A strong army begins with a soldier assault

Chapter 289 This slap is a bit harsh

Chapter 289 This slap is a bit harsh

5 minutes ago.

Long Kaifeng was observing the movements of Yuan Lang and others on the screen with an expressionless face. Especially after seeing the deployment of the special operations brigade and the armored brigade, a faint sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth!

"You destroyed all my land-based radars, then I will accept the troops you lurked in! What comes and goes is the right thing to do! I want to see, when your ground troops are running low, what will you do? What other methods can you use!"

While thinking about it, the scene of Yuan Lang and others being wiped out in ashes under the attack of his own forces had already appeared in Long Kaifeng's mind!

But at this moment, Long Kaifeng's expression changed, and then he showed a playful expression!

"If these people are all or most of the blue team's ground forces, then they will definitely call for air support when they suffer an unbearable blow! Then..."

Thinking of this, Long Kaifeng immediately ordered in the command channel: "The missile brigade immediately goes to XXX`XXX to arrange air defense positions!"

"After setting up the position, immediately turn off the radar, vehicles and other electronic and mechanical equipment, and wait for combat orders!"

"Missile brigade received it, now go to XXX`XXX area immediately!"

After watching the coordinates of the missile brigade begin to change rapidly on the display interface of the E5W system, Long Kaifeng slowly turned his gaze back to the night sky and murmured softly in anticipation:

“Everything is ready, all we need is the east wind!!!”


Following Lin Xiaoyan's order, the armored brigade that had brought Yuan Lang and others into the attack radius immediately burst into flames of revenge!



Accompanied by the rumbling sound of artillery, more than twenty electromagnetic signals simulating high-explosive artillery shells with a caliber of [-] mm immediately flew towards the location of Yuan Lang and others!

The next second, Yuan Lang, who had just shouted to retreat, heard the sound of "chichi~~"!

Subconsciously looking around, he saw a soldier not far away looking at him with a blank look on his face.And the smoke generator that represents life on his body is spitting thick smoke wildly at the moment!


Seeing this situation, Yuan Lang didn't know yet. He had been completely plotted by the DA division's people!Then he roared loudly:


After shouting, he immediately ordered the first and second squadrons on the radio: "Retreat immediately! Retreat immediately!!!"

After saying that, without waiting for a reply, he immediately turned around, then took off his two big...short legs, turned into hot wheels, and ran out with the afterimages!
However, at this moment, there are only a few people who can follow Yuan Lang's orders to take action.The vast majority of the soldiers were "drunk with hatred on the spot" during this round of bombing!
The [-]st and [-]nd Squadrons were also attacked by the DA Division Armored Brigade at this time!However, due to their mission, they have all been dispersed into several combat teams at this time.Therefore, their situation is much better than Yuan Lang's No. [-] Squadron.

But this is only temporary!

The tanks equipped by the DA Division Armor Group are the same as the tanks equipped by the 702nd Regiment, which are Type [-] main battle tanks.And this tank has an automatic loader!Its reloading speed is eight rounds per minute!
Coupled with the precise coordinates provided by Lin Xiaoyan, the tanks of the armored brigade began to carry out over-the-horizon attacks continuously!Under the rumbling sound of artillery, there is a scene of Special Forces Group A fleeing in panic and then finally being wiped out!
Watching the red dots disappearing on the screen, Long Kaifeng felt even more joyful!

But after seeing those red dots that were so scattered that they didn't form a single patch at all, he felt a little helpless while feeling happy.Although I had expected this to happen, I still felt a bit pity when I saw it.

After all, the smoothbore cannon is not a rifled cannon, and it is still admirable at close range. But once it reaches long range or even beyond visual range, the impact point of the cannonball can only depend on God's will!
This is why a fish like Yuan Lang slipped through the net!

The killing range overlaps.

Otherwise~~~, as long as the accuracy can be improved, just relying on the 30-meter killing radius of the [-] high-explosive grenade, taking away everyone in a squadron in one wave will be like playing!
However, this situation is also what Long Kaifeng is looking forward to!
When it comes to fishing, you have to have bait!

After seeing that there were not many red dots left on the screen, Long Kaifeng murmured softly: "Will you...will rescue them?"

As soon as he finished speaking, his eyes fell on the night again!
At the same time, he picked up the car radio and contacted Lin Xiaoyan and said calmly: "Immediately carry out electromagnetic monitoring of all Blue Army personnel, track the whereabouts of the signal, and notify me after locating it."

After hearing the order, Lin Xiaoyan in the headquarters was stunned for a moment, then smiled casually and replied: "I promise to complete the mission!"

At this time, the railway within the Blue Command has also received Yuan Lang's emergency signal for help!
After seeing the situation of Yuan Lang and others, Railway suddenly looked shocked!He never imagined that he had just killed the opponent's radar base station, and the opponent had wiped out most of his infantry with a backhand, leaving only a small number of personnel still struggling, waiting for rescue!

Will Yuan Lang and the others be rescued?This problem is not even a problem for the railway!The answer is absolutely...yes! ! !
Although the three combat squadrons of the Special Warfare Group A are basically just one breath away from being wiped out!
But they also fished out the enemy's heavily armed troops!

If the enemy's heavily armed troops can be completely annihilated, then it will be worth it even if the entire Special Forces Group A is killed!
After all, the general's duty is to make soldiers die more valuable!

"The command calls the "Veteran"! The command calls the "Veteran"!"

"The "Veteran" has been received, command, please speak!"

"Immediately attack the enemy's heavy-armed troops in the XXX`XXX area! Our ground troops were attacked by them, and the current situation is precarious!"

"Be sure to completely annihilate the enemy's heavy-duty troops. Under this premise, try to rescue our trapped personnel as much as possible! The communication frequency of our personnel is XXX`XXX!"

On the "Veteran", Lin Xuan immediately understood the meaning of the railway after hearing it.He immediately replied:
"The "Veteran Soldier" understands and immediately launches an attack on the XXX`XXX area! Over!"

After finishing speaking, he immediately ordered to Ning Xingguo: "First Flying Brigade, please advance to the XXX`XXX area immediately. The attack data will be transmitted to you in a moment! Over!"

Ning Xingguo immediately replied: "The First Flying Brigade understands and will go to the XXX`XXX area immediately! Over!"

Immediately, the Flying Leopard fighter jets that had been escorting the "Veteran" immediately broke away, formed a formation and immediately flew towards the target area!

And Lin Xuan looked at their retreating figures through the glare window, his eyes full of complexity!
Victory is always forged with flesh and blood!
(End of this chapter)

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