Chapter 340

"Report, the "Venus Star" early warning aircraft has taken off, and the two Eight Masters of the Tyrant Wolf Squadron are escorting!"

"Report, the 702nd Regiment has arrived at the predetermined location and has completed the disguise work!"

"Report, Special Forces A Brigade..."

"Report, Missile Brigade..."

"Report, all members of the 736th Division of the Red Side have got off the bus at Area and are heading towards..."

Within the Blue Army's combined brigade headquarters, various reports mingled one after another, filling the air with the tense atmosphere before the war.

But at this moment, the acting brigade commander of the Hesheng Brigade, Gao Shiwei, could not see any nervousness before the war on his face. To be precise, his attention was not focused on it at all.

At this moment, he was looking very solemnly at the two mahogany boxes decorated with the national emblem and a sealed portfolio on the table in front of him.

After a long time, the guards put them away together. At the same time, he also cast his gaze on the big real-time screen and murmured with some anticipation in his heart: "Lin Xuan..."


"Morning Star"

As the climb ended, Qiao Jianjia's voice also sounded in the ears of everyone in the command cabin:

"The cockpit reports that the climb has ended and it has entered cruise mode! The current altitude is 7,000 and the speed is 750 kilometers per hour. The power supply system of the command module is started and the voltage is normal! Report completed!"

At the same time that Qiao Jianjia's report was completed, the lights in the command module were illuminated simultaneously. At the same time, the power indicator light and self-test indicator light on the console in front of all operators also lighted up! Suddenly, the originally relaxed atmosphere in the command cabin suddenly became serious! Everyone stared nervously at the orange self-check light.

After seeing this scene, Lin Xuan immediately responded:

"The command module received it, please rush to the scheduled airspace as soon as possible."

"Received in the cockpit, expected to arrive in the designated airspace in twenty minutes, report completed!"

As the call ended, each operator began to report quickly:

"Report, the communication system is powered on normally!"

"Report, the electromagnetic detection system is powered on normally!"

"Report, the real-time monitoring system is powered on normally!"

"Report, the remote link system is powered on normally!"

"Report, the radar system is powered on normally!"

"Report, the Identification Friend or Foe system is powered on normally!"

·Report, the weapon guidance system is powered on normally! "

"Report, the target tracking index system is powered on normally!"

"Report, the three-dimensional coordinate display system is powered on normally!"

"Report, the electronic countermeasures system is powered on normally!"

"Report, the air guidance system is powered on normally!"

"Report, the theater linkage system is powered on normally!"

"Report, the satellite communication system is powered on normally!"


Listening to the reports coming one after another in the command cabin, Lin Xuan suddenly felt an indescribable passion and ambition in his heart! From this moment on, the flower grower has finally taken the most solid step towards a modern combat system! The day when I can wear the crown again is just around the corner!

After all the equipment was confirmed to be powered on normally, all the operators turned their attention to Lin Xuan, waiting expectantly for the order to start the battle!

Sure enough, at the next moment, everyone heard the horn sound that started the war!

Lin Xuan was heard shouting in an almost roaring voice: "All equipment is powered on! Follow the procedures and connect to the relevant communication links! Turn on the electromagnetic detection program! Turn on the radar system! Turn on the satellite communication system!"

"Yes!" came the reply. A sound mixed with the tapping of keyboards and the sound of switches opening and closing, like a sudden rain, suddenly resounded throughout the entire cockpit!

A few seconds later, intensive reports sounded again in the cockpit:

"Report: The communication link was successfully established and the communication signals of the units of the 702nd Regiment began to be connected! The 702nd Armored Battalion, the nd Armored Battalion, the st Infantry Battalion, the Fire Support Battalion, and the electronic reconnaissance connection were successfully connected! The communication signals of the units of the Special A Group were started to be connected. Communication signal···”

"Report, the electromagnetic detection program is started, scanning and receiving electromagnetic signals begins! The first frequency detection starts, unknown electromagnetic signals are detected, the number is ninety-seven, start marking... Marking successful ~ start the second frequency detection..."

"The radar system is turned on and begins to warm up! The warm-up is successful, and the active electronically scanned array radar mechanical system begins to transmit power. The power is transmitted successfully and begins to operate! Each detection source begins to be powered on. The power is normal, and ground scanning begins!"


As the operators reported one after another, Lin Xuan also showed a smile on his face.

Especially when he saw the coordinate signals and intelligence information gradually emerging on the electronic combat map in front of him, Lin Xuan really wanted to rush to the combat airspace immediately and let the guys in the 736th Division experience what dimensionality reduction meant. Strike!

"736, the stage has been set. It's just waiting for you, the protagonist, to appear!"


736th Division, division headquarters mobile command vehicle

"Report, the leading troops have entered the exercise area, the mechanized infantry regiment and the armored regiment have formed a tank-mounted coordination formation, and are escorting the fire support troops and air defense troops to advance to the predetermined position!"

After hearing this report, Xiang Guofeng's originally solemn face finally showed a look of relief. Looking at the various information on the combat map, he said slowly:

"Well, the vanguard must always maintain a good defensive formation! Although the Blue Army is not as good as us in terms of numbers and firepower, they have one more ballistic force and air force than us! The ballistic force does not need to worry about him for the time being, but The air force... orders the air defense regiment to closely monitor the surrounding airspace!"

"And instruct the tank regiments and mechanized infantry regiments to always pay attention to the distance between themselves and the air defense regiment! To prevent being attacked by enemy forces from the air!"


After the staff member answered, Xiang Guofeng pondered for a moment and then continued to order:

"The command division belongs to the electronic countermeasures battalion. From now until the end of the exercise, give me 24 hours of non-stop detection of all electromagnetic signals around me! Once an abnormality is discovered, suppress it and confirm the location as soon as possible! Then report it to Divisional reconnaissance battalion or the nearest unit! Order them to immediately send out forces to confirm once they receive the situation report!"


After issuing these two orders, Xiang Guofeng looked at the entire combat map and murmured to himself: "As long as we can spend tonight safely and wait until dawn, the steel torrent of our 736th Division will be unstoppable. Stop!!!"   · ·····

"The 736th Division is very cautious. It has not entered the combat area yet, so it is time to take precautions. I have to say that there are no empty warriors under the reputation!"

Looking at the troops of the 736th Division marching under the night through high-powered telescopes, Yuan Lang exclaimed with solemn admiration.

"That's not all. Their alert intensity is also high enough! Fortunately, we only need to check from a distance on the periphery. Otherwise, if we want to sneak in and do something, tsk tsk... we won't be able to get in or get out. Ah!" Qi Huan, who was following him, also added at this time.

After hearing this, Yuan Lang immediately looked at Qi Huan with contempt and said:

"Tch, if you still go in, you can pull him down. You don't even see where this place is. It's just unobstructed, unless someone can attract their attention outside and move fast enough. Otherwise... ·Haha, believe it or not, if you are lucky enough, you can lurk a hundred meters away from them!"

"If you are not lucky enough, one hundred and fifty meters is your limit."

Sunit Banner Base was originally a training ground for the armored forces of the Tianjing Military Region. Although there are mountains, forests and hilly terrain here, the two types of terrain combined do not account for 10%. The rest are either grasslands or Gobi landscapes with sweeping views.

This kind of terrain is quite unfriendly to scouts!

Therefore, Qi Huan was unable to refute what Yuan Lang said!

"Stop talking nonsense and take a closer look to see if they have all come in. Once they are all in, move to a safe area immediately. Then send the information to the "Venus". There are still a lot of things to do later."

"I have confirmed with the captain that two-thirds of the troops of the 736 Division have already entered. The remaining one-third is also on the way and will arrive in half an hour at most. So, we are waiting here. Let them come in, or..."

"Retreat! I just saw the red team's personnel coming towards our direction."

"Yes, Captain!"


"Reporting that the command module "Venus" has arrived in the designated airspace and is conducting circling operations."

"Roger, please maintain current flight conditions."

"The cockpit understands!"

After taking a look at the starry night sky outside, Lin Xuan focused his attention on the computer screen in front of him again.

I saw that the screen was now occupied by dense red and blue light spots. Of course, the number of red occupies an absolutely dominant position! After a gentle smile, Lin Xuan ordered in a cold voice:

"Carry out electromagnetic jamming and radar jamming to the Red Army!"


"Start electromagnetic interference operations, start radar interference operations!"

"Order the 702nd Regiment Fire Support Battalion to conduct a round of fire coverage in the XXX area! After the attack is completed, evacuate immediately!"


"Order the first ground attack aircraft group of the Tyrant Wolf Squadron to mount ground attack weapons and take off immediately! Connect them remotely to guide over-the-horizon attacks!"



736th Division, division headquarters mobile command vehicle


"Report! We have encountered electromagnetic interference from the enemy, and the current communication system cannot be used normally!"

"Report, the radar system has been attacked and can no longer detect properly!"

"Fuck!!! These bastards!!!"

Xiang Guofeng immediately cursed when he heard the report! All of his troops had just entered the exercise area, and attacks from the blue side were already coming one after another! It was obvious that they were paying attention to what they were doing from beginning to end!

After scolding, Xiang Guofeng immediately ordered in a hurry: "Immediately order all troops to prepare for air defense!"


Immediately, a series of red and green signal flares flew into the night sky, bringing an unusual atmosphere to the world!

As the signal flares went up, all the troops of the 736th Division who were in a panic just now stopped advancing. Immediately afterwards, the infantrymen who had been sitting on the armored vehicles immediately jumped down and got ready for battle with the help of the tanks and armored vehicles!

In an instant, a defensive formation with tanks and armored vehicles as its supporting points has been constructed!

Of course, compared to the ground troops on the periphery, the air defense troops firmly guarded in the center are even more exaggerated!

As the ace unit of the Northeast Military Region, the air defense regiment of the 736th Division is naturally equipped with the top-notch weapons!

In addition to the conventional Hongying individual air defense missiles, there are also PGZ-88 double-barreled mm self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and the Banner Seventeen air defense missiles, known as the world's most advanced field mobile air defense system!

Within just a few seconds after the missile vehicle stopped, the radar detection equipment that was originally flat on the roof of the vehicle was completely erected, and began to rotate synchronously driven by the turret!

The two magazine covers on the turret that were originally closed slowly opened at this time, revealing eight domestically produced 9M331 missiles inside!

At the same time, the door in the middle of the vehicle was fully opened at this time, and several air defense soldiers carrying Hongying missiles rushed out immediately! After quickly moving to a safe distance, immediately power up the missile and get ready for battle!

And the 37mm self-propelled anti-aircraft gun has its muzzle pointing to the sky, and can spray the most brilliant fireworks at any time!

In just a few tens of seconds, the air defense regiment had completed three levels of preparations for firepower prevention and control: far, medium and near. This shows how elite this air defense regiment is!

But unfortunately, in the next second, these air defense troops, who were ready to defend the airspace to the death, were completely covered by a thick yellow smoke! Looking at the smoke pouring out of him, and then looking at the still empty radar display screen, the operator of Flag Seventeen was completely confused!

You know, Flag Seventeen is a comprehensive air defense platform that integrates search radar, guidance radar, air defense radar and command system into one vehicle! And until now, the operator has not noticed any disturbance. But why are they so inexplicably cold?

At this moment, the operators who had not turned off the radar system suddenly discovered that several light spots appeared on the radar screen. They subconsciously wanted to track and lock it... But when they reached halfway, they suddenly discovered that the radar display screen had turned into a dense snowflake shape!

Damn it, Cao Cao is here!

At the same time, on the "Venus"

"Report, the 702nd Regiment Fire Support Battalion has completed its attack and is in the process of transferring! According to calculations, the enemy's leading force has been reduced by %!"

"Report, radar signal found in the attack target, suppressing and jamming is in progress!"

"Report, the first attack group of Decepticons has arrived at the target perimeter, request an attack!"

(End of this chapter)

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