A strong army begins with a soldier assault

Chapter 259 The villain cannot stay

Chapter 259 The villain cannot stay

"There is nothing impossible about this. The method of not getting into the game and not getting out of the game is much more powerful than you think~~~"

Just after the villain finished these words, the Eight-faced Buddha's face suddenly calmed down, and then he stared at him with a meaningful look and asked full of doubts:
"You are saying that Yingjiang's instigation instigated the rebellion of my son Bamore. Is that right?"

Unexpectedly, the villain shook his head and said: "To be precise, your son Bamore did not betray you. But the relevant information was indeed leaked from him."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Eight-faced Buddha's face suddenly turned cold, and his figure suddenly stood up!


With a gunshot, a bullet flew past the villain's head, leaving a burning mark on his cheek!

At this moment, the Eight-faced Buddha pointed the gun between the villain's eyebrows with one hand, his eyes as cold as ice, as if he was looking at a corpse!
"Although I, the Eight-faced Buddha, rarely leave Siam, it doesn't mean that I don't know what the situation between me and you is like!"

"You want to use my hand to kill them~~~Are you tired of living!!!"

As long as there is a certain status in the underground world, there is no need to chase down villains all over the world without knowing whether to get up or down.

Therefore, after the villain said that this thing was done in the first round, the Eight-faced Buddha felt a hundred disbeliefs in his heart!What are you saying now that Bamore did not betray him, but the information was leaked from him? What a joke!
How could such confidential information be leaked without betrayal!

So, the truth of the matter is that the villain is just talking nonsense here.

Although the villain had a gun pointed directly between his eyebrows at this moment, there was no look of panic on his face.

On the contrary, he showed a very exaggerated smile!Because this trembling feeling of wandering on the edge of life and death made him feel excited!
The next moment, the villain raised his hands high, indicating that he did not have any weapons in his hands!At the same time he said slowly:

"Since I dare to say this, I naturally have a way to prove it! You also know that during this period of time, I have been being hunted down."

"But unfortunately, their specialty is intelligence. And combat is somewhat different! So, I got this from their safe house's database."

While speaking, the villain slowly took out a floppy disk from his pocket, slowly placed it on the ground and pushed it in front of the Eight-faced Buddha.

"Here are the files created by the Bureau of Not Going Up and Not Down for Bamore, as well as the intelligence over the years. As for the authenticity of the information inside, I think Lord Fo, you should have your own way to verify it!"

After carefully looking at the floppy disk on the ground for a moment, the Eight-faced Buddha nodded gently to the monk next to him.

The monk understood immediately, turned around and walked into the Buddhist hall.Soon, he returned with a laptop.

After turning on the computer, he inserted the floppy disk on the ground.Immediately, an information file with Barmore's photo appeared on the computer desktop.

After seeing the document, the hand holding the gun trembled unconsciously before the Eight-faced Buddha slowly lowered it.

Under the information file, there are various pieces of information arranged according to date, including funds, flour, weapons, etc.

After briefly browsing the information, the Eight-faced Buddha slowly closed his eyes and remained silent.This information does not need to be verified at all, the Eight-faced Buddha is very sure that it is true!Because, there is a lot of information here that I personally handed over to Barmore.

It is impossible for others to know!
Therefore, this is enough to completely confirm that Barmore is the mole!

Looking at the appearance of the Eight-faced Buddha, the villain suddenly said:
"Lord Buddha, let me reiterate again that the information was indeed leaked from Bamore, but he was not a mole. To be precise, he was just being used."

"If you don't win, you won't win!!!" the Eight-faced Buddha said in a cold voice.

"Hmm, do you need me to clear them out for you? Their base is in Udon Thani Province, and I will be happy to send them on their way for free." The villain said with a grin.Killing people, we are professionals!
The villain's move to ask for help did not get the approval of the Eight-faced Buddha. Instead, he received a cold look and said without any emotion:
"I will handle this matter personally! And since we have reached a cooperation agreement, let's not waste time here."

"There is a batch of goods at Pier [-], which must be transported to Laishan within the flower planting border within seven days. Are there any questions?"

The villain froze when he heard the mission requirements.Although I don’t know where this Kakai Mountain is, the fact that it is located within the flower planting border is enough to represent the danger here!
After all, flower growers are notorious in the world of mercenaries!

But at the same time, a different kind of excitement also surged from the villain's heart!He said with a sinister smile: "In seven days, the flower planting border will open within the border! No problem, we guarantee delivery!"

After hearing the villain's accepted answer, the Eight-faced Buddha immediately said: "Kuntai, take the villain to the dock to hand over."

A monk stood up from the Buddha, bowed to the Eight-faced Buddha and said, "Yes, Lord Buddha."

Then he walked up to the villain, stretched out his hand and made a sign of invitation.

The villain then stood up and followed Kuntai out of the temple.

After the villain left here, the Eight-faced Buddha began to carefully check the contents on the computer.

Although the current chain of evidence is enough to prove that all this is a trick, there are still several questions that are constantly surging in the mind of the Eight-faced Buddha.

The first is the problem of Barmore, although the villain has been emphasizing that he is not a mole, but just being used.But is it really just that?
Is it possible that Barmore is no longer satisfied with his current position and wants to move up?Family love is not something too precious in the world of flour merchants!
Secondly, even if Barmore is really taken advantage of by the people who are neither in the game nor out of the game.But why did they pay attention to their own flour merchant in Asia?
Also, in what way are they using Barmore?Are there other forces that are also using this method to monitor themselves?

Finally, the villain!

First of all, being able to survive until now in the endless pursuit is enough to show that there is a very powerful force supporting him behind him!

If this is the case, is it his own business to cooperate with him, or does it come from the instruction of the forces behind him?What is the purpose of cooperation? 5.00% shipping fee?

Stop making trouble, in the eyes of this kind of force that can't keep up with the game and fight, money has always been just a number.

Therefore, villains cannot stay!But he can't die by his own hands without any reason!

Therefore, it is the most appropriate choice to let him transport a batch of flour to the flower grower and then let him die at the flower grower!

(End of this chapter)

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