Chapter 28 Dinner
"I declare that the winner of this mountain exercise is the Red Army!!!"

"During this exercise, they used technological means to accurately detect the specific movements of the Blue Army, and responded to it..."

As Gao Shiwei read out the final results and key measures of the exercise with a smile on his face, the long-awaited voice of the system also sounded in Lin Xuan's ears.

[Task: Help 702 win the exercise.Rewards: Judgment based on task completion. 】

[Settlement information: Exercise victory.Reward: Be a good example (rewards for writing electromagnetic detection programs, and then discovering and annihilating the Blue Army helicopter squadron, can be extracted.) E-level camouflage technology (rewards for destroying the Blue Army command system, can be extracted.)]

Looking at these two skill rewards from the system, Lin Xuan felt very satisfied.Although it is not clear what the reward for being a teacher is, Lin Xuan firmly believes that the products produced by the system must be high-quality products.

And this award is related to teaching as soon as you hear it, this will definitely be even more powerful for your next plan.

As for the E-level camouflage technology, it would definitely not be too bad.After all, an E-level computer skill package allowed him to write electromagnetic detection programs, and this camouflage technology must also be of this level.

Now I will wait until I get back to the camp, and I will understand the details after extraction.

Just when Lin Xuan thought this reward was over, the voice from the system sounded again:

[Reward for emergencies: E-level gun sense (Rewards for discovering and capturing secret agents, which can be extracted.)]

Lin Xuan was immediately surprised. He never thought that there would be a reward for catching a spy by himself! ! !Gun sense, although Lin Xuan doesn't know much about this word, but he also knows that this is the ability only those sharpshooters have!

This reward... really fragrant! ! !

Just when Lin Xuan was happily imagining how delicious these rewards were, Gao Cheng beside him suddenly pushed him, "Lin Xuan Lin Xuan, you are completely famous this time."

Only then did Lin Xuan realize that Major General Gao Shiwei had left here at some point, and the rest of the staff were also walking out in twos and threes, occasionally casting surprised glances at him.

Only myself, still maintaining the posture of standing at attention, stood here foolishly.

Hearing Gao Cheng's words, Lin Xuan was stunned, and hurriedly asked, "How did I become famous, company commander?"

"Just now after General Gao finished his speech, everyone was applauding. Only you stood here stupidly, wandering away. Although the general didn't find out, many others did. So, you This time it is completely famous. If you are ready, the leader will definitely find you."

"Er..." Lin Xuan was suddenly embarrassed.It never occurred to him that he would make such a fool of himself in just such a short period of time!Really, there is no one left.

Seeing Lin Xuan's appearance, Gao Cheng also smiled. "Okay, don't make a sad face here, let's go back quickly. There are still many things waiting for us to deal with in the company. First go to the hospital to see Lao Hong, and there are questions about Shi Jin, and we must hurry up gone."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan also felt his scalp go numb, but he also knew that he couldn't escape at all, so he could only return with a wry smile: "Yes, company commander."

It's just that they didn't know that at this moment, Wang Qingrui was staring at the railway angrily, as if he wanted to gnaw its bones and eat its flesh!
The reason is only one sentence, that is, the railway said to Wang Qingrui: "Old Wang, give me Lin Xuan."

Before speaking, he handed Wang Qingrui a cigarette very politely, and lit it courteously.

"It's impossible! Don't even think about it! I absolutely won't agree!!!" Wang Qingrui directly rejected the railway's request without the slightest leeway.

After speaking, he strode outside.Only the railway station with an embarrassed face was left standing in place.

He didn't expect that Wang Qingrui's reaction would be so great.I only said a beginning, and the rest of the words were all stifled.

Looking at Wang Qingrui's back, the railway was also angry, "I still don't believe it, there is no one our old A wants that he can't get!!!"

At this time, Gao Cheng and Lin Xuan had returned to the field station of the Seventh Company, and directed the soldiers to make arrangements before the dinner.

The instructor, Hong Xingguo, also came back here at this time. After the hospital examination, he was fine. He just had a mild concussion and he could not hear things clearly in his right ear. He should rest for two days and he would be fine.

So I came back with Gaocheng Linxuan.

They came back together with two commendation orders issued by the regiment, one was a commendation for the Seventh Company as a whole.In recognition of the performance of the Seventh Company in this exercise and subsequent operations against enemy agents.

The second award is for Shi Jin and Sanduo, who, together with Lin Xuan, killed the Blue Army's command system.

As for Lin Xuan, he didn't have any rewards.The main reason is that the regiment requested third-class merit for him, which needs to be approved by the division level, so we still need to wait.

And the award group can approve it, so it will come down so quickly.

Therefore, when the bonfire is lit and the car lights are on, the meals with rough shapes but full of materials are packed in large pots and placed on the table.Gao Cheng immediately raised the beer in his hand, and shouted loudly: "Brothers Qilian, I thought about it, but I won't be able to eat tonight."

"The battle was won, but you are still a ghost to fight like this! In the history of the Seventh Steel Company, except for the war years, there have been such poor records there!!! This is a defeat!!!"

Hearing what Gao Cheng said, all the soldiers suddenly showed shame on their faces!Indeed, as he said, such a large number of casualties, except in the war years, this is the first time for the Seventh Company!

After Gao Cheng saw this scene, he continued:

"But our instructor said that it is especially important at this time. First, we have won after all. If we win, we must enjoy the joy of victory! Second, we must also boost morale!"

"But I want you to tell me, does the morale of the Seventh Steel Company still need to be boosted!!!"

"No!!!" All the soldiers responded loudly.

"Okay, this is the first glass of wine, let's have a drink for failure! You can drink it, you can't drink it, drink it all! Come!" Gao Cheng raised the lunch box in his hand and swallowed it drank the beer.

"This second glass of wine, let's have a drink for the future of Gang Qilian! Because of this failure, it is his mother who is winning! Those who are confident and want to win the battle, drink it all. Those who are not confident, wash up and sleep Let's go!" Then, he drank the beer in the lunch box in one gulp!

It's just that after drinking in Gaocheng, seeing that none of the soldiers drank, they were obviously angry!Roared: "Drink!!!"

Seeing this, the soldiers also raised the beer in their hands and drank it in big gulps.The atmosphere also changed from solemn to cheerful!Gao Cheng and Hong Xingguo looked at each other, indicating that it was time for him to play.

Hong Xingguo took two steps forward, picked up the lunch box, and said loudly: "This third glass of wine is, let me let go of your belly, fill it up first, and then drink to your heart's content!! !"

"Good!!! Drink!!!"

Following Hong Xingguo's words, the scene became even more heated!
(End of this chapter)

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