A strong army begins with a soldier assault

Chapter 223 Leave something behind

Chapter 223 Leave something behind

"This grandson's drinking capacity... is too bad! This is only one drink, and it's like this! I haven't loosened my belt yet!"

Looking at Yuan Lang who was completely lying under the table, Gao Cheng muttered with a depressed face.

Facing Gao Cheng's muttering, Lin Xuan and Xu Sanduo looked at each other, and they both looked very speechless!Although I've heard people say that some people just pour a cup, but I haven't seen it before, so I just listened to it as a joke.

After all, in their cognition, even elementary school children can at least drink a glass, and the elders should start with half a bottle!
But today, they have to admit that people who drink one cup really exist!That's right, the facts are already in front of them, so they can't help but believe it!
Lin Xuan shook his head and said: "Company commander, you know that when I left for the Huadu Military Region, I heard Qi Huan, a captain of the third squadron of old A, tell me about Yuan Lang's drinking capacity. I was joking at the time Said that he can only eat at the same table with children under the age of ten."

"Looking at it now, I was still wrong, really I was wrong! I overestimated his drinking capacity! With his drinking capacity, how can he be at the level of ten years old? Five years old is his home."

"Right, Sanduo."

"Ah, company commander, are you asking me?" Sanduo asked with a dazed expression, how could he get himself involved.

"Yes, what level do you think he is in your village with his drinking capacity?" Lin Xuan asked again looking at Sanduo who was not blushing and not panting.

From the beginning of the meal to the present, it only took 10 minutes to show up.The unintentional Gaocheng cuisine didn't even take a bite, and he had already pulled everyone to a drink.

As a result, Yuan Lang slipped under the table like noodles.And Gao Cheng's face was also black and red, and his speech was a little unclear, and Lin Xuan's stomach began to roll, faintly gagging.

What the hell, I poured at least half a catty of white wine in without eating two mouthfuls of food, and I'll be damned if I don't respond!

But Xu Sanduo didn't blush or breathe, just like a normal person.

You know, there is only one kind of cup for drinking in the army, and that is the allotted enamel mug!With a capacity of [-]ml, it fits in a catty!

Although each person only poured half a glass, but Yuan Lang's pouring a glass is not controversial!

"This, this, let's not talk about it." Xu Sanduo said hesitantly.

"Speak! What are you mother-in-law doing! Tell me quickly!" Gao Cheng immediately continued, and he really wanted to know what level Yuan Lang's drinking capacity was in Xu Sanduo's village.

When Sanduo saw this situation, he murmured, "This... this... I can't tell you the specifics, but when I graduated from primary school, I could use that kind of blue-rimmed rough porcelain bowl." It’s okay to drink a bowl. Every time I come back from the field with my father, we will drink a bowl, it’s cold and comfortable.”

"Hiss~~~" Lin Xuan and Gao Cheng gasped when they heard this!They knew the big porcelain bowl with blue border that Sanduo mentioned, the mouth of the bowl was about the size of a human face!A bowl can hold at least a catty of wine!

It's amazing to be able to drink so much after graduating from elementary school!
What Sanduo said was indeed the truth, but what Lin Xuan and Gao Cheng didn't know was that the kind of wine that Sanduo drank was not strictly considered wine at all, but only alcoholic beverages!

PS: Many rural families would brew some rice wine by themselves in those days, so that they could drink it to relieve fatigue during the busy farming season. The taste of the wine was very light and the alcohol content was very low.But the taste is very good, sweet and sour, very delicious!Before my grandma died, my family was still brewing.Don't look at the degree is low, but the stamina is very strong.Drunk for the first time because of it!

"Good guy, if you say that, you'll be praising him at the age of five, Lin Xuan." Gao Cheng said in surprise.

"Forget it, forget it, Sanduo helps, throw him on the bed first. It's not a problem just lying on the ground like this." Lin Xuan stood up and lifted Yuan Lang up with the help of Sanduo to bed.

Then he sat back in his seat and hurriedly started eating.With just that movement, the tumbling in my stomach became more intense!

After suppressing the end, Lin Xuan looked at Gao Cheng and asked, "Company commander, what do you think of the personnel selection that Yuan Lang just said?"

Gao Cheng chewed the mutton in his mouth with a pensive face, and swallowed it until the mutton had no taste at all, then looked at Xu Sanduo and said:
"I don't have any opinion. In the final analysis, this is a good thing. The special forces are unattainable for many soldiers. Now the opportunity to join the special forces is in front of them. This is undoubtedly a kind of luck. You know , how many troops in the country don’t even have this opportunity.”

"And regardless of whether they pass the selection or not, it is also a good thing for them. They can know more clearly how far away they are from the special forces, and they can also improve themselves in the following training."

"After all, there are only a few ways to stay in the army, and none of them are easy to walk."

After finishing speaking, Gao Cheng raised his wine glass silently and respected Lin Xuan. "For Shijin, Wu Liuyi and the others, I respect you!"

Seeing this, Sanduo quickly picked up his wine glass and respected Lin Xuan.

"That's what I should do. After all, I'm also a member of Qilian!" After finishing speaking, Lin Xuan picked up the wine glass and clinked with the two of them, and drank it down in one gulp!

After drinking, Lin Xuan wiped his mouth and said: "Commander, that's what you said. But I think it's a bit of a loss for them to take away the top one for no reason. They have to leave something behind anyway. Just do it."

Gao Cheng frowned when he heard this, and asked in puzzlement, "What do you want them to keep?"

"Let them leave some people to serve as instructors in our army and teach some elementary special warfare techniques!"

"Why?" Gao Cheng was even more puzzled, teaching special operations techniques in ordinary combat companies, what a joke.

After taking a bite of the meat, Lin Xuan answered the wrong question and said, "Commander, have you found anything from the incident in Dihua City? That is the method of the bugs. Is there some shadow of special forces? Although there are still It’s rough, but there’s already a hint of it.”

"Especially in battle, according to the reports of the soldiers behind us, we can see that whether it is marching or fighting, it is completely different from what we train in daily."

"If it wasn't because we were lucky enough to take the lead, I'm afraid~~~"

"And this incident means that the opponents we face in the future are likely to no longer be the regular troops that we have always imagined. Instead, they will be special forces with stronger combat effectiveness and more means, or those who have mastered certain special forces. Troops with combat skills!"

"So, I think we need to let grassroots soldiers understand and master certain special warfare skills!"

(End of this chapter)

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