Anti Qing

Chapter 60 Overall

Chapter 60 Overall
Meat porridge, this is not something you can eat casually. In today's troubled times, the least valuable thing is human life, and the most valuable thing is food.

Using food to support the army, especially an army of tens of thousands, 10,000+ people, eating horses and chewing, is more expensive than any other expenses.

For things like meat porridge, even Li Zicheng was only willing to spend money on things like boosting morale before the Tongguan Battle.

Of the tens of thousands of Dashun troops currently in the city of Xi'an, only the front battalion has this blessing, and the Shun troops in other battalions have to watch eagerly.

This kind of reward is not low. Compared with getting those hard money, the temptation of meat porridge is obviously greater.

The soldiers of the Shun Army in that department were all honored by the reply from the head of the department, and the hearts of the people became closer for a while, and the general prestige of that department also increased a lot.

Seeing this situation, the rest of the soldiers of the former battalion turned suspicious eyes into longing, just waiting for Li Zijing to ask something more.

But Li Zijing didn't ask any more questions, and started pacing back and forth in front of everyone.

Now, Li Zijing's every step caught the eyes of thousands of soldiers in the front battalion, some of them even pouted, ready to answer at any time.

"One step and one drum is slow progress, ten steps and one drum is fast progress, and the continuous sound of drums is a charge."

"This is the rule in my Dashun army, but my Li Zijing's rule should be established now."

"Did I just mention the four words of clear rewards and punishments?"

"Where there is a reward, there is also a punishment!"

Speaking of this, Li Zijing's eyes narrowed slightly, and the atmosphere in the arena became solemn. The soldiers of the former battalion immediately stood upright, with their heads raised and chests raised, waiting for the next sentence.

Just now Li Zijing's reward for that part has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Meat porridge is more persuasive than a hundred taels of silver. These big bosses at least understand one thing.

The newly appointed general in control can keep his word and his orders are unambiguous.

As the atmosphere became more solemn, Li Zijing nodded slightly.

Grinding the gun before the battle, unhappy also light.

Li Zijing especially read the military training regulations in it when he read the martial arts last night. When he saw a sentence, he was like enlightened, and he hit the point all at once.

Whether to advance or not, to retreat or not to retreat, to sit or not to sit, to stand up or not to stand up, to hold back or not to hold back, are all crimes of disrespect in front of battle.

If an army wants to truly form combat effectiveness, it must first know the banner, debate the golden drum, give orders, divide into formations, and know how to advance and retreat.

It is precisely because of the wisdom of the predecessors that Li Zijing was not overwhelmed on the first day of the training, and knew where to start training.

These former battalion soldiers, even ordinary soldiers, followed Li Zicheng all the way back. They all have a good foundation, and what they lack is practice and practice.

These people are very different from the mob recruited by Zuo Liangyu in Wuchang, and they can be trained as the backbone of future military expansion.

But these are soldiers of the Shun Army who were born as peasants, and they are not like Li Zijing, who can understand the Ming Dynasty's traditional and upside-down military books.

If you want them to understand this truth, you need to explain it in their words.

Li Zijing thought for a while and said slowly.

"For one eye, one ear, and one heart, why shouldn't a thief be killed? What merits can't be established?"

"This song was sung among the Ming army, and all brothers must have heard of it."

"Can anyone tell who sang this song and where it came from?"

Many people in the Shun Army were also soldiers from the Ming Dynasty, and they defected to them after many years of fighting, and immediately started whispering to each other when they heard this.

Li Zijing stood there quietly, waiting for their answer.

After a while, the discussion gradually subsided.

"General Huizhi, this song was said by Qi Jiguang when he was training soldiers in Jizhen, and it has been sung in Jizhen as a ballad since then!"

"The little one lived in Ji Town for a few years and heard this song before!"

Li Zijing looked at the veteran soldier who spoke, and nodded slowly.

"That's right, after today's training camp, you can go eat meat porridge with them."

That's what the old soldier was looking forward to, otherwise he would not have answered so hard, he was overjoyed when he heard this, and quickly knelt down on one knee.

"Thank you, General Zhi!"

Li Zijing smiled at him, then turned around.

"That's what I want to say. If you want one to stop a hundred, first of all, a hundred people should be treated as one person, order and prohibit, advance and retreat as one!"

"What is it based on?"

Li Zijing walked to the drum, holding a flag in one hand and a drumstick in the other.

"It depends on them!"

"Flags wave, drums thunder!"

"On the battlefield, this is a military order!"

Suddenly, the drumstick in Li Zijing's hand hit the war drum beside him.


A thunderous drum sound resounded in everyone's hearts, but everyone was still immersed in Li Zijing's speech just now.

Even the officers were puzzled and at a loss.

Li Zijing's expression became gloomy, and he scanned the former battalion soldiers in front of him.

"What are you waiting for?"

"One step at a time!"

"What are you going to do?"

Under Li Zijing's repeated questioning, everyone came to their senses at this moment, step by step, every step is for slow progress!

When they came back to their senses, the soldiers of the front battalion rushed forward hurriedly, but there were still some who didn't react and were knocked down severely by the people behind.

All of a sudden, everyone fell to their backs and fell to the ground.

People from the Central Army, the Left Camp, and the Right Camp had been practicing for a while, and when they saw this, they all cast amused and curious eyes over them.

The two Chinese generals stood together with sneers on their faces.

They were not very optimistic about Li Zijing, a little Chuang Wang who had no experience in leading troops, but now they saw that things were indeed as they expected.

The former battalion made a fool of themselves in the big training, and as the main battalion, they couldn't even get out of the queue at the Xi'an school grounds.

Queues, that's the most basic thing, if so, is there still a need for the front battalion to continue to exist?

"Isn't that someone from the front battalion? What are they doing?"

The other person kept shaking his head, with a slight sigh in his tone.

"After General Gu's death in Qingdu, the front battalion was disbanded. Although the new general Xiao Chuang Wang has a good strategy, he has no experience in leading an army alone."

"Your Majesty let King Chuang lead the army alone. Many brothers are not very optimistic about it. It is really risky to send him to Jingxiang."

At first, the general of the Chinese army had a cold smile on his face, looking at the training ground of the forward battalion.

"That's right, I think it's better to be directly assigned to our central army, because it saves embarrassment here, and it's called the main battalion."

"In the battle of Tongguan, King Xiao Chuang's strategy was indeed convincing. Staying in Xi'an to make suggestions, I don't think he is inferior to a military adviser."

"But now he is asked to lead the army alone, or the former battalion that has been beaten and disabled by the Qing army. I think he is still too high on him."

The two looked at each other and smiled, turning their heads to train their subordinates.

In front of them, the soldiers of the Chinese army in blue arrow uniforms were marching in unison with the beat of the drums, which formed a sharp contrast with the front battalion.

Li Zijing looked at the chaos in front of him, and the expression on his face became more and more ugly.

After a while, the soldiers of the front battalion lined up again, but everyone's faces were ugly.

It wasn't just Li Zijing who was criticized just now, but also them.

Only then did the soldiers of the front battalion understand the true meaning of Li Zijing's words that the front battalion is a whole.

Indeed, in the eyes of outsiders, they are the entire front battalion, not standing here by themselves.

But many people are dissatisfied because they feel that if they were told in advance, their performance would not be so bad at all.

In the past, the drills were all told in advance what to practice, and then they would practice. This time the drum sound was too sudden.

"General, the little one is not convinced!"

Soon, a famous department head stood up with a look of resentment.

 Thank you for the 5000 starting point coins from sailing book friends.

(End of this chapter)

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