Headwind of the Red Mansion

Chapter 26 Don't Pout Up So High

Chapter 26 Don't Pout Up So High
Saber technique is a great weapon for cavalry in melee combat.

Long-distance still depends on bows and arrows. Although there are firearms in this era, they are extremely backward. Compared with firearms [before the popularity of flintlocks and breech-loading rifles], bows and arrows have the advantage of fast rate of fire.

For example, a matchlock gun can only fire 1-2 rounds per minute, while a skilled archer with a reasonable pound bow can even fire thirty arrows in one minute.

Bows on the battlefield are usually eight-strength, that is, eighty catties of pulling force, and strong arms, that is, ten-strength bows.

The hundred-forged gold bow that Jia Qiang obtained was twelve-strength.

Fortunately, Qin Keqing threw herself into her arms, and Jia Qiang gained 20 years of internal strength cultivation, and can easily draw a bow with twelve strengths.

In her previous life, as a mercenary instructor, Jia Qiang mainly played with guns.

The so-called marksmanship is fed by tens of thousands of bullets. After rebirth, the spirit and soul are merged, and the feeling and accuracy of the gun are still there.

People with good marksmanship can play cold weapons, as long as their body shape is coordinated and their bows are integrated, their archery skills will never be bad.

Although Jia Qiang seldom plays cold weapons, she has heard about the skills of archery. Archery is the unity of arm strength, body coordination, and eyesight.

As for eyesight, it was Jia Qiang's strong point.

Perhaps because of the fusion of the two souls, the memory has been greatly increased, the photographic memory has also been greatly improved, and the eyesight has also been greatly improved, almost twice that of ordinary people. Birds and birds a hundred steps away can be seen clearly.

According to legend, in ancient times, there was a sharpshooter who hung a louse a hundred steps away, and an arrow shot could penetrate the louse.

The sharp archer stared at the lice all day long, and after ten days, the lice gradually grew bigger in the eyes of the sharp archer;
Three years later, it feels as big as a wheel.

Looking at the rest of the surrounding things, they are all as big as hills.So shoot at the louse, right through the center of the louse, without breaking the hair that tethers the louse

Such a realm has been recorded in the classics and is well-known.

As time goes by, people regard the "pig louse" as a pinnacle of archery and archery.

Although Jia Qiang couldn't call the bird a big wheel, she felt like she was on target.

With regard to archery, it is divided into three realms: entry level, small achievement and great achievement.

Introductory, static target, people do not move, the target does not move, such as standing and shooting leaves a hundred steps away.

Xiaocheng, a dynamic target, the target is moving while the person is not moving, such as shooting birds in the air, or riding a horse running at high speed to shoot a static haystack man.

Dacheng, drifting targets, people and targets are moving, such as riding on galloping horses, shooting birds in the sky.

Not to mention drifting targets, if you can shoot from thirty paces away, you are already a master in riding and archery!
It must be done with the heart and the arrow, no need to aim, it's all about feeling!
Jia Qiang didn't aim too high, she jumped off the horse to warm up, starting with the most basic static target practice, standing, reflexive, and jumping.

Lunge and half squat, put on the tiger tendon string, draw the bow and shoot the arrow, the blue veins burst out, the big pieces of flesh also bulge and squeeze and connect with each other, the bowstring explodes, the autumn moon bows round, and the sound of flicking seems to cut the air.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The bowstring snapped three times.

Three powerful arrows chased after each other, and shot away like a meteor. The first arrow hit the red heart of the target two hundred paces away, and then the last two arrows pierced through the air one after another. string.

"Such strong physical strength, accurate archery skills, ruthless and accurate shots!"

The eyes of Tian Yan and Tian Mi beside Ruoshui were full of burning heat and envy.


Seventy percent of the army uses lower bows of six to eight strengths, with a range of thirty to sixty paces.Twenty percent use a medium-strength bow with eight to ten strengths, with a range of sixty to eighty steps.

However, only [-]% of the strength above ten, the so-called "hundred step piercing Yang", is completely rare.

After finding the feeling, Jia Qiang began to shoot in high spirits.

Every time I draw my bow, I feel like iron being tempered in a furnace. The big muscles, small muscles, and every muscle and bone in my body are twisted into a rope in a very coordinated way, as if iron is being tempered in a furnace. Beat mediocre.

After shooting ten arrows in a row, my arms were sore, my body was exhausted, my whole body was drenched, and I was sweating profusely.

"This is body skills, body training, and archery practice all at once!"

Simply take off your coat, the typical one looks thinner when you put on clothes, but you have flesh when you take off your clothes.

The strong, bronze-colored tendon flesh is covered with crystal beads of sweat, exuding a healthy luster under the warm sun.Consciously or unintentionally, she shows off her massive chest and abdominal muscles, implying strong explosive power.

The sword eyebrows fly into the temples obliquely, the eyes are like shining stars, the sculpted face seems to be chiseled by an axe, the dragon is majestic, he shakes his head, sweat splashes everywhere, like a cheetah ready to pounce, it looks even more handsome, upright and wild uninhibited!

"You idiot, why did you take off your coat?"

On the side, Ruoshui, who was playing with a four-strength bow, shot at the scarecrow twenty paces away, dripping with sweat, looking at Jia Qiang who was full of explosive power, a stone was thrown from the heart lake, spring waves rippling, and her pretty face lit up Flushed, but full of imagination.

"It's so beautiful and has strong muscles, isn't it like a block of iron?"

"If a beautiful woman is in your arms, then you will be a real little bird, with both hardness and softness! Speech, why did you think of this?"


Jia Qiang looked at Ruoshui's face covered with fine sweat, and it was even more rosy, peachy and apricot, and Yan jealous of Yingying, her heart moved, and she smiled brightly:

"Brother Ruoshui's white and tender skin is so beautiful, just like me, taking off his clothes and bathing in the breeze, it's extremely refreshing, and he won't get sick from sweating!"


Ruoshui's face turned red immediately, feeling that this idiot did it on purpose, but he shyly said with bright eyes, "I'm weak and I can't see the wind!"

"Also, your saber skills and archery skills must be in the first echelon in the army."

Jiantong's water waves sparkled with admiration, which greatly benefited Jia Qiang, and she was full of pride.

"Brother Ruoshui, your archery posture is not coordinated and smooth enough, you have to imagine that your whole body contains many invisible bows.

The body is a bow, the arms are a bow, the back is a bow, the waist is a bow, and the legs are a bow...

Follow my poses. "

Jia Qiang and Ruoshui stood side by side, gesticulating with their marks and figures.

Ruoshui personally witnessed Jia Qiang's archery skills, and he admired Jia Qiang's archery skills, so he drew a ladle from a gourd and imitated it.

As a qualified instructor, it is not just a demonstration, but a hands-on teaching.

Arm, raise a little.

Legs, squat down a little.

Keep your waist straight.

Ruoshui was like a puppet, Jia Qiang's hands were up and down, his face seemed to be covered with rouge, and when he supported his waist, he almost limp on the ground, but he still couldn't bear it.

The two female guards looked at the embarrassed Ruoshui with a look of surprise on their faces, then turned around and secretly pursed their lips and smiled.

"Put your chest out, draw your hips in.

Tell you to keep your butt back, don't push it so high..." Jia Qiang couldn't help but say, "Slap!" It was just a slap, and her hips immediately rippled.


Ruoshui screamed, and bounced away like a rabbit, his face was blood red, his eyes were filled with a layer of mist, almost dripping water, and he gave Jia Qiang a hard look.

Tian Yan and Tian Mi's almond eyes widened suddenly, dumbfounded.

"Brother Ruoshui, why do you look like a delicate little milk dog who grew up with a pile of makeup? He has no manliness!" Jia Qiang's face was full of righteousness, showing the air of an instructor.

"You?" Ruoshui looked at Jia Qiang who looked astonished and innocent, and said angrily, "I don't like other people's hands and feet!"

Annoyed in his heart, "This idiot, dare to hit... my butt... No one has ever touched it?! I am so ashamed."

"Aren't we all men?!" Jia Qiang had a simple and honest face, scratching her head at a loss, "Besides, it's not normal for Pao Ze to eat and sleep together on the battlefield!"

"I don't care about others..."

Ruoshui's teeth intertwined, angry and angry, "From now on, if you dare to touch me again, I will... break up with you!"

"Okay...well." Jia Qiang's eyes were full of puzzlement and regret, and then said narrowly, "If you accidentally fall into the cesspit, I won't pull you?"

"Jia Yizhen..."

Ruoshui sipped softly, his eyes sparkled with fire, and he cursed secretly, "I don't know if you're really stupid or just pretending to be stupid, I'm really mad at you."

"Okay, okay..." Jia Qiang backed away pretending to be terrified, and said in a low voice, "From now on, even if you beg me to touch you, I won't touch you!"


Ruoshui Hongxia has not retreated, and the red clouds are dyed layer upon layer, "I still beg you to touch it? Dreaming?!"

"Practice yourself first, I want to hurry up and practice riding and shooting!"

Although a military officer like him with military achievements does not need to take the martial arts test, after all, riding and shooting is more practical.

Seeing that Jia Qiang was no longer entangled, and galloped towards the shooting range on horseback, Ruoshui breathed a sigh of relief, and rubbed the place where he was beaten, it was hot, numb, and seemed a little lost.

[Jiang Ruoshui happiness index: original 20, +10, now 30]


"No wonder it is said that girls' feelings are always poetry, so it's okay?!"

A sly smile filled Jia Qiang's eyebrows.

 The curtain slowly opened, and the face-to-face was about to begin, and the more exciting it became.

(End of this chapter)

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