A strong army begins with a soldier assault

Chapter 337 The beginning is express delivery 21

Chapter 337 The beginning is express delivery twenty-one

"Teacher, senior brother, are everything you said true?"

What is a windfall? This is it! ! !

You know, this exercise at the end of the year is not only a test for the entire Blue Army Combined Brigade, but also a test for the Seventh Information Reconnaissance Company!

Although the Seventh Company is now equipped with the latest Jingwei drones, to be honest, this still does not give Lin Xuan the confidence to face the steel torrent of the Northeast Military Region's heavy-armed ace division!

After all, when it reaches the division level of a combat unit, its combat system is already in a fairly complete state!

Let's put it this way, compared with the synthetic brigades, except for the certain gap in ballistic weapons and electronic reconnaissance on the ground, other synthetic brigades have it!

Even more numerous and stronger than you! So under this situation, one can imagine the pressure Lin Xuan faced!

"Haha, can this kind of thing be fake? Of course, we still need to communicate with our superiors to know how to carry out the test." Academician Wang replied with a chuckle.

"I understand, teacher." Lin Xuan said immediately.

"By the way, the XXX laboratory will send a large drone integrated with surveillance and combat in a while. Then you can see if it can be tested in actual combat during this exercise. Here are its drawings and data You need to understand the parameters first."

While speaking, Academician Wang also handed over another document.

Lin Xuan took it over with curiosity. After taking a look, the expression on his face immediately looked like he had seen a ghost! Then he raised his head, looked at Academician Wang and asked in surprise:

"Why is it so big! And its maximum ceiling is actually six thousand meters... Could it be said that the problem of data transmission has been solved or..."

Having said this, Lin Xuan raised a finger and pointed at the sky.

Academician Wang immediately nodded and confirmed Lin Xuan's idea. "So, you should be careful when using it and never leave the range. Otherwise..."

Lin Xuan knew very well what Academician Wang meant and immediately nodded to express his understanding.


Synthetic Brigade Base, Brigade Commander's Office

Gao Shiwei wore reading glasses and looked at the battle plan Wang Qingrui brought over with a smile on his face. After a long time, he took a deep breath and said to Wang Qingrui:

"Qingrui, what do you think about this battle plan?"

After Wang Qingrui heard this, he thought for a while and then replied:

"This plan is very bold, and from a practical point of view, it is also very feasible. If it were me, I would not be wary of this kind of thing if I didn't know about it in advance."

"It's just that... this plan is really a bit bottomless. I'm afraid there will be big objections from the red side."

Hearing this, Gao Shiwei immediately chuckled and took off his reading glasses. Then, his originally smiling eyes suddenly became extremely sharp. He looked at Wang Qingrui's chubby face and said sternly:

"Will the red side have any objections? Do you think we have no bottom line? Hehe, only the winner can talk about the bottom line. The loser...has no right to speak!"

After finishing speaking, Gao Shiwei waved his hand and signed his sharp name directly on the battle plan! Then he handed it back to Wang Qingrui and said:

"I agree with this combat plan, and the corresponding supplies will be in place as soon as possible. You should seize the time to implement the combat plan as soon as possible, and then give the red side this great gift! Do you understand?"

Wang Qingrui immediately replied loudly: "I promise to complete the task!!!"


Three months later

"I declare that the Cross-XXX exercise has officially begun!!!"

Following the order to start, all combat units belonging to the Northeast Military Region's heavy-armed 736th Division sounded the shrill battle alarm almost at the same time!

The troops that had been prepared for a long time immediately began to assemble their troops according to the preset combat plan and quickly assembled towards the military station!

At this moment, the faces of all the officers and soldiers of the 736th Division were filled with extremely high fighting spirit! I can't wait to go to the battlefield and let the newly formed Blue Army Brigade know what the dangers of society are! What is Big Brother love! ! !

For a moment, the chariots rumbled and the slogans were shocking!

Division Commander Xiang Guofeng was in the military station at this time. Looking at the confident looks of the soldiers, he had a similar expression on his face!

Then he turned around and ordered to the chief of staff: "Let all the troops pedal faster. We must get to the exercise base in the shortest possible time!"


"After arriving at the exercise area, all personnel and equipment were disembarked in the field, and at the same time, they quickly moved their positions and did a good job of camouflage! Although I have not seen the specific situation, I have heard that the Blue Army's high-altitude reconnaissance is quite good. !”

After hearing this order, the chief of staff also showed a look of approval on his face. Generally speaking, troops transferred via railways get on and off the train at military depots.

But this does not mean that troops, especially heavy equipment, cannot get off their vehicles in field conditions. It's just that this way of getting off the car is more risky and may cause damage to the equipment.

But for the ace master 736, this is nothing at all! Because getting on and off the vehicle under outdoor conditions is a routine operation for everyone!

The purpose is to be able to have the ability to go to the battlefield at any time under any circumstances!

After giving the order, Xiang Guofeng said nothing more. He quickly walked to the command car, ready to study the intelligence information and see how to fight this battle!

But what he didn't know was that at this moment, a drone was lying quietly on a building in the military station, transmitting the images here in real time to a bungalow a few kilometers away from the military station.

At this time, Lin Xuan was looking calmly at the densely packed troops and armored vehicles on the screen. After a while he asked:

"Have all the troops of the 736th Division arrived?"

After an operator heard this, he quickly replied: "Report, two armored regiments, a mechanized infantry regiment, a fire strike group, and an air defense regiment belonging to the 736th Division are all in place!"

After hearing this, Lin Xuan said quickly: "Immediately send the coordinates of the military station back to the headquarters and request a ballistic weapon attack!"


Following Lin Xuan's order, a radio wave was quickly sent back to the Sunit base headquarters!

In the command headquarters, Gao Shiwei sat on the command podium, staring calmly at the large blue display screen with neither joy nor sadness.

On the big screen, the war preparations of the units under the combined brigade were constantly switching. Including the 702 Armored Infantry Regiment, Special A Group, Missile Group and Decepticon Air Force Group!

Suddenly, an operator stood up and loudly reported:

"Report, received coordinate information from the lurking team, as well as a request for a ballistic weapon attack!"

This news immediately filled Gao Shiwei's face with heroic colors! He immediately stood up and ordered loudly:

“The request is approved and executed immediately!!!”


As the request was approved, the missile brigade, which was ready for combat, immediately received the attack order! Immediately, a look of joy appeared on Captain Zhang's face.

Immediately, his almost roaring voice was heard resounding from all directions!

"Express delivery No. 21, coordinate location XXX`XXX, 600kg mushroom warhead! Hurry!!!"

Following his roar, a five-axle heavy-duty transport truck immediately drove out of the garage and arrived at the launch platform as fast as possible while ensuring stability!

Immediately, the hydraulic support rods used to stabilize the car body were lowered. After all the support rods were lowered, the crew members who had been waiting nearby immediately rushed to lock it.

Then he quickly rushed into the operating room located in the middle of the carriage and began to operate the express delivery.

Soon, with the full roar of the diesel engine, the courier body slowly stood up. When it formed a 90-degree right angle with the ground, it stopped moving. And in the operation room, it is also very busy at the moment!

"Enter target parameters! Calibrate error parameters!"

"Every trumpeter reports the situation!"

"Report, the vehicle is normal, the platform is normal, and the power is normal!"

"Report, the car body level is normal, the car finger communication is normal, and the signals in all bands are normal!"

"Report, the express is powered on normally, the self-test is normal, and the signal reception is normal!"

"Report, target aiming completed!"

"Get out of the car!!!"

Suddenly, the members who had just logged into the operation room immediately left their seats. Under the leadership of the commander carrying the operating box, he quickly ran to a hundred meters away!

Then he reported to Team Zhang:

"Report, all preparations for Express 21 have been completed, request for launch!!!"



Along with the answer, the commander also pressed the launch button in his hand~~~

The next moment...it was calm and nothing happened!

But the driver loudly reported again: "Report, Express Delivery No. 21 was successful!"

"Return to the team!"


Although every step is the same as in actual combat, the final launch of the express delivery must never be executed!

Otherwise, even if there is no warhead of any specifications installed inside, just with its general grid, it is enough to kill some unlucky people when it falls from the sky.

However, although it was not launched in reality, within the exercise director's department, this courier was actually launched!

Immediately, it caused an uproar in the director's department!

"We launched express delivery at the beginning. What are the Blue Army doing?"

"Where did they get the coordinates? How were they confirmed?"

"If you don't agree with me, you'll need express delivery. This is outrageous!"


Listening to the discussions below, the face of Ding Congying, the chief director of this exercise, became extremely ugly!

You know, there are two main purposes of this exercise. One is to conduct actual combat training for the 736th Division!

The second is to verify the comprehensive capabilities of the Blue Army's synthetic brigade!

After all, compared with other conventional forces, the blue army combined brigade at Sunit Banner Base can only be described as small but comprehensive!

Of course, this is except for the navy. All other arms can be found in the combined brigade.

But now, you go fast when you come up, which is a bit bullying! No, this is not just bullying, this is simply long live peace!

If you continue this attack, how many people in the entire 736th Division will be left to breathe? Is it still necessary to continue this exercise?

But in any case, the combat system of the Blue Army's combined brigade does include a missile brigade. Therefore, even if it is a bit unethical to do so, Ding Congying has no objection to it.

After all, these days, once a full-scale war breaks out. If the other party really has mushroom eggs, do you think they will give you a wave of Long Live Peace from the beginning?

Therefore, Ding Congying's attention is mainly focused on one issue at this time, that is, how did the blue army obtain the specific coordinates of the red square?


Red Army Depot


In the originally noisy military station, a shrill air defense siren suddenly sounded! This caused Xiang Guofeng's expression to change suddenly as he was checking intelligence materials in the carriage!

He immediately asked loudly: "What's going on!!!"

"Report, the radar shows that a missile is flying towards us!"

After hearing the answer, Xiang Guofeng clenched his hands immediately. He only heard a "pop~~~" sound, and the pencil in his hand suddenly broke into two pieces!

He even cursed in a low voice: "Cheating, this is definitely cheating!!!"

The exercise had just begun, and before I even left the station, the Blue Army's missiles had already hit my doorstep! This is not cheating! ! !

Sure enough, the next moment a notice from the exercise director's department reached Xiang Guofeng's ears.

"Report, the exercise director announced that our troops were attacked by the red team's tactical express and the entire army was annihilated!"


After hearing the news, Xiang Guofeng was so angry that he slapped the table hard. Then he immediately strode to the communicator, picked up the communicator, and started to complain to the exercise director.

"Director's Department, Director's Department, Lan Fang is cheating!!! I request a strict investigation!!!"

Facing Xiang Guofeng's roar, the exercise director's department also fell into sinking for a while.

To be honest, most of the people in the director's department agreed with Xiang Guofeng's words. But as the chief director, Ding Congying neither expressed his opinions nor asked them what they thought, so naturally they would not express their thoughts.

Just when Xiang Guofeng was about to repeat it again, an answer finally came from the communicator.

"The exercise is suspended and awaiting further notification."

Although this response did not satisfy Xiang Guofeng, he also knew that the director's department would only make a final decision after investigation.

Therefore, now he can only follow the order and wait quietly here.

While Xiang Guofeng was waiting, Ding Congying's voice resounded in Gao Shiwei's ears inside the Blue Army's combined brigade headquarters!

"Old Gao, what are you doing? You just messed up the drill as soon as it started! You've never done anything like this!"

(End of this chapter)

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