Chapter 185 I Refuse

"You want to cooperate???"

Just when Geng Jihui and Lin Xuan discussed the action plan and were about to leave, the team of John Bull's family who had left, led by Price, came back here and stood in front of the two of them, full of gentlemanly demeanor proposed a joint operation!
It's just that his request made Lin Xuan and Geng Jihui puzzled.I really don't understand what Price and the others are thinking?

Seeing the puzzled faces of the two, Price struck a match, lit the cigar in his mouth, took a deep breath, and said with a sense of 13:

"No, no, it's not cooperation, but a joint operation! You just saw that the number of those hyenas can't be effectively killed by a single team!"

"And now including us, there are at least [-] teams fighting in the jungle! Moreover, I believe that there must be quite a few teams joining forces!"

"And judging from the number of your personnel and the way you fight, your previous achievements should not be enough to guarantee your safety! Otherwise, you wouldn't use that extreme method that is not suitable for fighting in the jungle!"

"So in order to avoid being eliminated, we'd better fight together!"

After finishing speaking, Preston took a deep puff of the cigar, tasted the strong flavor inside, and then slowly spit it out.Then, through the cover of the rising smoke, he carefully looked at the situation of Lin Xuan and Geng Jihui.

Especially the sci-fi rifles on the two of them are the most important thing for Price to observe!He hadn't forgotten the scene when he saw Lin Xuan and others making a surprise attack.

Although Lin Xuan and others' control over the battlefield made Price amazed and terrified!But equally, the firearms they used also aroused Price's great interest!
Judging from the overall appearance, this rifle should be a new model derived from the AK gun family, but the overall style does not have the cheap feeling of the AK series!

If he hadn't looked closely, Price wouldn't have been able to tell that this was actually a member of the AK gun family!After all, the Picatinny rail, front grip, scope, muzzle brake and other accessories are matched with the jungle color spraying. Anyone who sees it at first glance will think that this is a brand new firearm!

And from the situation seen before and these accessories, it can be concluded that the recoil of this rifle should not be too large, and the accuracy and stability are absolutely high!
Otherwise, if it is a firearm like AK-47, even if you install these accessories, it will be useless!Except for the first shot, all subsequent bullets can fly into the sky!
As for other more in-depth information, I can't analyze it for the time being.

After all, it is impossible to have an accurate description of this kind of information before getting started with the actual operation!But as long as your plan is successful, you can experience how this rifle is.

What's more, I just suffered such a big loss, how can I swallow this breath if I don't get it back!
As for whether Lin Xuan and the others will agree, Plath firmly believes that they will not reject their proposal!Because, the bait he threw was sweet enough!

Since the florists signed up for the Mars competition, they have been paying attention to the situation of the florists!Combined with the information collected from other channels and the comparison of the participants in each session, it is concluded that the purpose of the flower growers participating in the competition is very simple, that is to steal the teacher!

So, faced with this opportunity to blatantly steal a teacher, how could they miss it!
"Tell me about your battle plan." Lin Xuan and Geng Jihui looked at each other and said softly.

Price smiled, convinced that the fish had been hooked!
"From the battle just now, it can be seen that you are very good at the assault method! Although this method can cause huge chaos and damage to the enemy! But the premise of all this is that the enemy is not prepared. "

"If the enemy is ready, this kind of assault can only be said to be an act of death! Especially in the case of a huge difference in the number of the enemy and us!"

"And my plan is the same as before. First, our personnel will attack the hyenas. After attracting their attention firmly, you will attack them from behind, causing confusion!"

"Our side is taking advantage of the chaos of the hyenas and waiting for an opportunity to attack them! Then, retreat quickly!"

"In this way, we can not only obtain enough results, but also ensure the safety of personnel on both sides. What do you think?"

After listening to Price's words, Lin Xuan immediately understood what Price was up to!Looking at Price full of sarcasm, he said cleanly, "I refuse!"

Does Price's plan work?Of course it is quite feasible!But the problem is, the people who implement the plan can't do it!

You know, the relationship between John Bull's family and the flower grower is quite complicated!Among the countries that have hurt the flower growers the most in modern times, it is the little devil who bears the brunt!The second is the John Bull family, which claims to be a gentleman's country!
To a certain extent, it can even be said that this shit stick is the real culprit in the modern history of humiliation!
The flower collection in his museum firmly occupies the number one throne of lost overseas cultural relics!how come?Needless to say! ! !The ruins of the Old Summer Palace are still crying day and night!
They also shamelessly said that they took cultural relics from Egypt, Asia, Africa and Latin America because these countries were unable to examine their own history, and only the John Bull family could help them understand their own history.

Listen, what a gentleman, how...disgusting! ! !

Not to mention the McMahon Line, and the snowy events described in "Red River Valley"!
And, most importantly, this guy is world famous for selling teammates! ! !Especially sell us! ! !

Those who are interested can look for information on the naval battles of Dunkirk and Oran, and everyone will understand!
Of course, this is something that happened in Europe, we don’t care whether it’s right or wrong, but the heroic spirits all over the Savage Mountain are definitely thanks to them!
During World War II, the chickens invaded John Bull's colony in Burma. As an empire on which the sun never sets, this matter cannot be ignored!So the John Bull army went to meet the enemy, but they couldn't beat it!

So, I shamelessly begged the flower planter for help, good guy, we are about to be overturned by the chicken in the foot pot, do we have the time to care about you?However, Baldy still persisted and dispatched a [-] expeditionary army!It can be said that it is too interesting.

As a result, John Bull let the bald man's army serve as a shield for him, and he ran away again without notice, and withdrew all the way back to the white elephant!He also left a bunch of ammunition to the foot pot chicken!
You say you are not angry, you want to run, at least leave your weapons to us, what's the matter with throwing away your armor? !Where's the face?

In the end, the expeditionary force was surrounded by the Japanese army. After breaking through with difficulty, they walked through the jungle on foot, and when they finally returned to the motherland, there were only 10 of the [-] people left!

Well, do you know who the officer who commanded the retreat from Dunkirk was?Hadro Alexander; Do you know who the officer who commanded the British army to sell the Chinese Expeditionary Force was?It's still him, Hadro Alexander! ! !

This grandson finally became the Secretary of Defense of John Bull's family! ! !
Tell me, how can you fight side by side with them! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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