Chapter 194

"If the "Veteran" is put into the battlefield before gaining air supremacy, then its chances of surviving will be infinitely close to zero! Because it has no way to deal with the attacks of the third and fourth generation fighter jets!"

"So, the "Veteran" is not suitable for regular frontal combat at all!"

After saying this, Lin Xuan stopped talking.And the carriage became quiet in an instant. The only three people in the carriage, Academician Wang, He Zhijun and Liu Yue, were thinking about what Lin Xuan had just said with serious faces.

Especially Academician Wang was even more thoughtful about what Lin Xuan said!
Although Academician Wang has already started the research and development and design of domestic early warning aircraft, he should have a deep understanding of this type of thing, but in fact this is not the case.

Because in essence, the early warning aircraft and the "Veteran", an integrated air command platform, are two completely different things, even if there is a certain percentage of overlap in the scope of work.

Not to mention anything else, there is a big difference in the combat environment and scope of work between the two alone!
The early warning aircraft itself is just a command platform, which is mainly used to search for and monitor air or sea targets, command and guide its own aircraft to perform combat missions, and can be understood as a "flying" military air traffic control bureau.

In war, it is a high-value target and has no defense capability, so it generally hides far behind, and is generally escorted by fighter jets.

And the "Veteran".

Its main function is to guide ground troops to fight more efficiently, and to provide air fire support and electronic suppression when necessary.It can be regarded as a complex of command aircraft, gunship aircraft and electronic warfare aircraft.

Therefore, it can basically only go to the front line in battle!This kind of combat mode is definitely the best living target for the enemy air force in the frontal battlefield!
Don't look at how many Ba Ye were killed in the exercise before!But the problem is, Eighth Master is only a second-generation machine!And although they were all killed, it was based on the lack of performance of the opponent's radar and missiles!
As long as these two things are more advanced, Lin Xuan can directly withdraw from the exercise!
So in fact, the scope of application of the "Veteran" in large-scale normalized operations is very narrow, just like Yingjiang's AC130, bullying those who have no air defense capabilities will never be disadvantageous.But once the opponent has a more advanced air defense capability, it will really be a pity!

"So, the real battlefield of the "Veteran" is in special operations?" He Zhijun was the one who spoke. He remembers clearly the scene where the "Veteran" chased him to the sky and into the ground during the exercise. .

Lin Xuan nodded immediately and said: "Yes, Team He. Compared with the frontal battlefield, it is indeed more in line with the needs of special operations. Besides, the "Veteran" was originally tailored for the old A's combat system, and it was born to be Based on special operations."

After listening to Lin Xuan's narration, academician Wang's eyes became more appreciative.How should I put it, with clear cognition, clear logic, humility and courtesy, neither arrogance nor impetuosity.For the "Veteran", it has a very clear positioning, which is undoubtedly very rare.

After a slight smile, Academician Wang asked Lin Xuan the question he wanted to know the most this time, "Xiao Lin, do you think our country can produce a world-advanced early warning aircraft with its own strength?"

After hearing this question, Lin Xuan was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously replied: "Isn't this inevitable?"

Academician Wang was stunned by Lin Xuan's answer, and asked in surprise, "Are you so sure?"

It is precisely because of this realization that the long-disbanded domestic early warning aircraft project has been restarted again!

However, at the same time as the project was launched, there were also negative voices in China, who believed that without foreign technical support, the early warning aircraft project would not be possible.Even our previous partners, Damaojia and Yiselie, are pessimistic about my country's independent development of early warning aircraft.

Some people even suggested that it is better to directly purchase the already formed A-50 early warning aircraft from Da Mao's family for self-development.After all, this early warning aircraft has mature technology and has been tested in actual combat.As long as you buy it back, you can improve the combat capability of the troops in the shortest possible time.

All these things have made Academician Wang Mo, who is in charge of the research and development work, feel great pressure!Even in the dead of night, I would subconsciously ask myself whether the idea of ​​insisting on self-study is really meaningless.

It was also at this time that Liu Yue submitted the two research reports on the "Veteran", which made Academician Wang see hope in his confusion!
Although from a practical point of view, there is an insurmountable gap between the "Veteran" integrated air command platform and the real early warning aircraft, but at least it already has some capabilities that an early warning aircraft should have!
This means that the road of self-development of early warning aircraft is feasible! ! !

Of course, Lin Xuan didn't know the pressure that Academician Wang was facing. His knowledge of domestic early warning aircraft was limited to the live TV broadcast. He saw a formation composed of two thousand Air Police and eight J-[-]s undergoing inspection over Tiananmen Square. !

So facing Academician Wang's question, Lin Xuan's sonorous voice suddenly sounded in the car: "The great man once said that it is better to have a father than a mother! Especially for strategic weapons such as early warning aircraft, localization is a must! Only Only after firmly grasping the core technology in your own hands can you not be afraid of any threats from the outside world!"

Lin Xuan's words were like the clarion call of victory, which instantly filled Academician Wang's heart with confidence!Yes, as Lin Xuan said, the strategic weapon of early warning aircraft must be firmly in his own hands!Only in this way can we not be afraid of any threats from the outside world!
At this moment, the vehicle also slowly stopped in front of the building of the military headquarters!Looking at the greeters who had already been waiting here outside the car window, Academician Wang immediately dismissed the idea of ​​continuing the chat.

He stood up and said slowly with some regret: "Xiao Lin, I, an old man, have really benefited a lot from talking with you about this journey. To be honest, I really want to talk to you about some things about the early warning aircraft, but It seems that we can only wait for the next time."

"You don't mind me talking nonsense, Mr. Wang." Lin Xuan looked at Academician Wang and said with some embarrassment.

Seeing Lin Xuan's appearance, Teacher Wang suddenly laughed and said, "I look forward to meeting you next time."

After finishing speaking, he patted Lin Xuan on the shoulder lightly and got out of the vehicle.

(End of this chapter)

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