A strong army begins with a soldier assault

Chapter 279 Long Kaifeng’s Pressure

Chapter 279 Long Kaifeng’s Pressure
Railway office one week after the induction ceremony.

The atmosphere in the office at this time was extremely weird!Lin Xuan, Gao Cheng, Yuan Lang and the other two squadron captains all looked at the drill order on the table with strange expressions.

And from time to time, he would look at each other and want to answer his doubts!But after seeing that the other party's eyes were also full of confusion, he could only retract his gaze and continue to kill brain cells.

Rail, on the other hand, was leaning on his chair, frowning and drawing big lottery tickets.One after another... looking extremely irritable!

The exercise command only contains one brief sentence, and the full text is as follows:
With the approval of the People's Liberation Army of China, the "Stride-2000" military exercise will officially begin from now on.The relevant troops will immediately enter the first level of combat readiness in accordance with the exercise standards!
Further down are the red stamps of the highest command body of the army and the Tianfu Military Region!

No one thought there was anything wrong with level one combat readiness. After all, it was normal to enter this state before every exercise!
But there is no information about other exercise backgrounds, exercise targets, exercise areas, the composition of the forces of both sides, etc.!

And the most important thing is that I don’t know whether I am the red side or the blue side!

This made the railway and everyone present subconsciously feel that this order was wrong?However, the two dazzling red stamps on it silently reminded them that there was nothing wrong with this order!

This is the source of what makes everyone feel weird!
Puzzled, Gao Cheng murmured in a low voice, very irritably: "How can there be such a drill! Even in actual combat, there is a rough intelligence information!"

Hearing this, Lin Xuan, who was meditating, suddenly had an extremely terrifying thought in his heart. His eyes widened in shock and he subconsciously whispered: "It's impossible to play such a big game!!"

Although Lin Xuan's voice was not loud, it was enough for the people present to hear clearly.Railway immediately laid his eyes on Lin Xuan and asked anxiously:

"Lin Xuan, what you just said is impossible!"

Only then did Lin Xuan react. Looking at the inquiring eyes of the railway and other people, he swallowed and said hesitantly:
"I think this exercise is likely to be an actual combat background! That kind of 100% real war."

Upon hearing this, the expressions of everyone in the room suddenly changed.Especially Railway, his expression became even more solemn!Immediately his eyes fell on the order, and he realized a lot in his heart!

If the background of this exercise is really that of a real war, then this weird order would make sense!

After all, in a real war situation, or to be precise, in a situation where a war is about to begin, the troops must be in a first-level combat readiness state ready to go to the battlefield at any time!
As for where to fight?Who is the enemy?As for the opponent's personnel and equipment, well, it's only possible to know something about it when you receive the order to go out.

So there is only one thing that can be done now...

"All personnel of Brigade A, first-level combat readiness!" Railway immediately ordered loudly!

The rest of the people first stunned, and then replied immediately: "Yes!"

After finishing speaking, everyone prepared to leave the railway office.Just after taking two steps, Tietie shouted: "Lin Xuan, stay here for a moment."

Lin Xuan was stunned for a moment, but immediately replied: "Yes!"

Within a few seconds, Lin Xuan and Tie Tie were the only two people left in the office.The railway stopped hiding it and asked directly: "How is the "Veteran" now? Can it be pulled out and used on the battlefield?"

Lin Xuan replied without any hesitation: "You can go out at any time!" After the joining ceremony, Lin Xuan rushed to the airport.

The modification work of the "Veteran" has been completely completed before the final exam, so he has been at the airport this week to familiarize himself with the modification situation.

Seeing Lin Xuan's confident look, the railway smiled happily, and then continued to ask: "If the departure order is received, how long will it take for the "Veteran" to take off and enter a standard combat state?"

"The emergency takeoff time is 10 minutes! After completing the takeoff process, all preparations will be completed in 10 minutes and the aircraft will enter combat status!"

Lin Xuan's answer suddenly surprised the railway!It’s not that 10 minutes is too long, on the contrary, it’s that it’s too short!
But soon Railway's face was filled with joy. In any case, the reduction of preparation time was a good thing for him!
"Okay, then go to the airport quickly. Make preparations in advance and take off immediately as soon as you receive the order!"


Just when Brigade A entered the first level of combat readiness, the DA Division of the Nandu Military Region also entered the state of combat readiness!
However, compared to the situation of Old A, the news that their DA division has entered the first level of combat readiness is much bigger!

First of all, Lin Xiaoyan's information brigade was on full firepower. In less than 15 minutes after entering the first level of combat readiness, the E5W command system was fully activated.

The information ports of each combat brigade affiliated to the DA division also began to gradually access, and relevant information data began to be displayed one by one on the large screen in the center of the information brigade!

After seeing this scene, Lin Xiaoyan couldn't help but reveal a proud smile on her face!The E5W command system that was written with so much effort finally showed its power!

Soon, Long Kaifeng walked in here with an evil aura.

The questioning voice reached Lin Xiaoyan's ears before she even stopped.

"How are the preparations of each brigade now?"

"Reporting to the division commander, all brigades are ready for battle! They can set off at any time!" Lin Xiaoyan said quickly after saluting.

Long Kaifeng looked at the various data on the big screen and the constantly switching scenes of the various teams.A look of satisfaction flashed across his originally serious face.

But this trace of satisfaction was quickly restrained by Long Kaifeng, and instead he sternly warned Lin Xiaoyan:

"This exercise is the first official appearance of the E5W command system. We must ensure that it plays a [-]%, or even [-]%, role!"

"Especially in the command of each brigade, it must be accurate and effective! Only in this way can the true strength of the DA Division as a synthetic force be fully unleashed!"

As the pioneer of the integrated information force of the entire army, the DA Division has placed great hopes on it since the project was established!But at the same time, this hope is also a great pressure for the teacher Long Kaifeng!

If you can't give the enemy a crushing defeat in this exercise, show your combat effectiveness far beyond that of conventional troops!
So for Long Kaifeng, the commander of the DA division, it was a complete failure!Therefore, there is no reason why Long Kaifeng is not nervous!
But compared to Long Kaifeng's nervousness, Lin Xiaoyan looked confident and replied immediately:
"Please rest assured, Commander, the E5W system will never let you down!"

(End of this chapter)

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