Chapter 211
The sudden explosion was not only beyond Bi Zhongcheng's expectation, even Lin Xuan and Gao Cheng who were hidden in the old industrial area were shocked when they saw the flames!

But then the shock was replaced by solemnity!

They knew very well in their hearts that things were completely messed up now!
After looking at each other, the two hurried to the map. After simple calculations, they had already figured out the location of the explosion!
It's just that after seeing this position, the faces of the two of them relaxed for a while, but they completely darkened within two seconds!
It's easy because of this location, it's not in their plan at all!In other words, the explosion was not caused by their actions.

And the gloominess in the back is because they have realized that this explosion is definitely a human factor!In other words, some goddamn bugs who are not on the stage are doing things!
Because, the place where the explosion happened was the oil depot of Dihua No. [-] Petrochemical Company!

The security level of this type of place has always been the highest!So don't think about it, this explosion was caused by accident!
Therefore, the explosion can only be caused by those bugs! ! !

After realizing this, Gao Cheng immediately ordered to the observer Liu Xue: "Liu Xue, report to the director department immediately, I suspect that the explosion just now was done by those bugs!"

Liu Xue contacted the director department immediately after hearing Gao Cheng's words!

In fact, Gao Cheng didn't need to order him to prepare to do this at all.

Don't forget, he is from the Tianshan Military Region.Affected by the regional environment, in terms of cognition of this kind of thing, they are only higher than Gao Cheng and the others!

After giving Liu Xue the order, Gao Cheng immediately turned his head to Lin Xuan's murderous order and said:
"Immediately order all the lurking personnel of the Division's Reconnaissance Battalion to be vigilant and replace live ammunition! Closely monitor all suspicious personnel, and when necessary, they can reveal their identities and arrest them directly!"

"If you encounter resistance and counterattack after revealing your identity, or if you find that it threatens the lives and property of the surrounding people, you will be killed immediately without warning! I will bear all the consequences!"

"At the same time, establish a communication connection with the Red Command, report all the situation to us, and apply for integration into the command system of the Tianshan Military Region!"

"Yes!" Lin Xuan replied immediately, and then immediately passed the order out!

After listening to Gao Cheng's order, Liu Xue, who was still communicating with the director department, gave him a surprised look.Then he immediately applied for the operation of the Divisional Reconnaissance Battalion, and explained the current situation of the Divisional Reconnaissance Battalion in detail!

After listening to Liu Xue's explanation, the exercise director department immediately agreed to the application for the division's reconnaissance camp operation without any hesitation!Without him, under the current circumstances, the Divisional Reconnaissance Battalion is indeed the only unit that has deployed and controlled the entire Dihua City in the shortest possible time!
To be honest, the order Gao Cheng just issued is not in compliance with the regulations.After all, the iron law of obeying command in all actions is the basic principle that all soldiers must learn on the first day of enlistment!

So what Liu Xue did was to make up for the lack of procedures for Gaocheng, and avoid a lot of trouble!
This shows how important a good teammate is!

Ten minutes ago, in another warehouse in the same factory area, Nigtilli and the woman were listening to the progress of all the groups!

The action plan will start at 10:30 tomorrow morning, which is the morning rush hour in Dihua!Only during that time period can it cause the most sensational impact! PS: The work and rest time in Dihua is two hours later than here in Tianjing.

Now all the groups are taking advantage of the cover of the night to go to the execution site according to the plan, making the final preparations!

At this moment, a burly figure walked in with a big stride of cold air.The person who came was the owner of the vendor at the vegetable market that day, and he said in a cold voice as soon as he came in: "We have been exposed!"

After hearing this sentence, Niggili and the woman shouted subconsciously:

"Minister Maihesumu?"

One is shocked, the other is puzzled!

"Just a few minutes ago, I received a notice from the Red Party, asking the street to start screening foreigners! Especially those who came to Dihua in the past month are the key targets of screening!"

"Obviously, we have been exposed! You must give us an explanation for this matter!!!"

While speaking, Maihesumu and Nigtilli set their sights on the woman!After all, both of them have been lurking in Dihua for many years, and there is no possibility of being exposed!

Nigti Li's ostensible identity is the staff of the slaughterhouse, and Maihe Sumu is not only a street vendor, but also a grassroots cadre in the street!Therefore, the reason for the exposure can only be the woman here!

Seeing the sullen gazes from the two of them, the woman could only close her mouth, droop her eyelids and say nothing!What can she say, what can't be said!
Nigtil and Maihesumu belong to the same organization and are his subordinates, and belong to a different organizational structure from her.In this operation, the two parties are in a cooperative relationship.

Nigtilli is responsible for the collection of intelligence and the formulation of the plan, and she is responsible for the implementation of the plan!However, she also has her own sources of information.

As early as a few days ago, when she received information about the mobilization of the army, she already had a hunch that she had been exposed, but after she responded to her superiors, she got a reply to continue to act!
Therefore, she could only keep this matter in her heart, praying that the army was only mobilized normally, instead of discovering their intentions!
But now it has been proven that it was just a fantasy!

After taking two deep breaths, the woman said, "Whether the exposure was caused by us or not is still unconfirmed! This point will be discussed after this matter is over."

"But the top priority now is what should we do next? Should we retreat immediately? Or continue to act according to the original plan? This requires you to make a decision! Please hurry up, we don't have much time left!"

Indeed, the most important thing now is not to investigate the reasons for the exposure, but to decide whether to continue or not!But the three people present knew very well that they were already in a state where the arrow was on the string and had to be launched!

And they are even more aware that no matter which option they choose, the operators will suffer great losses!But the meaning of the woman's words is very obvious. I am only responsible for the action. It is up to you to decide whether to do it or not!

Regardless of whether it continues or stops, women have something to say when they are held accountable afterwards!Who is not good at shirking responsibility?
Therefore, this forced Maihe Sumu and the others to the point of no return.

Facing the woman's rebuke, Maihe Sumu snorted coldly, looked at the woman coldly and said: "Start to act immediately!!! I hope your people will not have any more moths!"

"Please wait and see!"

After the woman finished speaking, she immediately picked up a radio and issued an order to start the operation!

Immediately afterwards, they saw that the night sky outside was illuminated by a mushroom cloud that suddenly appeared!

Under the light produced by the explosion, pieces of crystal suddenly appeared in the vastness!
The heavy snow that has been brewing for a long time is here!
(End of this chapter)

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