battle too much, you will naturally become an expert!
Therefore, they saw at a glance how difficult this defensive position was!Landmines, barbed wire, machine gun emplacements, curved artillery emplacements... and so on!
It can be said that in actual combat, if there is no absolute air supremacy, it is basically impossible for the infantry to win here alone!No matter how many people he has!
Fortunately, it's just a game now, so all defensive firepower uses rubber bullets.

As long as the action is fast enough and there are enough people, there is a great chance to rush through here!

So, what Yingjiang has to do now is to wait for the team behind to arrive, and then cooperate with each other to rush through here!

While waiting with the sea breeze, Eagle Sauce's captain, Clayton, suddenly asked in a low voice, "Did you smell anything?"

Hearing his words, the sniper who had been on guard all along, that is, the number two member of the team, Downey, immediately replied:
"I seem to smell fresh blood!"

"Me too!"

"And I!"

Following Downey's opening, other team members began to echo him!
Clayton was shocked by this situation!
At first he thought it was his sense of smell that had failed.After all, in the first level, some fucking guy gave him a hard hit on the nose!
Although the damage wasn't that great, it was enough to make him breathless and sore.

It was also like this that he thought at first that he had made a mistake in his judgment.

Without any hesitation, Clayton immediately ordered to everyone:
"Everyone, raise your alert immediately! I suspect that something unexpected happened!"

"Donnie, you will take over the command from now on! If necessary, call the base directly for rescue!"

As the captain of Eagle Sauce's team, Clayton's combat awareness is absolutely online!After realizing that he had a problem and an unknown emergency occurred, he immediately handed over the command!
Is Clayton a big problem?It's not big, and it's not malfunctioning, it's just that it's not easy to breathe. How can it be a big problem.

But just such a small problem, coupled with the smell of blood in the air, was enough to make him hand over the command.

After hearing Clayton's order, Downey immediately responded in a low voice: "Yes!"

At the same time, he lowered his head to check the emergency positioning and rescue device on his body.After confirming that there was no damage, the device was activated immediately!

Just the next moment, Downey's expression changed!After confirming the specific situation, he immediately raised his head and said solemnly to Clayton: "Captain, the emergency rescue system has been remotely shut down!"

"What!" Clayton was shocked when he heard the news!He hurriedly looked through his equipment.Not surprisingly, his device has also been remotely turned off!
The same is true for other people's remote devices, all of which are turned off!This means that they are no longer under the supervision of the GCCS-J system!
And what made Clayton feel even colder was who turned off their equipment and how it was done!What is their purpose in doing this?
While these three questions lingered in Clayton's mind, it also made him realize that people like himself, no, it should be said that everyone was involved in a huge conspiracy!
After realizing this, Clayton immediately shouted softly to Downey: "Donnie!"

Donnie immediately understood what Clayton meant, and immediately ordered: "Everyone, retreat to the camp in battle formation!!!"

"Da da da da..."

"Bang bang bang bang..."

The sudden sound of shooting shocked Clayton and Downey immediately. After looking at each other, they looked carefully towards the fourth checkpoint.

I saw a few soldiers running frantically, and on the beach not far behind them, there were several fragmented corpses!

The gunfire didn't last long!After all, on this unobstructed tidal flat, there is no place to hide at all!

After killing all these soldiers, Clayton saw a group of armed men running out of the checkpoint with individual shovels, and quickly dug holes beside the corpses.

Wet sand can easily dig a hole to bury people.After digging, just kick the still warm corpse in and bury it on the spot!

Moreover, after the burial was completed, clean sand was carefully obtained to cover the traces of blood and small pieces of meat!
It didn't take a few minutes, this tidal flat, which was full of killings just now, turned into a place with the same scenery again!Only the air is still faintly filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke and blood, but under the blowing of the sea breeze, I think it will soon dissipate!
After watching this scene, Clayton couldn't help cursing in a low voice: "FUCK!!!"

In the Mars camp, Principal Alden's expression was very ugly!Because all the communication connections of Kojima were cut off just now!
And before that, the fourth checkpoint has lost contact with the camp!
This made Alden feel an ominous feeling in his heart!

Suddenly, the radio in Alden's hand made a rattling sound, and this sound became extremely harsh in a very short period of time!At the same time, the radio itself became extremely hot!
This made Alden throw it out in no time!Before landing, I saw a puff of blue smoke coming out of the radio, leaving a standard arc in the air!

And the moment the radio landed, Alden saw dozens of RPGs rushing towards the camp, dragging long thick smoke! ! !
Alden fell to the ground at a speed that did not match his age!At the same time, he was still yelling: "Hidden!!!"

Before the words fell, the RPG rockets had already landed in the camp!




The blown figures, the bombed barracks, the burning smoke and flames filled every corner of the camp, like the end of the world!Even the flag of the Mars Contest was burning with flames, and it slowly fell in front of Alden!

Alden, who hadn't gotten up yet, looked at the flag of the competition that he had raised with his own hands, and a frightening murderous look appeared on his slightly embarrassed face!After Alden got up, he immediately took out his gun and ordered loudly: "Get ready to fight!!!"

Before the words were finished, there was a group of figures rushing towards here in the distance!And Alden even saw the villain in the absolute C position at a glance!

When he saw the figure that he would never forget, he gritted his teeth and roared: "Villan!!!"

The villain Wei Lan also saw Alden's figure at the same time, and said with a big smile, "It's a pleasure to see you again, General, and I hope you will like the meeting gift I gave you!!!"

After greeting, Weilan immediately raised the AUGA3 assault rifle in his hand, pointed at Alden and pulled the trigger!And the hyenas following him also started shooting at the surviving personnel in the camp!

It's a pity that all of Weilan's attacks failed in the face of the old and vigorous Alden!Of those who survived, only a handful were hit.Most of the people have already hidden in the first time, and started to fight back!

All of a sudden, on the wreckage and ruins, there were bursts of gunshots and bullets roaring!

Meanwhile, Eagle Sauce's Asian base.


The piercing sirens resounded over the base again after a day!
Berti, the commander of the base, stood in the combat command room, looking at the high-definition satellite image on the big screen, his face was full of frost!

You know, they are the organizers of Mars this year!And when he encountered this situation on the first day of the official start, it can be said that he was completely slapped in the face!

No, it should be said that Yingjiang slapped the entire country in the face!If this kind of thing is not handled properly, Berti's fate will be obvious!
Thinking of this, Berti immediately shouted coldly: "Tell the troops! At all costs, I must kill all these air terrorists!!! All!!!"

At the same time, the Baltic Sea.

The warrior with a strong aura walked into the cabin and reported to Carver who was tasting the red wine: "SIR, the rescue operation of Eagle Sauce has begun!"

Hearing the news, Carver nodded flatly, "I know about Gordon. After half an hour, tell the villain the news. Oh yes, remember to tell him that the reward for this mission has been sent to his mailbox. The mission is over!"

Hearing the instruction, Gordon was a little puzzled, and then asked a little nervously: "SIR, can I ask you three questions?"

Carver drank the red wine in his glass, chuckled and said, "If I'm not mistaken, the first thing you want to ask is why I disclosed the villain's actions to Yingjiang. The second thing you want to ask is The first thing is, why did you tell the villain about Eagle Sauce's dispatch. The third is, the villain didn't complete the task, so why give him the reward, right?"

After hearing these words, a look of surprise appeared on Gordon's face.Yes, these three questions are what he wants to ask!
Carver smiled lightly and said: "Let's talk about the first question first, Gordon, you have to know, what is the original intention of what we let the villain do? The original intention is that we need him to create an absolutely sensational event, which can make everyone The eyes of some countries are attracted to things in the past! But, you have to be clear, that is, it is not enough to let villains destroy people like Mars!"

"Who are the people participating in Mars? After all, they are just a group of soldiers! Even these soldiers are the most elite members of each country, and they all have extremely high value! But believe me, there is no country in the world that would The casualties of soldiers will be pursued desperately to the end!"

"So, it is enough to start this matter! After all, for some things, the result is not important at all!"

"The second question is that I need the villain to be alive! Because only if he is alive, can he be continuously attracted by the intelligence agencies of countries such as the No. [-] Intelligence Bureau, the Sixth Military Youth Division, and the KGB to investigate him! "

"However, the villain's power is too great now! This is very detrimental to our control. Therefore, we need to use other people's hands to cut off part of it, so that it is more in line with my interests! At the same time, we can also Let the villains develop their own power even more urgently!"

"Also, that's part of the answer to the third question. You know, what's the villain's reward for this operation, plutonium! You say, when they know the villain has up to five tons of weapons-grade plutonium in their hands, they What a sensation! And this is the real purpose of all the plans!"

"I said this, do you understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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