Chapter 345

In the early morning, the crystal dewdrops are as bright as diamonds with the help of the morning light. Although they will soon dissipate between heaven and earth, at this moment, they are already carrying heaven and earth!

But suddenly, relying on these dewdrops, the green grass leaves suddenly trembled slightly! And, as the trembling movement became more intense, the dewdrops on it were also thrown off one after another, falling to the ground and between the bloodshot but still determined eyes!

Underneath his eyes, there was a penetrating smile.

Because on the grassland not far away, the figure of a mixed red team was clearly visible!

"Your Majesty, C07 reported that red combat troops were found in the ninth area. Visual inspection of ten Type main battle tanks, more than twenty infantry fighting vehicles, and three self-propelled artillery! Report completed!"

At the same time, the rear was not in a certain ravine on the map. Qi Huan took a pencil and drew a circle on the ninth area on the combat map.

At the same time, he responded: "King C07C07 received it, continue to hide! Over!"

"C07 received, completed!"

After ending the call, Qi Huan took the map with several circles on it, came to Yuan Lang who was sleeping wrapped in a thermal blanket, kicked with his feet and said:

"Captain, the last red team has been found. They are in the ninth area!"

Yuan Lang, who was lying down, did not get up or open his eyes. Instead, he wrapped his own body more tightly with a blanket and then said in a muffled voice:

"That means there are traces of the red party from the third to the twelfth area, right? What is the approximate distance between them?"

"From what we know so far, the closer one is about five kilometers, and the farther one is less than ten kilometers. This distance... is disgusting!" Qi Huan replied in a rather depressed tone.

Between three kilometers and ten kilometers. How can I put it, this distance is indeed quite disgusting!

The Type 152 MM self-propelled howitzer has a maximum range of between kilometers and kilometers. (The maximum range is different due to different ammunition used.)

This means that once you engage in a close firefight with them, overwhelming long-range firepower will come roaring in in less than a minute! This means that the Special Forces Group A, which is a pure infantry unit, can only play a reconnaissance role in this exercise.

Although compared to combat missions, the role of reconnaissance is much easier.

But when he thinks about the majestic Special A Brigade, the famous Whetstone Troop of the entire army, now they can only return to their original line of work, it still makes Qi Huan feel a little unhappy!

So after seeing Yuan Lang didn't respond, Qi Huan asked again thiefly:

"Captain, is it possible that this first battle has nothing to do with our old A? If that's the case, then we must be really aggrieved. Let's do whatever it takes~~~"

At this time, Yuan Lang, who was wrapped in a blanket, suddenly opened his eyes, kicked Qi Huan's leg, and replied impatiently:

"What are you talking about, what are you talking about! I finally have a chance to take a rest, but you are still here talking like an old woman. Believe it or not, I will let you go to the cooking class to raise pigs later!"

Qi Huan was immediately embarrassed by these words, but he also had no intention of continuing.

Looking at Qi Huan's appearance, Yuan Lang rolled his eyes speechlessly and got up from the ground with a blanket on his back. He took the map from Qi Huan's hand and said while looking at it:

"Don't worry so much, we'll probably be busy soon."

Qi Huan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he licked his face hurriedly and asked: "Captain, what do you mean, the big head of the mouse puller is at the back?"

This sentence made Yuan Lang glance at him immediately, and then said in a strange tone: "Oh, you are a big boss, you are very capable, and you can also use the rhetoric. What, are you preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination?"


Qi Huan smiled sarcastically and did not answer, but Yuan Lang didn't care about this either. He unfolded the map and said:

"You have also seen the previous situation. Under the complete defense system of the red team, our A team has no much use at all. After all, the previous reconnaissance teams are the best example!"

"Do you think we, Old A, are enough for the red team to fight for several rounds?"

This statement left Qi Huan speechless. After all, on the frontal battlefield, the combat effectiveness of special forces was not necessarily much higher than that of ordinary soldiers. Especially against mechanized troops in an unobstructed environment like the grassland, it would be a disaster for any pure infantry combat unit!

"If that's the case, Captain, wouldn't we also have this kind of spectators behind us?"

Yuan Lang suddenly chuckled, looked at the rising sun in the distance, and said slowly: "If this is the case, then what are we doing here?"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and report the reconnaissance information as soon as possible. Then just be ready for battle!"

Although Qi Huan was still a little confused, he still replied: "Yes, Captain!"


"Report, the coordinate data of the Red Army has been updated!"

On the "Venus", Lin Xuan immediately looked at the screen after hearing the words. Looking at the situation in the areas above, Lin Xuan's mouth suddenly twitched.

"This 736th Division is indeed a powerful old force. This method is really beyond my expectation! It is clear that they want to defeat us!"

According to the requirements of this exercise, as long as the Red Army can officially arrive at the location of the Blue Army's headquarters, then he will win this exercise!

The electronic map at this time showed that the 736th Division of the Red Army had broken all its troops into pieces, forming dozens of individual combat units, loosely and tightly forming a thick fishing net, heading straight towards the Blue Army. Here comes the army command headquarters.

It seems that the red side has given up the biggest advantage of its heavily equipped troops. But in fact, this formation can be said to fully demonstrate the red team's advantage in strength, and it focuses on the blue army's weak ground force.

Even if there is an attack by the Tyrant Wolf and missile troops, it may not be possible to wipe out the red team before they reach the blue team's headquarters!

Let’s not talk about the size issue, but it also takes time to load the missiles and travel back and forth!

Once the ground troops launch an attack, they can carry out beyond-visual-range attacks even with the support of the "Venus". But the full attack was nothing more than the heavy firepower of three battalions, which was completely bearable for the red side. It will not affect the normal traveling process at all!

Moreover, once time drags on for too long, the personnel on the red side will not be able to make ends meet. Even with pen and paper, you can calculate the specific location of your own firepower units!

So, it’s really tricky!

"How can I slow you down?"

Whispering this question softly, Lin Xuan began to tap his fingers lightly on the table. There are many ways to delay the advance of armored troops, such as anti-tank cones, anti-tank trenches, anti-tank horse emplacements,... landmines, etc.!

Not to mention the material resources required by the first methods, it is too late just in terms of time! Therefore, the only way that can be deployed in time is landmines!

That being the case...

"The morning star calls to the Tyrant Wolf, the morning star calls to the Tyrant Wolf..."

"I've received it, Tyrant Wolf, I've received it, Tyrant Wolf, Morning Star, please tell me!"

"Immediately start from the third area to the front of the twelfth area, use helicopters to mix anti-tank and anti-infantry mines to block the red attack!"

"The Tyrant Wolf receives it, the Tyrant Wolf receives it!"

"Order, arrange the entire area of ​​the thirteenth area in the same way!"

"The Tyrant Wolf receives it, the Tyrant Wolf receives it!"

After giving the order, Lin Xuan looked at the coordinate signal of Special Forces Group A and murmured to himself: "I want to see if you are really tough enough to penetrate the entire minefield!"



With the roar of the propellers, the armed helicopter loaded with a large number of anti-tank mines gradually broke away from the control of gravity and flew into the sky!

This method of mine laying by aircraft first appeared during World War II. At that time, in order to prevent John Bull from receiving and transporting strategic supplies, Mustache ordered the Air Force to deploy a lot of mines by airdrop at the mouth of the Thames River.

This marked the first use of air-dropped mines.

But it was Yingjiang who really promoted this tactic. He did this a lot in the Pacific battlefield, especially in East Asia. Of course, it is not only the type of mines that are deployed at this time, but conventional mines are also included.

Especially when fighting in the monkey forest later, this tactic was brought to its peak!

It can be said that even the Monkey Forest War is officially over. But for a long time to come, there were still a lot of places in the Monkey Forest that fell into the death penalty zone!

There is no way, the Takajiang family is extremely rich, so when it comes to laying mines, they only care about density!

After all, aircraft minelaying has the advantages of fast minelaying speed, good maneuverability, not affected by terrain, adaptability to the needs of fighter aircraft, and the ability to carry out long-distance, wide-frontal, and large-depth minelaying.

And now, this tactic happens to be used here. Come to think of it, there is no problem at all in letting Red Fang drink a pot!

It didn't take long for the mine-laying helicopters to arrive at the designated area.

After lowering the height, dozens of processed anti-tank mines and anti-infantry mines dripped down as the soldiers operated and disappeared under the dense green grass.

Speaking of which, the most efficient method of laying mines by aircraft is to use bombers! As long as the cluster mine bombs are dropped, a huge minefield will be laid out.

But...who told Tyrant that there are no bombers here. If there were any, why not lay mines? Just bring dozens of cluster bombs and scatter flowers to the goddesses of the Red Army!

When the time comes, not to mention the 736th Division, even another one will give him a beating!

It's just that, although the speed of helicopter minelaying is the slowest among aircraft minelaying speeds, it is much better than artificial minelaying. Therefore, when the red team arrived here, all the work had been done.


Chu Jun is a tank company commander of the 736th Division Armored Regiment. At this time, he is exposing half of his body and holding a telescope to check the situation ahead.

Of course, what he wanted to see more at this time was the traces of the Blue Army! Because he couldn't wait for the Blue Army to experience how fierce this new little wife under his crotch was!

But unfortunately, no matter how they searched, the Chu army did not find any trace of the Blue Army troops. Obviously, his idea of ​​sharing his little wife failed.

But he was not depressed. First of all, the scenery here was still very good. The verdant grassland is like a carpet, extending directly to the end of the sight. Anyone who sees it will feel relaxed and happy.

Besides, as long as we continue to advance, the Blues guys will show their heads sooner or later. So, take this opportunity to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

For example, this little flower not far away attracted his attention! But at this moment, Chu Jun was suddenly flashed by a metal reflection.

After taking a closer look, a cold sweat appeared on his face!

He saw a huge Type 72 anti-tank mine lying quietly next to the little flower. He was so frightened that he immediately shouted an order in the command channel: "Stop, stop immediately!!!"

The Chu army's reaction speed was very fast, but the Type 72 anti-tank mine exploded even faster! Before he finished speaking, thick yellow smoke was already coming out of a tank walking in the front!

But now the Chu army couldn't care about him anymore, and immediately retracted into the car to switch channels, and said quickly: "Minefield, minefield! All troops stop immediately! Stop immediately!!!"

Following the Chu army's reminder, except for the few combat units on the edge, the remaining units of the 736 Division did not suffer any losses.

Immediately afterwards, the infantrymen on the armored personnel carriers rushed down with minesweepers and began to explore the surrounding area. Then, the expressions of everyone on the red team, from top to bottom, completely changed!

They can't move!


Looking at the Red Army troops that had stopped advancing on the satellite images, Lin Xuan also had a rather proud smile on his face! Then he called in the command channel:

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, the Morning Star is calling the Morning Star is calling! Over!"

"Your Majesty, I have received it. Morning Star, please speak! It's over!"

"All the red troops have stopped advancing. Please confirm their coordinates immediately and guide our troops to attack! Over!"

"The king has received it and will immediately confirm its coordinates and conduct long-range attack guidance! Complete!"

After disconnecting the call with Lin Xuan, Yuan Lang immediately switched channels and ordered excitedly:

"Attention, all combat teams, immediately accurately locate the red troops in the area and report their coordinates! Then prepare to conduct long-range attack guidance! Complete!"

(End of this chapter)

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