Chapter 325 The end is near~
"Everyone, get ready to fight!!!"

Listening to the roaring sound of the engine in the distance, Zhang Lei, captain of the first brigade of the Langya Special Forces Brigade, issued his order with a serious face.

Behind him was a large group of soldiers from the First Squadron.And their mission tonight is to kill the blue team's long-range firepower!

The soldiers of the second squadron are distributed on their periphery. Their task is to block the possible arrival of enemy support when the first squadron attacks.

Although Langya is very disdainful of Lao A's attitude, the fact that they can become a grindstone for the entire army's regular troops has proven their strength.

Once they are not careful and they seize the opportunity, it is not impossible that the entire army will be annihilated!
Soon, all the soldiers of Langya Squadron [-] were ready for battle!Then Zhang Lei pointed to the guard posts in the artillery camp and made an attack gesture.

Immediately, several soldiers took advantage of the cover of night and vegetation to quietly touch it.

I have to say that the 702 Artillery Battalion’s security sentry was very tricky!
Regardless of the distance between the two sentries, the fact that each sentry has at least two sentries that can observe his situation at the same time makes Langya's sentinel touching operation extremely difficult!

Because you have to kill all the sentries at the same time!If one group fails to catch up in time, then the first squadron will have to engage in a head-on battle of annihilation!
Although the final result will not be different, the casualties are two different concepts!
Of course, just in case someone is hot-tempered and detonates the shell out of thought.Then if you follow the same example, tsk tsk tsk... it will be a lot of fun.

Every one of his 702st Squadron, and maybe even some of the [-]nd Squadron, will be buried in the [-]nd Artillery Battalion!

Therefore, Zhang Lei held his breath at this moment and looked at the soldiers who were checking the whistle with great nervousness, for fear that they would make some mistakes!
It wasn't until... the sentry of the artillery camp was touched at the same time that he exhaled the filthy breath for a long time, avoiding the fate of being suffocated to death!

After taking two deep breaths, Zhang Lei immediately waved his hand and led everyone in the first squadron to attack!
But at this moment, in the sky above their squadron, a Jingwei drone is constantly hovering!At the same time, the situation here was also transmitted back to the command room simultaneously.

Looking at the dense red figures on the screen, Lin Xuan's face finally looked much better!As long as their traces are found, half the basis for victory in this confrontation will be laid!

Lin Xuan immediately sneered and picked up the walkie-talkie, pretending to be anxious and urged:
"Yuan Lang, Yuan Lang, we found those bastards! They are now around the artillery camp. If you are not in place, prepare to collect the corpses from the artillery camp!!!"

Of course, the actual situation was not as critical as Lin Xuan said. After all, the situation was reported to the artillery camp as soon as he discovered the gang of bastards.

Although the combat effectiveness of the artillery battalion is mainly reflected in the artillery, don't underestimate their individual combat effectiveness!To be more precise, the individual combat effectiveness of the artillery battalion ranks among the top five among all combat units in 702!
Therefore, if these wolf cubs from Langya want to swallow the artillery camp in one go, they will definitely have to break a few teeth!
But after Yuan Lang heard that the situation was so critical, he immediately roared in response:
"5 minutes, 5 minutes at most!!! Let the artillery battalion hold on, we will be there soon!!!"

After saying that, he immediately ended his communication with Lin Xuan.Then he yelled at the soldiers of the [-]rd Squadron behind him: "Brothers, the artillery camp has been surrounded by those bastards! Go ahead at full speed and rescue the artillery camp!!! Hurry!!!"

"If the artillery battalion is wiped out by those bastards, our Third Squadron will go home to nurse our children!!!"

After saying that, Yuan Lang took the lead and took the Hot Wheels and ran as fast as he could in the coniferous forest!

The rest of the third squadron followed closely behind Yuan Lang, racing wildly with eyes full of madness!
Inside the headquarters, Lin Xuan suddenly felt that there was something he had not told Yuan Lang.But...hey, it doesn't matter.Anyway, the combat effectiveness of their third squadron is still very reliable.

Therefore, let’s pay attention to the situation here in the artillery camp.

Although it is a black and white infrared image, it does not prevent everyone from understanding the real situation there!

Then, the expressions of everyone in the command room suddenly became dull!Because the situation there is really confusing to everyone!
As everyone knows, under the leadership of Wang Qingrui, among the conventional weapons and equipment of the artillery battalion and armored battalion, the number of weapons equipped has always been a mystery!

Their number has never been a fixed number!Because the standard of their equipment is not based on the standard requirements, but depends on how many free spaces are currently available in the vehicle.

This weapon is - grenade!

It was clearly displayed on the screen that once the Langya people launched an attack, the people from the artillery camp would immediately send them a dense rain of grenades!

Originally, the strength of these guys in the artillery camp was an exaggeration. They threw grenades just for fun.That's a long way!As a result, every time Lang Ya just started to charge, he was instantly beaten back to his original state.

There were even many unlucky guys who fell to the ground directly after being hit by grenades.

You know, the Type [-] grenade weighs nearly eighty taels.Even based on this weight alone, everyone should think carefully about it.

Therefore, a very interesting situation appears on the battlefield now.The people in Langya wanted to attack, but they couldn't get in.And it is absolutely impossible for the people in the artillery camp to figure it out.

The two sides are so deadlocked here.

But everyone knows in their hearts that this stalemate will not last long.No matter how well the artillery battalion throws grenades or carries more grenades, the number is ultimately limited.

So no one knows how long it can last.

If the people from the old A-[-] Squadron hadn't arrived before, then the artillery camp~~~ Thinking of this, Lin Xuan immediately shifted his attention to Yuan Lang's position.

But then Lin Xuan discovered that the group of people originally chased by Old A had disappeared~~~
"Oh my god, I finally got rid of those guys. Hiss~~Whoever lets me run wild in the coniferous forest again, I will definitely beat him to death. This handsome face of mine~~~it hurts so much Me!!!"

Everyone must be well aware of the situation in the coniferous forest.Coupled with the height of the ostrich, it naturally left traces after running all the way.

Of course, there is another person in the same situation as him, and that person is Lao Gao~~~
It's just that the dog-headed old man doesn't complain as much as the ostrich.After pulling a needle off his face with an expressionless expression, he scolded in a low voice with a metallic voice:
"Don't call me an ostrich!"

The ostrich immediately shut up, which immediately elicited a low chuckle from the hygienist.

Then the dog-headed old man stood up and said to everyone: "Pack up the equipment and continue the operation in 5 minutes."

After finishing speaking, everyone's faces immediately straightened up, and they immediately lowered their heads and began to sort out the equipment that had been scattered due to their escape.

Five minutes passed quickly. After confirming that everyone was ready, Gao Dazhuang was about to order everyone to move on, but suddenly he saw a bright red flare hanging abruptly in the distant and silent night sky. , rendering the world there extremely tragic!

After seeing this scene, the already cold expression on Gao Da Zhuang's face became even more grim!After looking back at all the members of the Lone Wolf Commando, he said in a solemn voice:
"Lone Wolf Special Commando!!!" "Kill! Kill! Kill!" Everyone suppressed their voices and roared!

Randomly, the tall and powerful man waved his hand and led everyone to disappear into the woods in the direction of the 702 station.

The flare was shot by Zhang Lei!To be precise, when he heard the fierce gunshots from the area where the Second Squadron was behind him, he immediately fired the signal flare into the sky!
Then he grinned, and then led the soldiers behind him to attack the artillery camp again!But the difference from just now is that there is no longer any reservation in this attack.

The whole army presses forward and fights to the death!
After Lei Keming saw the high-rising flare, he stood up silently and gave a slow and solemn military salute in that direction!After a long while, he slowly lowered his arm and once again murmured the unknown poem that was born on the battlefield of the two mountains:

"The house is full of people who come into the house. It is silent at night and my relatives are sleeping deeply. My mother is asleep in bed, knowing that your son has returned to his soul.

Dear brothers and sisters, you are sleeping peacefully at home, but you know that your brother comes home to talk about old friendships.

During the Sino-Vietnam war that year, the Vietnamese invaders invaded our country and destroyed our beautiful homeland.

Dawn is urging me to leave, leave this beautiful home. "

After finishing reading, Lei Keming returned to his seat again, staring at the woods under the night with an expression of interest.

As a member of the artistic profession, Lei Keming has always had an unconventional way of thinking!
Therefore, in his combat plan, whether it was setting up a trap to lure Old A and the others, or later attacking the artillery battalion, all methods involved deeper thinking.

To put it simply, it is to use an attitude of fighting the enemy to death to force the enemy to disrupt their own fighting rhythm, thus ignoring the most deadly dagger of the Lone Wolf Special Commando!

Of course, if the Blues are indifferent to this, then Raikemin will not be disappointed.In that case, rely on the fighting power of the Wolf Fang.As long as we continue step by step, we will naturally achieve the final victory!

But he knew that that situation was absolutely impossible!So... Now that all the characters have appeared, we are just waiting to sing the final chapter.

Looking at the extinguishing flare, Lei Keming rubbed the remote control in his hand and said slowly: "The darkness before dawn is about to pass. I hope you can succeed!"

"This is...Raikeming!!!"

Looking at Lei Keming's lean face on the screen, everyone in the 702 command room felt extremely surprised!No one thought that the Jingwei drone, which was clearly searching for the missing group of wolf cubs, would accidentally catch the wolf king.

What is even more incomprehensible is why the commander of the red side stayed alone on this unknown highland.What is he waiting for?

But this surprise quickly disappeared from Lin Xuan's face.

No matter what the reason is for him to be sitting here, it is not as important as getting rid of him!so···

"Qi Huan, do you know what to do!!!"

Qi Huan immediately understood and said with a cold smile: "Understood! I will take people to kill Lei Keming right now!!!"

"Pay attention to safety, Lei Keming's fighting ability is extraordinary!"

Qi Huan glanced at the soldiers behind him and replied confidently: "Don't worry, we promise to complete the mission!!!"

After hearing Qi Huan's response, Lin Xuan stopped paying attention to him.While one Jingwei was left to continue monitoring Lei Keming, the rest of the Jingwei searched for Gao Dazhuang and the others with all their strength.

But until the battle here in the artillery camp ended, Lin Xuan did not find them.This made Lin Xuan suddenly fall into deep thought until...
"Headquarters, the first squadron and the second squadron of Langya have been eliminated. Please give me instructions?"

After hearing Yuan Lang's report, Lin Xuan raised his head and looked at the situation on the big screen.On the screen, a large number of people gathered together, puffing and puffing in a lively manner.

And around them, there was a circle of figures with weapons standing, staring at them with serious expressions.

This situation made Lin Xuan subconsciously say: "Bring all the personnel back and pay attention to safety."

"Received, bring all personnel back immediately." Yuan Lang responded immediately.

After ending the call, the Jingwei in charge of the artillery camp also slowly lowered.

There is no way, the servo motor is really a big power consumer.Even if the battery capacity has been increased as much as possible, it still cannot last too long.

But fortunately, the battle here in the artillery camp is over, so it is no longer so important whether there is the support of Jingwei or not.

Watching the drone slowly fly overhead and then land on the ground.Zhang Lei, who had been "killed in battle," had an extremely playful look on his face.Then, very covertly, he turned his attention to the group of "prisoners" not far away.

After seeing their vague movements, Zhang Lei showed an unspeakable smile in his eyes.I whispered silently in my heart:

"It's time to sheath the dagger~~~"

Looking at the old soldiers A who had gathered around him, Lei Keming smiled lightly at the leader Qi Huan without any panic and said:

"Captain, I have to say that your courage is very commendable~~~ But courage alone is not enough. Because there is only one result of doing this, and that is..."

Before he finished speaking, Qi Huan's expression changed suddenly, and he immediately shouted loudly: "Hidden!!!"

But it's too late!
The next moment, an extremely dense sound of slight explosions reached the ears of everyone present!
"Bang bang bang bang bang~~~~"

At the same time, there was also the rising yellow smoke~~~
(End of this chapter)

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