Chapter 241 It Was You
"Wu Zhe, I'm very curious. In two days, seven active attacks and nine passive battles resulted in 39 kills. How did you lead them to achieve this?"

When everything settled, Lin Xuan curiously asked Wu Zhe, who was swallowing bread, and Yuan Lang also cast the same look.

Immediately afterwards, he followed up with another sentence: "Do you know that you almost beat them to death~~~"

This made Yuan Lang look at Lin Xuan with resentment. You are spreading salt after finishing the last attack. This is a bit too much!But even so, Yuan Lang only shifted his gaze from Wu Zhe for a moment.

Then he continued to look at Wu Zhe expectantly, hoping that he could answer this question.

You must know that such a record is very amazing in the special forces, but it will not attract much attention.

After all, compared to ordinary combat troops, the tactics of special forces are more flexible and changeable, and their combat skills are more diverse.As long as you and your comrades can keep up with the physical strength, such achievements are not uncommon!

What's more, isn't this what they practice?

But placed in an ordinary army, such a record is terrifying enough!Moreover, it is with a group of people who have never cooperated before and have insufficient tacit understanding.

So now the two of them are eager to know how Wu Zhe led them to achieve such a record.

After hearing Lin Xuan's question, Wu Zhe's brows were filled with joy, and then he cast his gaze on Sanduo who was also eating bread and said: "This is mainly due to him, I just made an action plan. .”

"His credit?"

Wu Zhe nodded and continued: "Whenever we arrive at a new area, Sanduo will tell us where in this area it is suitable to hide, what tactics should be used, how to launch an attack or evacuate, etc."

"And the reality is nothing wrong with what Sanduo said. Especially the place he said is suitable for hiding people, the enemy will really be found! It doesn't matter even if the enemy doesn't appear for the time being, they will tell Sanduo when the enemy appears. The attack is launched in the same process!"

"And what we need to do is just wait for them to throw themselves into the trap."

Seeing Wu Zhe showing off his merits for Sanduo, Lin Xuan and Yuan Lang looked at each other, and then looked at Sanduo who was sitting aside eating bread.Could it be said that Sanduo is enlightened?

Or is it that he has received the inheritance from some otherworldly master?Enlightenment, great increase in skill?

But even if he got the inheritance from an expert, he still needs to do it on the spot. If he doesn't do it...on the spot~~~ Thinking of this, Lin Xuan's face suddenly became weird.

He remembered that he seemed to have told him these things during the field survival training with only him and Sanduo.In addition, Sanduo has that perverted memory!
Lin Xuan subconsciously took a deep breath. Could it be that this is the case! ! !

Sure enough, in the next second, Sanduo showed his signature big white teeth again and said happily to them: "This is what the company commander told me."

Lin Xuan immediately sat on the wax, and now he can't wait to sew up Xu Sanduo's mouth immediately!It's not enough for you to sacrifice Shi Jin, why are you planning to sacrifice me!
Please, if you can’t speak, just stop talking! ! !

But what are you afraid of? Xu Sanduo continued: "The company commander brought me here for a field survival training before, and that's what I talked about at that time." It's over! ! !

At this moment, only these two words are left in Lin Xuan's mind!

The next moment, Lin Xuan felt a strong murderous aura coming!And the source of murderous intent~~~ is Yuan Lang who is standing next to him!

I heard Yuan Lang slowly turning around, looking at Lin Xuan and saying slowly in an extremely gloomy tone: "It turns out that all this is your fault, Lin Xuan, Captain Lin Dal~~~"

Now Yuan Lang understands everything. What is the reason why he was unable to catch Wu Zhe and others, and why he was repeatedly frustrated!With a gold medal lecturer like Lin Xuan here, it's damn good if he can catch him! ! !
You must know that when Lin Xuan was seconded to Team A, he had already joined the instructor team and participated in daily training!It can be said that he is extremely clear about old A's combat methods!
Not only did he have this experience, he also brought Xu Sanduo to such a field teaching!Why, the answers are given in advance for the exam! ! !
Seeing Yuan Lang's appearance, Lin Xuan slowly backed away and hurriedly said with a smile: "Here, Captain Yuan, listen to my quibbles... No, no, no, listen to my explanation!!"

Lin Xuan really feels wronged now!

During the survival training in the wild, he did make up lessons for Xu Sanduo in combination with old A's combat habits.But in fact, I can't remember what I said to Xu Sanduo in those two days.

I just remember that every time I go somewhere, I will casually mention a few words about what to do here.It was really mentioned casually, with no intention of plotting against Old A!
But who would have thought that Xu Sanduo would remember this casual mention and actually use it on Old A!

But obviously, Yuan Lang didn't want to give Lin Xuan a chance to argue... no, an opportunity to explain!Immediately roared:
"Qi Huan!!!"


"Let Captain Lin feel the enthusiasm of our A Brigade!!!"

"Yes!!! Brothers, greet Captain Lin well!!! Come on!!!"

Following Qi Huan's roar, the members of Team A who gathered here immediately gathered around Lin Xuan, gearing up with smiles on their faces. Lin Xuan was bound to feel the passion (resentment) and thoughts (thoughts) of these people. )!

"Xu Sanduo!!!" Following the roar, Lin Xuan immediately ran away!Two fists can't beat four hands, a tiger can't beat a pack of wolves, what can you do if you don't run!

This scene made Xu Sanduo anxious immediately, he immediately got up and was ready to start filming!But before he took two steps, he was stopped by Yuan Lang: "Sanduo, you should stay here. Be obedient, ah~~~"

"But, Captain Yuan, they...Company Commander..." Sanduo couldn't speak in a hurry, and he didn't know what he wanted to say.

"I guarantee that your company commander will be fine! If anything happens, I will be responsible to the end!" Yuan Lang sneered at Lin Xuan who was running away in embarrassment, and vowed to Xu Sanduo.

"Xu Sanduo, listen to Captain Yuan and don't go there." Wu Zhe, who had figured out what was going on and saw the situation clearly, also said.

Don't look at a group of people who are chasing and intercepting Lin Xuan now, but in fact everyone is just playing around!After all, Lin Xuan has given old A a hard time this time, and it's really unreasonable not to let them vent.

(End of this chapter)

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