Chapter 66
Although it is unclear who attacked them, Yuan Lang knew it very well.

No matter who dares to attack them on this land, he must pay his own life as the price! ! !
Ten minutes later, without Yuan Lang making a sound, everyone was ready to set off again.

After Yuan Lang turned his head and glanced around, he turned his gaze to the direction he came from, prayed silently in his heart, turned around and began to search for clues and continue on his way!

"SIR, I don't understand, why didn't I let me kill them all just now! And just retreated immediately after a surprise attack?" Will held the still warm M249 in both hands, hiding behind a tree trunk Asked out of breath.

Hearing this question, Jonathan looked at Will in astonishment!He was wondering what was going on in Will's head?
After hearing this question, Sorel, who was keeping vigilant, raised his hand to signal another team member to take over his task, then put away the M4 in his hand, took two steps back and retracted his body into a clump of vines before saying:

"That's right, there was indeed a chance to severely injure or kill them all just now! But don't forget, our mission is only to detect the opponent's combat power, not to fight. After you do that, what we have to face What are the consequences, have you thought about it?"

"There is only one consequence, and that is to completely irritate them!"

Having said that, Soroll paused for a moment, then stared closely at Will's dark face:
"Please use your muscular mind to remember that behind them is a huge country just like us!"

"Although their power in the sky and sea is very weak at present, the strongest land power in the world alone is enough to send all of us to hell!"

"Don't forget that on the battlefield decades ago, they were able to defeat our ancestors with their ridiculously simple weapons and outrageous logistical support capabilities!"

"The battle flag of the polar bear is still hanging in their museum!!!"

Thinking of the visual feast he saw not long ago, Sorel's heart trembled a little!When he saw that scene at that time, he already understood that even without the bonus of those advanced equipment, this is an elite whose combat power is no less than theirs!

At the very least, no one in his silver team could command such a delicate battle!

No, maybe even in the top green team, the frontline battlefield commanders may not have such delicate commanding ability.

When Sorel saw this scene, the first thought that came to his mind was to run away immediately.

But Sorrell knew even better that if he really gave the order to run away, what awaited him would be a retirement report waiting to be signed.

Therefore, for the sake of his own future, Sorel could only issue an order for a surprise attack.It's just a raid to complete the task.

After listening to Sorel's words, Will stroked M249 in his arms and fell silent.It is undeniable that what Sorrell said is true, but another fact is that these are old calendars.

The current Eagle Sauce is the Blue Star Spider (homophonic)! ! !

If they were really as powerful as Sorel said, then things about the "Yinhe" and the Seventh Fleet would not be so quiet.

So, all this proves one thing, that is, Sorrell is dead! ! !
Well, if you...

"Report, there is a situation behind." At this moment, the team members who had just been alerted looked at the birds in the sky and said softly with a cold expression.

Sorel immediately poked his head out and looked back. Although he couldn't see the specific situation under the obstruction of the lush vegetation, he could still see the flying bird hovering in the air through the gap between the branches and leaves at the top.

Immediately ordered: "Go ahead and return to the Yellow Triangle as soon as possible!"

After finishing speaking, he took a big step, passed Will and left quickly with a blank expression.

The same goes for the rest of the team members, who didn't even give him a second glance.Only Jonathan tapped him on the shoulder twice as he passed him.

However, what Jonathan meant was to let him not think too much, and hurry up to keep up with the team.Because he has been at the commanding heights, just like Sorel, he has witnessed everything with his own eyes, so he naturally knows what kind of people he is facing.

But in Will's heart, he realized another meaning.That is, you are right!
And this alternative interpretation also strengthened Will's thoughts.

Glancing at the leaving backs of his teammates, and then looking back at himself, Will showed a bloodthirsty and mocking smile on his face, and then quickly followed up.

However, during the march, his eyes were constantly observing the surrounding environment.

He wants to find a suitable place, and then, kill him! ! !

The deep roar of the transport plane continuously echoed in the seventh valley, and at the same time, a piece of gray-black powder swished down from the tail of the aircraft, covering the entire seventh valley!

It didn't take long for the piercing electrical sound in Lin Xuan's ears to disappear.The slightly hot communication equipment also quickly returned to normal temperature.

"Action!" After issuing the action order concisely, Lin Xuan took the lead and marched towards the valley.

And behind him are those newly trained players.

Walking into the valley, Lin Xuan saw the brothers of the third squadron at a glance!

In an instant, the blood surged up, and the eyes were about to burst, but the brain was blank! ! !He never thought that when he saw these brothers again, he would see such a scene!
Among several boulders, many brothers covered in blood leaned on each other and sat on the ground.And behind them are those gathered flour and weapons!
Subconsciously ran towards the brothers, but just after taking two steps, Lin Xuan felt a murderous look on him, which made him suddenly sober!
The next moment, a gunshot rang out suddenly, and a mud flower bloomed less than three meters away from him.

Lin Xuan stopped in a hurry, raised his hands high, looked at the location where the gunshots sounded and shouted: "I am Lin Xuan!!! Bringing people to support you!!!"

Hearing the sound, the guard sentry hurriedly put down the gun in his hand, picked up the binoculars and looked here.After seeing the faces of Lin Xuan and the people behind him clearly, he got out of his hiding place and ran towards here.

Lin Xuan also hurried up to greet him, and at the same time kept shouting beside the microphone: "Command, there are a large number of wounded here who need medical rescue, medical rescue!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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